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The Euler theorem has been widely used in finance as a way to decompose homogeneous risk measures of degree one. Unfortunately, this decomposition does not isolate the true sources of risk.

The Minimum Torsion Bets (MTB) offers a solution to this problem: it uses the spectral decomposition to “pick” the uncorrelated factors that are as close as possible to the original variables, among all living matrix rotations.

The output is a diversification distribution with the following properties: it’s always positive, sums to 1, capture the true sources risk and have an insightful interpretation. The above characteristics put the Effective Number of Minimum Torsion Bets as a generalization of the Marginal Contribution to Risk (MCR).



# prepare data
returns <- diff(log(EuStockMarkets))
covariance <- cov(returns)
# Minimum Torsion Matrix
torsion_mat <- torsion(covariance)
# Prior Allocation (equal weights, for example)
w <- rep(1 / ncol(returns), ncol(returns))

# Compute allocation and diversification level
effective_bets(b = w, sigma = covariance, t = torsion_mat)
#> $p
#>           [,1]
#> DAX  0.2673005
#> SMI  0.2404370
#> CAC  0.2776369
#> FTSE 0.2146256
#> $enb
#> [1] 3.980549
# maximize the effective number of bets (enb)
max_effective_bets(x0 = w, sigma = covariance, t = torsion_mat)
#> $weights
#> [1] 0.2227163 0.2603372 0.2114589 0.3054876
#> $enb
#> [1] 4
#> $counts
#>      nfval ngval
#> [1,]    47     9
#> $lambda_lb
#>      [,1]
#> DAX     0
#> SMI     0
#> CAC     0
#> FTSE    0
#> $lambda_ub
#>      [,1]
#> DAX     0
#> SMI     0
#> CAC     0
#> FTSE    0
#> $lambda_eq
#> [1] 1.162481e-06
#> $gradient
#>               [,1]
#> DAX   1.966953e-06
#> SMI  -4.768372e-06
#> CAC   8.940697e-06
#> FTSE -3.337860e-06
#> $hessian
#>             DAX        SMI        CAC       FTSE
#> DAX   5.3149468 -1.4603802 -1.4893686 -0.5169268
#> SMI  -1.4603802  5.2212615 -3.6528175 -0.9075766
#> CAC  -1.4893686 -3.6528175  6.3451210 -0.5218244
#> FTSE -0.5169268 -0.9075766 -0.5218244  7.6046588


Install the released version from CRAN with:


Install the development version of uncorbets from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")
