multid 0.6.0
- Bug fixed in D_regularized_out
- argument added to all D_regularized -functions. In _fold
-functions, test-partition of the data is appended, else the entire data
frame is added.
- Include ICC2 (group-mean reliability) for vpc_at. Enables
calculation of sub-group mean-level reliabilities, in case the “at” is a
- Include reliability_dms that calculates difference score reliability
coefficient for data that is difference score between two mean values
across some upper-level units (e.g., sex differences across
- Vignette on estimation of multivariate sex differences with multid
multid 0.5.0
- Added option to obtain scaled estimates in ml_dadas. Scaling is done
for both difference score components and the difference scores, based on
random intercept SDs and random slope SD, respectively, in a reduced
model without the predictor and the interaction between predictor and
- Added option to test for random effect covariation with likelihood
ratio test in ml_dadas from a reduced model without the predictor and
the interaction between predictor and moderator
- Added option to include covariates in sem_dadas
- Added variance test with sem in sem_dadas
- Added variance test via parametric bootstrap in ml_dadas
- Added cvv_manual -function for calculation of coefficients of
variance variation from manually inputted sample sizes and variances of
multiple variables
multid 0.4.0
- Replaced two-sided tests in sem_dadas for absolute parameters with
one-sided tests
- Added three variants of coefficient of variance variation in cvv
-function (CVV=coefficient of variance variation, SVH=standardized
variance heterogeneity, and VR=variance ration between the largest and
the smallest variance)
- Added vpc_at -function for calculation of intercept variances and
variance partition coefficients (VPCs) at selected values of level-1
predictors in two-level models
multid 0.3.0
- Added sem_dadas and ml_dadas functions for predicting algebraic
difference scores in structural equation (sem_dadas) and multilevel
model (ml_dadas). DADAS acronym follows from the joint hypothesis test
of Difference between Absolute Differences and Absolute Sums between
(regression coefficients on difference score components).
multid 0.2.0
- Fixed bug: renaming output in D_regularized_fold functions
- Fixed joining data frames by fold.var in D_regularized_fold
- Added statistical inference to d_pooled_sd
- Added probabilities of correct classification option to
D_regularized_out and D_regularized_fold_out
- Added area under the receiver operating characteristics to
D_regularized_out and D_regularized_fold_out
- Added probability classification tables to D_regularized_out and
- Added more examples to README file
multid 0.1.0
- First submission of multid package