This vignette shows the Preregistration Template for Qualitative and Quantitative Ethnographic Studies form. It can be initialized as follows:
initialized_preregQE_v0_93 ::prereg_initialize(
After this, content can be specified with preregr::prereg_specify() or preregr::prereg_justify. To check the next field(s) for which content still has to be specified, use preregr::prereg_next_item().
The form is defined as follows (use preregr::form_show() to show the form in the console, instead):
A preregistration is a way to design your research project before you begin and to document your decisions, rationale. A template such as this one can be employed to think about what you want to do and how, and subsequently, if you wish, you can submit the finished preregistration to a registry, such as OSF’s ( This template was developed to aid the preregistration of quantitative ethnographic studies, but due to its modular nature, it can be employed for qualitative studies as well.
Download this template from its OSF repository or from this link:
Fill it out. If any items don’t make sense for your project or you have not made a decision about them at this point, feel free to leave them blank or delete them.
Submit it. This webpage has detailed instructions on submitting a preregistration to OSF:
Please note: When you select a registration form, be sure to choose “Open-ended registration” if you are using this particular template.
Please specify what constitutes metadata and/or attributes in your study.
Metadata = data about the data collection process or the data itself (interviewer, date of interview, timestamp, etc.)
Attributes = characteristics of data providers (e.g., age, sex, education of cases)