Evolutionary distinctiveness is a metric that quantifies how isolated a species is on a phylogenetic tree – some species have few or no close living relatives.
The standard method for calculating evolutionary distinctiveness is either by using the R
packages picante
or caper
. For very large trees, such calculation is a memory-intensive operation and a bottle-neck for these algorithms.
Because of these challenges, we developed a new method in our phyloregion
package that speeds up the process significantly to produce results in seconds! Here’s how:
Let’s try computing evolutionary distinctiveness for a tree with 5,000 species:
# packages we benchmark
<- ape::rcoal(5000)
<- function(x) picante::evol.distinct(x, type="fair.proportion")
ed_picante <- function(x) caper::ed.calc(x)
ed_caper <- function(x) phyloregion::evol_distinct(x, type="fair.proportion")
<- bench::mark(picante=ed_picante(tree),
res caper=ed_caper(tree),
phyloregion=ed_phyloregion(tree), check=FALSE)
## # A tibble: 3 x 6
## expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec`
## <bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm> <dbl> <bch:byt> <dbl>
## 1 picante 11.9m 11.9m 0.00140 287.9GB 0.122
## 2 caper 21.1s 21.1s 0.0474 21.6GB 0.284
## 3 phyloregion 64.5ms 67.2ms 14.8 882.2KB 0
is several orders of magnitude faster and efficient in memory allocation than the other packages.
The function in phyloreegion
is called evol_distinct
and it is used as follows:
evol_distinct(tree, type = c("equal.splits", "fair.proportion"), ...)
If you find this vignette tutorial useful, please cite in publications as:
Daru, B.H., Karunarathne, P. & Schliep, K. (2020) phyloregion: R package for biogeographic regionalization and macroecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11: 1483-1491. doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.13478.