R6 is the alternative class system available for R users. It is more driven towards Object Oriented Programming vs Functional Programming that is most known to R users via built-in S3 class system.
R6 is ideal for creating more complex systems - it keeps all their elements enclosed in their own environment. Most of R users actually uses R6 objects on daily basis: eg. the whole Shiny system is built as system of R6 objects.
Basically, all there is to know about R6 system in regards to shiny.reglog usage is, that:
. They can be either fields, holding some values, or methods containing functions.If you want to get to know more about R6 system as a whole I advise you to check out articles created by R6 maintainers. Below I will talk more thoroughly about RegLogServer class and its public fields and methods.
There are multiple public elements to RegLogServer. To keep them in order, I will describe them on basis of their usage. In all code chunks I will refer to them as if they would be called from an object assigned as RegLogServer:
<- RegLogServer$new(
RegLogServer dbConnector = dbConnector,
mailConnector = mailConnector)
Elements described there are the most important things that every creator of ShinyApp that incorporates shiny.reglog should be using to profit from user login. All of them are reactiveVal
objects, so you can observe
their changes and to access their current value you need to include them with parentheses.
is a simple boolean value to check if the user in current session is logged in (TRUE
) or not (FALSE
# observe the reactiveVal change
observeEvent(RegLogServer$is_logged, {
# if contains TRUE: user is currently logged-in
if (RegLogServer$is_logged()) {
showModal(modalDialog(title = "You are logged in!"))
# if contains FALSE: user isn't logged-in
else {
} showModal(modalDialog(title = "You are not logged in!"))
} })
field (character string): unique user ID. When the user isn’t logged it contains generated at the start of the session (or after logout) Universally Unique Identifier (with the use of uuid::UUIDgenerate()
uuid#> [1] "a3d4708f-d12f-4b10-842e-a194066940ea"
After login it contains the username that the user have chosen during registration procedure.
$user_id() RegLogServer
field (character string): unique user email. When the user is logged in, it contains the email that is currently associated with their user_id. Otherwise, it contains empty character string (""
$user_mail() RegLogServer
field (character string): unique account ID. It provides the simple way to relate to the specific logged users in other, custom tables in the database (eg.: settings saved for specific users).
$account_id() RegLogServer
You can insert an event to logout user by calling public method.
# if you create an actionButton "logout_button" in your UI, you can observe
# its action and logout after press:
observeEvent(input$logout_button, {
RegLogServer })
There are dedicated functions for creating UI for different functionalities of the RegLog system: RegLog_login_UI
, RegLog_register_UI
, RegLog_credsEdit_UI
and RegLog_resetPass_UI
. They put whole default tagLists
into the UI, though.
It is expected that there will be users who would want more freedom with how their UI should look like. That’s why there are dedicated public fields containing named lists of UI elements for all of these functionalities. You can use these to create your own, custom renderUI
containing elements of login procedure tagsUI_list_register
containing elements of register procedure tagsUI_list_credsEdit
containing elements of credentials edit procedure tagsUI_list_resetPass
containing elements of reset password procedure tagsmessage
field is another reactiveVal
value that can be used to observe any change of the RegLogServer object state. It always contains most recent object of S3 class RegLogConnectorMessage, that the RegLogServer received from its dbConnector or was specifically generated to communicate specific status changes.
Messages received from mailConnector aren’t exposed in this field. Instead, they are exposed in
field. They are separated because they don’t idicate a change in state of RegLog system itself - instead, they just show the feedback from mail sending service.
Creation of custom logic depending on its change isn’t at all necessary. It can be handy especially when for any reason you want to inhibit the default modalDialogs that are called by RegLogServer to inform end-user about consequences of their actions (eg. successful login or unsuccessful, because the inputed user ID or password is incorrect).
Every RegLogConnectorMessage is specific type of list and can contain up to four elements:
when it was generatedlog
field. Content there will be saved as a note in the logs.Below I want to characterize all types of RegLogConnectorMessages that can be exposed in the RegLogServer$message()
field. Besides them there are also messages that are send by the RegLogServer to its Connectors. To learn more about these, read vignette Creating custom RegLogConnector handlers.
Conditions for every default modalDialog are written in the order they should be checked in for best results. Conditions written like
value == FALSE
can be checked like that - the message of given type always contains this object. Conditions written likeisFALSE(value)
means that the specified value in the message can beNULL
Type of the message that is produced by all classes inheriting from RegLogConnector upon their initialization, making it also the very first available in RegLogServer$message()
field. Received message of this type contains:
Type of the message generated by RegLogServer object itself. Contains information about invalidity of values provided during login procedure by user. It contains:
This message type is binded with default modalDialogs:
input_provided == FALSE
)Type of the message received from the database connectors with responses about login procedure. It contains:
if the login was successfulTRUE
if the username exists in the databaseTRUE
if the password provided matchRegLogServer$user_id()
. Only if success == TRUE
. Only if success == TRUE
This message type is binded with default modalDialogs:
data$success == FALSE && data$username == FALSE
)data$success == FALSE && data$password == FALSE
)data$success == TRUE
)Type of the message generated by RegLogServer object itself. Contains information about invalidity of values provided during register procedure by user. It contains:
if all needed inputs were providedTRUE
if provided user ID was validTRUE
if provided email was validTRUE
if provided password was validFALSE
(it is the last condition checked)This message type is binded with default modalDialogs:
data$input_provided == FALSE
)Type of the message received from the database connector with responses about register procedure. It contains:
if the register was successfulTRUE
if there were no conflicts with existing usernames in the databaseTRUE
if there were no conflicts with existing e-mails in the databasesuccess == TRUE
success == TRUE
This message type is binded with default modalDialogs:
data$success == FALSE && data$username == FALSE
)data$success == FALSE && data$email == FALSE
)data$success == TRUE
)Type of the message generated by RegLogServer object itself. Contains information about invalidity of values provided during credentials change procedure by user. It contains:
(generated only when something is invalid)TRUE
if user is currently logged inTRUE
if required inputs are not emptyTRUE
if provided user ID was validTRUE
if provided email was validTRUE
if provided password was validFALSE
(it is the last condition checked)This message type is binded with default modalDialogs:
data$user_logged == FALSE
)isFALSE(data$input_provided) && change == "pass"
)isFALSE(data$input_provided) && change == "other"
)Type of the message received from the database connector with responses about credentials edit procedure. It contains:
if credentials edit was successfulTRUE
if provided username was foundTRUE
if provided password was correctTRUE
if provided new ID weren’t in database (no conflicts). Only if there were some conflict.TRUE
if provided new e-mail weren’t in database (no conflicts). Only if there were some conflict.TRUE
. Only if user password was changed.This message type is binded with default modalDialogs:
data$success == FALSE && data$username == FALSE
)data$success == FALSE && data$password == FALSE
)data$success == FALSE && isFALSE(data$username)
)data$success == FALSE && isFALSE(data$email)
)data$success == TRUE
)Type of the message generated by RegLogServer object itself. Contains information about invalidity of values provided during password reset procedure by user. It contains:
(message generated only when something is invalid)generate
or confirm
, depending on the step of the processTRUE
if the inputs required for specific step were providedTRUE
if provided password was validFALSE
(it is the last condition checked)This message type is binded with default modalDialogs:
data$step == "generate" && isFALSE(data$input_provided)
)data$step == "confirm" && isFALSE(data$input_provided)
)Type of the message received from the database connector with responses about password reset procedure - code generation step. It contains:
if reset code was created successfullyTRUE
if the username was found in the databaseThis message type is binded with default modalDialog:
data$username == FALSE
)data$success == TRUE
)Type of the message received from the database connector with responses about password reset procedure - code confirmation step. It contains:
if the password was changed successfullyTRUE
if the username was found in the databaseTRUE
if the reset code was valid (both matched and not expired)This message type is binded with default modalDialogs:
data$username == FALSE
)data$success == TRUE
)Type of the message generated by RegLogServer itself, indicating that the user have been logged out. It contains:
if the user was logged in and have been logged outThis message type is binded with default modalDialog:
data$success == FALSE
)data$success == TRUE
field contains last RegLogConnectorMessage received from mailConnector. It only provides information about last process of sending email, which don’t signalize the change of the data or state of current login session, so it is separated from much more important message
This type of message is received after default e-mail sending from all RegLog processess. It contains:
if the email was sent sucessfullysuccess == FALSE
it will also contain error message.This type of message isn’t received during regular RegLog run. It is a response to message that you can use to send a custom e-mail. It contains the same responses as reglog_mail message.
To send a custom email using mailConnector, pass to its listener a RegLogConnectorMessage of type custom_mail, as in example below:
# you can observe some kind of event to trigger the send
observeEvent(input$send_custom_email, {
# as the username and email will be acquired from RegLogServer,
# it is best to make sure that the user is logged-in
<- RegLogConnectorMessage(
message_to_send type = "custom_mail",
# name your process in some unique way - it will be tracked by the app
# and saved into logs
process = "attachement_mail!",
# username and email can be gotten from RegLogServer
username = RegLogServer$user_id(),
email = RegLogServer$user_mail(),
# we can specify the subject and body of message ourselves
mail_subject = "Custom message with attachement",
# it's best for the body to contain html code
mail_body = "<p>This is a custom message send from my App</p>
<p>It is completely optional, but that kind of message can also
contain an attachment!</p>",
# optionally: attachment
mail_attachement = "files/myplot.png"
) })
During the lifespan of the session, RegLogServer object sends, shows and receives many different RegLogConnectorMessages. By default, all messages send to its dbConnector and mailConnector and received back are saved into the RegLogServer$logs
field, into separate lists per direction. There are also some messages that are only shown by the object (namely all messages with “_front” suffix and message of type logout)
They contain following information:
of the message is savedYou can use public method to get whole content of the logs collected up to this point in time in the form of data.frame.
<- RegLogServer$get_logs() logs_df
As the whole RegLog system is created with elasticity in mind, there are also many options for customizing the behaviour of RegLogServer object.
During RegLogServer object initialization you can specify some arguments:
- name of your application that will show up in default emails sent to your users. Defaults to the name of root folder of your application.
- URL to your application that will show up in default emails sent to your users. Defaults to the URL that the App is accessed on the client side (actually: NULL
, as the address is got on session start)
- language in which the default texts are presented. Defaults to “en” for English. You can also specify “i18” for the RegLog to show only the content identifiers for ease of building your own translations using external tools, eg. shiny.i18n.
- defaults to NULL. Can be a named list of character vectors that should be used in place of defined text for language of your choosing (to check them out, use RegLog_texts()
You can define custom texts during initialization of RegLogServer:
# initialize new RegLogServer object
<- RegLogServer$new(
RegLog # assign created dbConnector and mailConnector
dbConnector = dbConnector,
mailConnector = mailConnector,
# replace default title and body of `login_success` modalDialog
custom_txts = list(
login_success_t = "Welcome!",
login_success_b = "Hi! It's nice to see you logged into our ShinyApp!"
) )
- defaults to TRUE. If specified as FALSE
, no default modals will be shown. You can also inhibit only specific modal dialogs by providing named list of FALSE values. Eg:
# initialize new RegLogServer object
<- RegLogServer$new(
RegLog # assign created dbConnector and mailConnector
dbConnector = dbConnector,
mailConnector = mailConnector,
# inhibit default 'login_success' and 'register_success' modals
use_modals = list(
login_success = FALSE,
register_success = FALSE
) )