Changes in version 1.0.1
- Fixed similarity() and dissimilarity() after changes for Cosine in
package proxy (reported by Artur Gramacki).
- dropNA now always creates a dgCMatrix.
Changes in version 1.0.0
- calcPredictionAccuracy now works with negative values for given
(all-but-x). A negative value produces an error with instructions.
- We require now proxy version >= 0.4-26 which fixed a conversion
bug for cosine similarity.
- RECOM_AR now respects already know items (code provided by
- evaluate: keepModel = TRUE now works (bug reported by
- Recom_SVD: fixed issue with missing values set to zero (bug reported
- Ratings of zero are now fully supported. We use .Machine$double.xmin
to represent 0 in sparse matices. zapsmall() can be used to change them
back to 0.
- topNList has now a method c() to combine multiple lists.
- RECOM_AR: Ratings are now equal to quality measure used for
- HYBRIDRECOMMENDER: add “max” and “min” aggregation.
- removeKnownRatings is now sparse.
- RECOM_RANDOM now has parameter range to specify the rating
Changes in version 0.2-7
New Features
- The MovieLense data set includes now also user meta
- getConfusionMatrix() is deprecated. Use getResults() instead.
- added an example for how to evaluate hybrid recommenders.
- calcPredicition now also reports N.
- calcPredicition now stores the list length for multiple top-N lists
as a column called n in the result (instead of using rownames).
- UBCF for binary data: Fixed normalization for option weighted
(reported by bhawwash).
- Fixed problems with less than k neighbors (reported by weiy6).
- Fixed incorrect description of comparisons in vignette.
Changes in version 0.2-6
New Features
- ratingMatrix gained method hasRatings.
- Recommender gained method “HYBRID” to create hybrid recommenders.
Now hybrid recommenders can also be used in evaluate().
- similarity gained parameters min_matching and min_predictive.
- predict for Recommender RANDOM now uses the correct user ids in the
prediction (reported by aliko-str).
- fixed weight bug in Recommender UBCF (reported by aliko-str).
- Recommender UBCF now removes self-matches if item ids are specified
in newdata. Specifying data in predict is no longer necessary. (reported
by aliko-str).
- HybridRecommender now handles NAs in predictions correctly (was
handled as 0).
Changes in version 0.2-5
- predict with type “ratingMatrix” now returns predictions for the
known ratings instead of replacing them with the known values.
- Recommender methods Popular, AR and RERECOMMENDER now also return
ratings for binary data (and thus can be used for
- Added a LIBMF-based recommender.
- evaluationScheme with negative numbers for given (all-but-x scheme)
now works even if there are no given items left (reported by
Changes in version 0.2-4
- Fixed bug in denormalization by column with z-score (reported by
- Fixed bug in predict with type “ratingMatrix” where known values
were not denormalized (reported by MounirHader).
Changes in version 0.2-3
- Fixed bug in ALS_implicit (reported by equalise).
- getData for binaryRatingMatrix data with type “known” and “unknown”
preserves now user ids/rownames (reported by Kasia Kulma).
- predict for HybridRecommender now retains user IDs (reported by
- Removed warning about using drop in subsetting ratingMatrices
(reported by donnydongchen).
Changes in version 0.2-2
- predict for IBCF now returns top-N lists correctly.
- (cross) dissimilarity for binary data now returns the correct data
type (reported by inkrement).
Changes in version 0.2-1
New Features
- Added recommender method ALS and ALS_implicit based on latent
factors and alternating least squares (contributed by Bregt
- Changes in recommendation method AR: Default for maxlen is now 3 to
find more specific rules. Parameters measure and decreasing for sorting
the rule base are now called sort_measure and sort_decreasing. New
parameter apriori_control can be used to pass a control list to apriori
in arules.
- The registry now has a reference field.
- Fixed bug in method IBCF with n being ignored in predict (reported
by Giorgio Alfredo Spedicato).
Changes in version 0.2-0
- Added recommender RERECOMMEND to recommend highly rated items again
(e.g., movies to watch again).
- Added a hybrid recommender (HybridRecommender).
- realRatingMatrix supports now subset assignment with [.
- RECOM_POPULAR now shows the parameters in the registry.
- RECOM_RANDOM produced now random ratings from the estimated
distribution of the available recommendations (from a normal
distribution with the user’s means and standard deviation).
- predict now checks if newdata (number of items) is compatible with
the model.
- getTopNLists and bestN gained a randomized argument to increase
prediction diversity.
- Added getRatings method for topNList.
Changes in version 0.1-9
- FIX: rownames of newdata are now preserved in prediction
- We use testthat now.
- Normalization now can be done on rows and columns at the same
- SVD with column-mean imputation now folds in new users.
- Added Funk SVD (funkSVD and recommender SVDF).
- Added function error measures: MAE, MSE, RMSE, frobenius
- Jester5k contains now the jokes.
- MovieLense contains now movie meta information.
- topNLists now also contains ratings.
- Removed obsolete PCA-based recommender.
Changes in version 0.1-8
- Fixed several problems in the vignette.
- predict for realRatingMatrix accepts now type = “ratingMatrix” to
returns a completed rating matrix.
- Negative values for given in evaluationScheme implement
all-but-given evaluation.
- Method “SVD” used now EM-based approximation from package bcv.
Changes in version 0.1-7
- NAMESPACE now imports non standard R packages.
Changes in version 0.1-5
- Fixed NAMESPACE problems.
- Evaluation of ratings is now better integrated into evaluate.
- binarize keeps now dimnames.
Changes prior to 0.1-4
Alpha version 0.1-0