
Lifecycle: maturing R-CMD-check Codecov test coverage CRAN status


testdat is designed to ease data validation, particularly for complex data processing, inspired by software unit testing. testdat extends the strong and flexible unit testing framework already provided by testthat with a family of functions and reporting tools focused on checking of data frames.

Features include:


You can install the released version of testdat from CRAN with:


And the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


See the Introduction to testdat vignette for a detailed introduction.

library(testdat, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#> Loading required package: testthat
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

x <- tribble(
  ~id, ~pcode, ~state, ~nsw_only,
  1,   2000,   "NSW",  1,
  2,   3123,   "VIC",  NA,
  3,   2123,   "NSW",  3,
  4,   12345,  "VIC",  3

with_testdata(x, {
  test_that("id is unique", {
  test_that("variable values are correct", {
    expect_values(pcode, 2000:2999, 3000:3999)
    expect_values(state, c("NSW", "VIC"))
    expect_values(nsw_only, 1:3) # by default expect_values allows NAs
  test_that("filters applied correctly", {
    expect_base(nsw_only, state == "NSW")
#> Test passed 🌈
#> ── Failure (<text>:18:5): variable values are correct ──────────────────────────
#> get_testdata() has 1 records failing value check on variable `pcode`.
#> Filter: None
#> Arguments: `<int: 2000L, 2001L, 2002L, 2003L, 2004L, ...>, <int: 3000L, 3001L, 3002L,`
#> get_testdata() has 1 records failing value check on variable `pcode`.
#> Filter: None
#> Arguments: `  3003L, 3004L, ...>, miss = <chr: NA, "">`
#> Error: Test failed