Bayesian model selection and averaging for regression and mixtures for non-local and selected local priors.
# Install mombf from CRAN
# Or the development version
# from R-forge
install.packages("mombf", repos = "")
# from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")
The main Bayesian model selection (BMS) function is modelSelection
. Bayesian model averaging (BMA) is also available for some models, mainly linear regression and Normal mixtures. Details are in mombf
’s vignette, here we illustrate quickly how to get posterior model probabilities, marginal posterior inclusion probabilities, BMA point estimates and posterior intervals for the regression coefficients and predicted outcomes.
x <- matrix(rnorm(100*3),nrow=100,ncol=3)
theta <- matrix(c(1,1,0),ncol=1)
y <- x %*% theta + rnorm(100)
priorCoef <- momprior(tau=0.348) # Default MOM prior on parameters
priorDelta <- modelbbprior(1,1) # Beta-Binomial prior for model space
fit1 <- modelSelection(y ~ x[,1]+x[,2]+x[,3], priorCoef=priorCoef, priorDelta=priorDelta)
# Output
# Enumerating models...
# Computing posterior probabilities................ Done.
from here, we can also get the posterior model probabilities:
# Output
# modelid family pp
# 7 2,3 normal 9.854873e-01
# 8 2,3,4 normal 7.597369e-03
# 15 1,2,3 normal 6.771575e-03
# 16 1,2,3,4 normal 1.437990e-04
# 3 3 normal 3.240602e-17
# 5 2 normal 7.292230e-18
# 4 3,4 normal 2.150174e-19
# 11 1,3 normal 9.892869e-20
# 6 2,4 normal 5.615517e-20
# 13 1,2 normal 2.226164e-20
# 12 1,3,4 normal 1.477780e-21
# 14 1,2,4 normal 3.859388e-22
# 1 normal 2.409908e-25
# 2 4 normal 1.300748e-27
# 9 1 normal 2.757778e-28
# 10 1,4 normal 3.971521e-30
also the BMA estimates, 95% intervals, marginal posterior probability
# Output
# estimate 2.5% 97.5% margpp
# (Intercept) 0.007230966 -0.02624289 0.04085951 0.006915374
# x[, 1] 1.134700387 0.93487948 1.33599873 1.000000000
# x[, 2] 1.135810652 0.94075622 1.33621298 1.000000000
# x[, 3] 0.000263446 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.007741168
# phi 1.100749637 0.83969879 1.44198567 1.000000000
and BMA predictions for y, 95% intervals
ypred <- predict(fit1)
# Output
# mean 2.5% 97.5%
# 1 -0.8936883 -1.1165154 -0.67003262
# 2 -0.2162846 -0.3509188 -0.08331286
# 3 1.3152329 1.0673711 1.56348261
# 4 -3.2299241 -3.6826696 -2.77728625
# 5 -0.4431820 -0.6501280 -0.23919345
# 6 0.7727824 0.6348189 0.90977798
cor(y, ypred[,1])
# Output
# [,1]
# [1,] 0.8468436
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