movecost 1.7:
- Hare’s metabolic cost function and Eastman’s abstract cost function
added (the number of implemented cost functions is now 25);
- facility to take into account barriers (i.e., areas where the
movement is inhibited) added to all the functions (‘movealloc()’
- ‘movecost()’ now returns the conductance TransitionalLayer; this is
instrumental to the internal optimisation of the ‘movenetw()’
- the ‘movenetw()’ now also calculates LCPs network between pairs of
neighboring locations;
- the ‘movenetw()’ function now returns a matrix reporting the cost
incurred when moving between all the locations pair-wisely;
- internal optimisation of the ‘movenetw()’ function, which is now
about 3 times faster than in ver.1.6;
- ‘oneplot’ parameter dropped from the ‘movenetw()’ function;
- fix to an error to the export facility in the ‘movenetw()’
- fixes, improvements, and updates to the help documentation;
- link to the package’s vignette added to the help documentation of
all the implemented functions.