Provides functions to estimate mixed probit models using, for instance, pedigree data like in <doi:10.1002/sim.1603>. The models are also commonly called liability threshold models. The approximation is based on direct log marginal likelihood approximations like the randomized Quasi-Monte Carlo suggested by <doi:10.1198/106186002394> with a similar procedure to approximate the derivatives. The minimax tilting method suggested by <doi:10.1111/rssb.12162> is also supported. Graph-based methods are also provided that can be used to simplify pedigrees.
Version: | 0.2.3 |
Depends: | R (≥ 3.5.0) |
Imports: | Rcpp, alabama |
LinkingTo: | Rcpp, RcppArmadillo, BH, testthat, psqn |
Suggests: | testthat, mvtnorm, xml2, knitr, rmarkdown, R.rsp, abind, kinship2, igraph, TruncatedNormal, numDeriv |
Published: | 2022-06-22 |
Author: | Benjamin Christoffersen [cre, aut], Alan Genz [cph], Frank Bretz [cph], Bjoern Bornkamp [cph], Torsten Hothorn [cph], Christophe Dutang [cph], Diethelm Wuertz [cph], R-core [cph], Leo Belzile [cph], Zdravko Botev [cph] |
Maintainer: | Benjamin Christoffersen <boennecd at> |
BugReports: | |
License: | GPL-3 |
URL: | |
NeedsCompilation: | yes |
SystemRequirements: | C++17 |
Materials: | NEWS |
CRAN checks: | pedmod results |
Reference manual: | pedmod.pdf |
Vignettes: |
partitioning families pedmod |
Package source: | pedmod_0.2.3.tar.gz |
Windows binaries: | r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel: |
macOS binaries: | r-release (arm64): pedmod_0.2.3.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): pedmod_0.2.3.tgz, r-release (x86_64): pedmod_0.2.3.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): pedmod_0.2.3.tgz |
Old sources: | pedmod archive |
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