The officer
package is used to generate all of the underlying PowerPoint and Word documents. The purpose of onbrand
is to provide an abstraction layer (or mapping) for the functions in officer
in order to allow the same reporting workflow to be used with different template documents. This involves providing a consistent customizable method to interact with templates as well as a form of markdown to control the formatting of text.
If you want to use your own Office templates, we recommend you see the Custom Office Templates Vignette. This vignette focuses on how to construct workflows using templates. Here we will use the internal templates embedded in onbrand
. If you want to copy them locally you can use the following commands:
file.copy(system.file(package="onbrand", "templates", "report.pptx"), "report.pptx")
file.copy(system.file(package="onbrand", "templates", "report.docx"), "report.docx")
file.copy(system.file(package="onbrand", "templates", "report.yaml"), "report.yaml")
To create a new onbrand
object for a PowerPoint document you need to use onbrand::read_template()
. This requires that you supply the path to your PowerPoint document and the yaml
mapping files as follows:
= read_template(
obnd template = file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.pptx"),
mapping = file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml"))
The mapping file (printed at the bottom of this document) uses descriptive names for slide masters and placeholders. Here is a snippet from our report yaml
master: Office Theme
ph_label: Title 1
content_type: text
ph_label: Subtitle 2
content_type: text
To add content, use onbrand::report_add_slide()
. The following will add a slide using the templated title_slide
layout. Provide the elements
argument with a list of placeholder names - each containing a list of values for both content
and type
. For each placeholder name listed you need to specify the content and the type of content in its own list:
= report_add_slide(obnd,
obnd template = "title_slide",
elements = list(
title = list( content = "Onbrand PowerPoint Example",
type = "text"),
sub_title = list( content = "Workflow Abstraction",
type = "text")))
For a detailed description of the different types of content and the expected format see the help for the onbrand::add_pptx_ph_content()
function. Briefly, you can specify the following content types:
- a string of text (only possible when the type in the mapping file is text)"list"
- list of information (only possible when the type in the mapping file is list)"imagefile"
- string containing the path to an image file"ggplot"
- a ggplot object"table"
- list containing table content and other options"flextable"
- list containing flextable content and other options"flextable_object"
- user-defined flextable objectThe previous example showed how to add text content. To add a list, define a vector with paired content of the format c("indent level", "content", "indent level", "content)
. Where indent level
indicates a numeric value starting at 1. For example, we could define the following list content:
= c("1", "This is first level bullet",
bl "2", "sub-bullet",
"3", "sub-sub-bullet",
"3", "can't have just one sub-sub-bullet",
"2", "same goes for sub-bullets",
"1", "Another first level bullet")
The list bl
can then be added to the content value of any placeholder with list
as the type in the mapping file:
= report_add_slide(obnd,
obnd template = "content_list",
elements = list(
title = list( content = "Adding List Content",
type = "text"),
content_body = list( content = bl,
type = "list")))
Figures can be added in two ways:
Generally, the ggplot object is preferred as it will automatically size according to the dimensions of the placeholder. First lets create some images:
= ggplot() + annotate("text", x=0, y=0, label = "picture example")
p = tempfile(pattern="image", fileext=".png")
imgfile ggsave(filename=imgfile, plot=p, height=5.15, width=9, units="in")
Now that the object p
contains the ggplot object and imgfile
points to a png file containing that image, we can add the content to our two_content_header_text
slide template:
= report_add_slide(obnd,
obnd template = "two_content_header_text",
elements = list(
title = list(content = "Adding Images Content",
type = "text"),
content_left_header = list(content ="ggplot object",
type = "text"),
content_left = list(content = p,
type = "ggplot"),
content_right_header = list(content ="image file",
type = "text"),
content_right = list(content = imgfile,
type = "imagefile")))
Tables can be supplied in three different ways, each providing increasing level of control over the output:
- Expects a list with the tabular data and other attributes. It uses the underlying tables in PowerPoint to make the tables.flextable
- Expects a list similar to the table
above, but instead of using the PowerPoint tables, the table is created using the flextable
- This allows you to create a flextable on your own and use it directly. The ultimate level of control.Lets start by creating a simple data frame:
= data.frame(Parameters = c("Length", "Width", "Height"),
tdf Values = 1:3,
Units = c("m", "m", "m") )
To create a PowerPoint table, use the table
content type. Construct a named list with a single element, table
, containing the data frame; tab_cont = list(table = tdf)
. You can add list elements to display header information as well. See the help for onbrand::add_pptx_ph_content()
for details.
= list(table = tdf)
tab_cont = report_add_slide(obnd,
obnd template = "content_text",
elements = list(
title = list( content = "Tables",
type = "text"),
sub_title = list( content = "Creating PowerPoint Table",
type = "text"),
content_body = list( content = tab_cont,
type = "table")))
Sometimes you may want to have a little more control over the tabular output. The flextable
type allows you to supply the data and information about the flextable to be created and onbrand
will then use them to create the flextable for you.
= list(table = tdf,
tab_ft header_format = "md",
header_top = list(Parameters = "Name^2^",
Values = "*Value*",
Units = "**Units**"),
cwidth = 0.8,
table_autofit = TRUE,
table_theme = "theme_zebra")
Here we are specifying that we want the header format of the table to be rendered as markdown "md"
and we are specifying that the top header (there can be top, middle and bottom) should be overwritten (for more on formatting with markdown see the markdown section below). Next we specify some other details like the column width. Again reference the help for onbrand::add_pptx_ph_content()
. It covers the details of the list elements that can be supplied.
Alternatively, you can create a flextable object directly using the flextable
package. There is an enormous amount of flexibility in the flextable
package. Some of these can be seen in the Word examples below, but you should see the documentation for that package to get a feel for what is possible.
= flextable(tdf) tab_fto
You can then add these (flextable list: tab_ft
, flextable object: tab_fto
) to any of the placeholders on a slide:
= report_add_slide(obnd,
obnd template = "two_content_header_text",
elements = list(
title = list( content = "Tables",
type = "text"),
sub_title = list( content = "flextables can be created in two ways",
type = "text"),
content_left_header = list( content = 'using "flextable"',
type = "text"),
content_left = list( content = tab_ft,
type = "flextable"),
content_right_header = list( content = 'using "flextable_objecct"',
type = "text"),
content_right = list( content = tab_fto,
type = "flextable_object")))
Once you are done adding content you can save the presentation to a file:
save_report(obnd, "vignette_presentation.pptx")
Which should look something like this:
Sometimes it can be difficult to remember the template and placeholder names from the mapping file. You and use the onbrand::template_details
function to show this information for the current onbrand
= template_details(obnd) details
## Mapping: /private/var/folders/xs/3gst8jln2q3c_01y4cg1rqp00000gn/T/RtmpdvF6Tz/Rinstd2be1b24dae9/onbrand/templates/report.yaml
## Report Type: PowerPoint
## title_slide (master/template)
## > title (text)
## > sub_title (text)
## section_slide (master/template)
## > title (text)
## > sub_title (text)
## title_only (master/template)
## > title (text)
## content_text (master/template)
## > title (text)
## > sub_title (text)
## > content_body (text)
## content_list (master/template)
## > title (text)
## > sub_title (text)
## > content_body (list)
## two_content_header_list (master/template)
## > title (text)
## > sub_title (text)
## > content_left_header (text)
## > content_left (list)
## > content_right_header (text)
## > content_right (list)
## two_content_header_text (master/template)
## > title (text)
## > sub_title (text)
## > content_left_header (text)
## > content_left (text)
## > content_right_header (text)
## > content_right (text)
## two_content_list (master/template)
## > title (text)
## > sub_title (text)
## > content_left (list)
## > content_right (list)
## two_content_text (master/template)
## > title (text)
## > sub_title (text)
## > content_left (text)
## > content_right (text)
If you do not want to use the interfaces above for creating slides but would like to use the named mapping information in a more traditional officer
workflow you can use the function fph
. After you’ve loaded the onbrand
object above (obnd
) you can then pull out the placeholder label from PowerPoint for any named placeholder in a template layout specified in the yaml mapping file. For example if we wanted the placeholder label for the content_left_header
in the two_content_header_text
layout we would use the following:
= fph(obnd, "two_content_header_text", "content_left_header")$pl ph
The onbrand::read_template()
function is also used to create a new onbrand
object for a Word report. Just as before, you need to supply the path to your Word template and the mapping file. This example points to files within the onbrand
= read_template(
obnd template = file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx"),
mapping = file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml"))
Word report content is added using the onbrand::report_add_doc_content()
function. This expects the user to identify the type
of content being supplied. At a high level the following types of content can be added:
- page break"toc"
- table of contents"ph"
- text content to substitute for placeholders in the document"text"
- text supplied as either character string, markdown or the result of officer::fpar()
- string containing the path to an image file"ggplot"
- a ggplot object"table"
- list containing table content and other options"flextable"
- list containing flextable content and other options"flextable_object"
- user-defined flextable objectSimilar to adding PowerPoint content, you must also supply a list containing the content and information about the content. Examples of each of these will be provided in the sections below. However you should see the help for onbrand::report_add_doc_content()
to get a detailed explanation of the format of content
A table of contents, list of figures, or list of tables is added using the content type "toc"
. You can supply a level and/or an onbrand
style. If you supply a level, the TOC will be generated down to that header level. If you supply an onbrand
style, the TOC will include each element with that style. So if you wish to generate separate lists of tables and figures it is important that your onbrand
styles for those point to different Word styles.
This will add a typical TOC:
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "toc",
content = list(level=3))
While this should add the list of tables:
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "toc",
content = list(style="Table_Caption"))
And this should add a list of figures:
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "toc",
content = list(style="Figure_Caption"))
Note: If you try to update the TOCs and you get the following:
No table of contents entries found.
You may need to change the separator option in the yaml
mapping file from: ,
to ;
The content type "text"
is the most straight forward way to add content to a Word document, and the content
is a list that has three possible elements. The only one required is the text
element. If you just want to add text in the default format (doc_def
in the yaml
mapping file), then this is all you need to do:
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "text",
content = list(text="Text with no style specified will use the doc_def text format. This is a 'ph' placehoder for text: ===BODY-TEXT-EXAMPLE=== [see Placeholder text section below]"))
Alternatively you can specify any style defined in the yaml
mapping file by adding a style
element to the content list. This shows how to create multi-level headers:
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "text",
content = list(text ="First level header",
style = "Heading_1"))
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "text",
content = list(text ="Second level header",
style = "Heading_2"))
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "text",
content = list(text ="Third level header",
style = "Heading_3"))
Note: If you want to use table and figure caption numbers that use section numbers (e.g. 1-1, 1-2, etc.) you may want/need to reset the figure counter for each major section. To do this you will need to use the fig_start_at
and tab_start_at
arguments to reset the counters for that section.
The other element you may want to control is the format of the content. In the previous examples you just needed to provide character data, but there are three possible formats you can use:
- character string (previous examples)"md"
- character string with markdown to be rendered (see the section on markdown below)"fpar"
- officer::fpar()
object from officer
(used with paragraph text)"ftext"
- list of officer::ftext()
objects officer
(used with captions and notes for figures and tables)The following provide example "fpar"
and "md"
= fpar(
fpartext ftext("Formatted text can be created using the ", prop=NULL),
ftext("fpar ", prop=fp_text(color="green")),
ftext("command from the officer package.", prop=NULL))
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "text",
content = list(text = fpartext,
format = "fpar",
style = "Normal"))
= "Formatted text can be created using **<color:green>markdown</color>** formatting"
mdtext = report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "text",
content = list(text = mdtext,
format = "md",
style = "Normal"))
Similar to the PowerPoint example above we’re going to create some figures. Both an image file (imgfile
) and a ggplot object (p
= ggplot() + annotate("text", x=0, y=0, label = "picture example")
p = tempfile(pattern="image", fileext=".png")
imgfile ggsave(filename=imgfile, plot=p, height=5.15, width=9, units="in")
We can add these by specifying the appropriate content type. The content list can contain different information. Typically you would either specify the image file or ggplot object as well as a caption:
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "imagefile",
content = list(image = imgfile,
caption = "This is an example of an image from a file."))
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "ggplot",
content = list(image = p,
caption = "This is an example of an image from a ggplot object."))
Tables in Word are similar to the tables in PowerPoint. The table type can be either table
, flextable
, or flextable_object
. Lets look at this data frame to see how to use each of these:
= data.frame(Parameters = c("Length", "Width", "Height"),
tdf Values = 1:3,
Units = c("m", "m", "m") )
To insert a native Word table, you would use the table
type and the content is just a list with an element named table
that has the value of a dataframe. As with figures, the content list can have an optional caption as well.
= list(table = tdf,
tab_cont caption = "Word Table.")
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "table",
content = tab_cont)
Flextables can be used with the flextable
type and information like headers, header formatting, etc can be passed along. onbrand
will then construct the flextable for you.
= list(table = tdf,
tab_ft header_format = "md",
header_top = list(Parameters = "Name^2^",
Values = "*Value*",
Units = "**Units**"),
cwidth = 0.8,
table_autofit = TRUE,
caption = "Flextable from onbrand abstraction",
table_theme = "theme_zebra")
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "flextable",
content = tab_ft)
Lastly, to have the most control over the table you can construct a flextable yourself and pass that along in the content.
= flextable(tdf)
tab_fto = report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "flextable_object",
content = list(ft=tab_fto,
caption = "Flextable object created by the user."))
Section formatting, changing the page orientation and/or the number of columns, is controlled using the "section"
content type. It may seem a bit counter intuitive but sections apply to the content added since the last section type specification. So now lets try the following:
To change formatting we need to close out the current section by inserting a portrait section type:
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "section",
content = list(section_type ="portrait"))
Then we add the content we want in landscape mode:
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "ggplot",
content = list(image = p,
height = 2.5,
width = 9,
caption = "This is a landscape figure."))
Now we tell the underlying report to apply landscape formatting to everything that has been added since the portrait section type:
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "section",
content = list(section_type ="landscape",
height = 8,
width = 10))
Now we want to add the text for the two column format:
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "text",
content = list(text = paste(rep("Some two column text.", 200), collapse=" ")))
Now we insert a section indicating that we want to change the section to multiple columns. The number of columns is inferred from the number of elements in the widths
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "section",
content = list(section_type ="columns",
widths = c(3,3)))
We can now add content but don’t forget to set the insert a portrait section at the end just before you save the document.
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "text",
content = list(text = "Back to regular portrait"))
When generating reporting workflows it can be helpful to have placeholder text in the report that is populated based on the specifics of that report. To add placeholders you can use the "ph"
content type. This content type will not appear in the yaml
file, it is unique to onbrand
. A placeholder is a unique string of text surrounded on both sides by ===
(three equal signs). If the placeholder is in your template document, it may not work correctly if you type the text into Word. This is because while a string may appear to be a contiguous in Word, it may not be so in the underlying XML code. To ensure the string is contiguous you should type the placeholder text into a text editor, then copy and paste it into the Word template.
The placeholder can be in the document template itself (in the footer or header sections) or in the text you generate and add as part of your workflow. In this example, the text ===BODY-TEXT-EXAMPLE===
was added into the text content we added in the first step above. That placeholder will be replaced with the text Swaps the placeholder with this Text
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "ph",
content = list(name = "BODY-TEXT-EXAMPLE",
value = "Swaps the placeholder with this Text",
location = "body"))
You can have the placeholders in the body as in the previous example and also in the headers and footers of the document. Again, these will not appear in the yaml
mapping (or abstraction layer). In these examples the ===FOOTERLEFT===
and ===HEADERLEFT===
placeholders are found in the template itself. There is another placeholder ===HEADERRIGHT===
which we have not used so that you can see it in the final output.
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "ph",
content = list(name = "FOOTERLEFT",
value = "Text Swapped with Footer Placeholder",
location = "footer"))
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "ph",
content = list(name = "HEADERLEFT",
value = "Text Swapped with Header Placeholder",
location = "header"))
Headers are applied when the document is saved and can be added at any time to the onbrand
report object.
Recall up above that we were in a multi-column page format, but we wanted to return to the default portrait single column format. We added text but before we save the file we need to tell the document to apply the new section type:
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "section",
content = list(section_type ="portrait"))
Note: that if you don’t alter the page format/layout from the document default, then you do not need to add any section content.
Some figures and tables need to span multiple pages. If you have a large flextable
it will do that automatically. However it may be more desirable to have a caption on each page with the figure or table. To accomplish this, using a figure as an example you need to create a separate figure for each page. For each figure you will need to provide the same key value. The first figure with that key will be assigned a figure number and the other figures with that key will have the same number that references the first.
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "ggplot",
content = list(image = p,
notes_format = "text",
key = "ex_fig_text",
notes = "This figure shows how to use text captions _and_ notes",
caption_format = "text",
caption = "Multi-page figure (page 1)"))
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "break",
content = NULL)
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "ggplot",
content = list(image = p,
notes_format = "text",
key = "ex_fig_text",
notes = "This figure shows how to use text captions _and_ notes",
caption_format = "text",
caption = "Multi-page figure (page 2)"))
When figures and tables are created above each content list has an optional key. In the example from the last section we created the key "ex_fig_text"
. To reference in the word document you have two options. You can construct your content using onbrand markdown. Then you simply need to use the ref
tag: <ref:ex_fig_text>
and the figure number will be replaced when the document is built. You can also use the officer::fpar()
function to construct content. Then you would use the officer command officer::run_reference()
and the figure key to insert the figure number.
Once you are done adding content you can save the report to a file with the `save_report()`` function as well:
save_report(obnd, "vignette_report.docx")
The output from the example above should look like this:
Example Word output for workflow above.
It can also be useful to quickly access the onbrand
style names. You can use the same onbrand::template_details
function to display the current styles available to you:
= template_details(obnd) details
## Mapping: /private/var/folders/xs/3gst8jln2q3c_01y4cg1rqp00000gn/T/RtmpdvF6Tz/Rinstd2be1b24dae9/onbrand/templates/report.yaml
## Report Type: Word
## onbrand style (word style, style type)
## --------------------------------------
## Code (Code, paragraph)
## Figure_Caption (graphic title, paragraph)
## Heading_1 (heading 1, paragraph)
## Heading_2 (heading 2, paragraph)
## Heading_3 (heading 3, paragraph)
## Normal (Normal, paragraph)
## Notes (Notes, paragraph)
## TOC (toc 1, paragraph)
## Table_Caption (table title, paragraph)
## Table (Table Grid, table)
As with the PowerPoint interface, you can also access the named Word mapping directly. This is done through the fst
function. With the onbrand
objected loaded (obnd
) you can supply an onbrand
style name and pull out the Word style name (wsn
) and the default font format (dff
= fst(obnd, "Heading_3")
st #Word style name
= st$wsn
wsn # Default font format
= st$dff dff
In officer
you can change formatting in text using fpar
and as_pargraph
. There are situations where this is less than ideal. For example if you want to take formatted user input from a Shiny app, it may not be practical to have them supply code this way.
To make formatting a little easier, onbrand
provides the ability to use markdown. This can be seen above in flextable objects for PowerPoint content and with text, captions in Word. For a list of allowed markdown formatting see the help for `onbrand::md_to_officer()``.
If you want to use the markdown functionality outside of onbrand
you can use the two functions:
- This function will take the markdown text and convert that into strings of text containing officer commands in fpar
and as_paragraph
commands. You simply need to use the eval
command to execute them.onbrand::md_to_oo
- A function that wraps around md_to_officer
and returns the as_paragraph
to formatFirst lets start with data. Here we have dimensional data listed as a mean and variance:
= data.frame(property = c("mean", "variance"),
data length = c(200, 0.13),
width = c(12, 0.05),
area = c(240, 0.11),
volume = c(1200, 0.32))
Now lets create a flextable object with a header that shows the property being reported on one line and the units on the line below:
= list(property = c("", ""),
header length = c("Length", "cm"),
width = c("Wdith", "cm"),
area = c("Area", "cm2"),
volume = c("Volume", "cm3"))
= flextable::flextable(data) %>%
ft ::delete_part(part = "header") %>%
flextable::add_header(values =as.list(header)) %>%
flextable::theme_zebra() flextable
That flextable currently looks like this:
Length | Wdith | Area | Volume | |
cm | cm | cm2 | cm3 | |
mean | 200.00 | 12.00 | 240.00 | 1,200.00 |
variance | 0.13 | 0.05 | 0.11 | 0.32 |
Now, lets customize some things. For example, suppose we want to use exponents on the units and represent the mean and variance with \(\mu\) and \(\sigma^2\).
First, we need to create lists with the default value for the table labels (i.e. the header) and the table body. The markdown will create deviations from these defaults. You can look at the help for onbrand::md_to_oo
to get the appropriate list format. Here we’re just pulling them out of the onbrand
object using onbrand::fetch_md_def()
= fetch_md_def(obnd, style="Table_Labels")$md_def
dft = fetch_md_def(obnd, style="Table")$md_def dft_body
Now we can use the flextable::compose
function to walk through the table and overwrite the defaults that were set when the flextable was created:
= ft %>%
ft ::compose(j = "area",
flextablepart = "header",
value = c(md_to_oo("Area", dft)$oo, md_to_oo("cm^2^", dft)$oo)) %>%
::compose(j = "volume",
flextablepart = "header",
value = c(md_to_oo("Volume", dft)$oo, md_to_oo("cm^3^", dft)$oo)) %>%
::compose(j = "property",
flextablei = match("mean", data$property),
part = "body",
value = c(md_to_oo("**<ff:symbol>m</ff>**", dft_body)$oo)) %>%
::compose(j = "property",
flextablei = match("variance", data$property),
part = "body",
value = c(md_to_oo("**<ff:symbol>s</ff>**^**2**^", dft_body)$oo))
Now the flextable object looks like this:
Length | Wdith | Area | Volume | |
cm | cm | cm2 | cm3 | |
m | 200.00 | 12.00 | 240.00 | 1,200.00 |
s2 | 0.13 | 0.05 | 0.11 | 0.32 |
Note that the Greek symbols are not rendered correctly here but will be rendered correctly in the document.
To include the newly formatted table in the onbrand
object, you use the same method as before:
= report_add_doc_content(obnd,
obnd type = "flextable_object",
content = list(ft=tab_fto,
caption = "Flextable object with custom Markdown - created by the user."))
object directlySometimes you need more control over creating a report, and you may want to use the officer commands directly. To do this you can use the function fetch_officer_object()
to pull out the officer object from the onbrand
Now you can use any officer command you wish on the rpt
object. And when you’re done you can put the object back into the onbrand
object using set_officer_object()
master: Office Theme
ph_label: Title 1
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ph_label: Subtitle 2
content_type: text
ph_label: Title 1
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ph_label: Title 1
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ph_label: Content Placeholder 2
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ph_label: Content Placeholder 10
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ph_label: Content Placeholder 3
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Figure_Caption: Figure_Caption
Notes: Notes
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- table
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- caption
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Table_Number: |-
list(officer::run_autonum(pre_label = "",
seq_id = Caption_Seq_Id,
post_label = "",
start_at = Caption_Start_At))
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# also need the 'default' specification, generally just a copy of Normal
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color: black
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shading.color: transparent
color: black
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vertical.align: baseline
shading.color: transparent
color: black
font.size: 13
bold: TRUE
italic: FALSE
underlined: FALSE Calibri (Headings)
vertical.align: baseline
shading.color: transparent
color: black
font.size: 12
bold: TRUE
italic: FALSE
underlined: FALSE Calibri (Headings)
vertical.align: baseline
shading.color: transparent
color: black
font.size: 12
bold: FALSE
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vertical.align: baseline
shading.color: transparent
color: black
font.size: 12
bold: TRUE
italic: TRUE
underlined: FALSE Cambria (Body)
vertical.align: baseline
shading.color: transparent
color: black
font.size: 12
bold: TRUE
italic: TRUE
underlined: FALSE Cambria (Body)
vertical.align: baseline
shading.color: transparent
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