rfm 0.2.2
This is a patch release for an urgent bug fix.
- Avoid overwriting of segments (@leungi, #67)
rfm 0.2.1
This is a patch release for minor bug fixes and enhancements.
- update vignettes (#50)
- ggplot2 changes (#54)
- option to return plot objects (#60)
- frequency bin class (#57)
- user specified threshold for scores (#63)
rfm 0.2.0
This is a minor release for bug fixes and enhancements.
- Export plot prep data (#20)
- Default customer segments (#24)
- Median Recency (#26)
- Median frequency (#27)
- Median monetary value (#28)
Bug Fixes
- Error in segmentation plot (#36)
- Duplicated vignette titles (#42)
rfm 0.1.1
Patch release to fix the shiny app.
rfm 0.1.0
This is a minor release for bug fixes and enhancements.
- Shiny app for interactive analysis (#1)
- Use customer data as input (#3)
rfm 0.0.1
First release