matrixStats: Functions that Apply to Rows and Columns of Matrices (and to Vectors)

High-performing functions operating on rows and columns of matrices, e.g. col / rowMedians(), col / rowRanks(), and col / rowSds(). Functions optimized per data type and for subsetted calculations such that both memory usage and processing time is minimized. There are also optimized vector-based methods, e.g. binMeans(), madDiff() and weightedMedian().

Version: 0.62.0
Depends: R (≥ 2.12.0)
Suggests: base64enc, ggplot2, knitr, markdown, microbenchmark, R.devices, R.rsp
Published: 2022-04-19
Author: Henrik Bengtsson [aut, cre, cph], Constantin Ahlmann-Eltze [ctb], Hector Corrada Bravo [ctb], Robert Gentleman [ctb], Jan Gleixner [ctb], Peter Hickey [ctb], Ola Hossjer [ctb], Harris Jaffee [ctb], Dongcan Jiang [ctb], Peter Langfelder [ctb], Brian Montgomery [ctb], Angelina Panagopoulou [ctb], Hugh Parsonage [ctb], Jakob Peder Pettersen [ctb]
Maintainer: Henrik Bengtsson <henrikb at>
License: Artistic-2.0
NeedsCompilation: yes
Materials: NEWS
CRAN checks: matrixStats results


Reference manual: matrixStats.pdf
Vignettes: matrixStats: Summary of functions


Package source: matrixStats_0.62.0.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): matrixStats_0.62.0.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): matrixStats_0.62.0.tgz, r-release (x86_64): matrixStats_0.62.0.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): matrixStats_0.62.0.tgz
Old sources: matrixStats archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: antiProfiles, aSPU, bahc, BayesTwin, BRISC, BSW, Clomial, DEqMS, DisHet, ExCluster, FastHCS, FastPCS, FastRCS, GAD, GGPA, InfiniumPurify, localgauss, MatrixGenerics, methylumi, OptHoldoutSize, POMaSPU, Qest, RAC, Rediscover, RnBeads, shinyMethyl, SICtools, sindyr, splitFeas, STROMA4, StructFDR, ttScreening, wateRmelon
Reverse imports: abcrf, ACNE, ActivityIndex, airpart, AlpsNMR, AMARETTO, amplican, apollo, aroma.affymetrix,, aroma.core, aroma.light, autonomics, BASiCS, BatchQC, baystability, bigstep, BindingSiteFinder, bingat, binsreg, BioNERO, biscuiteer, BloodGen3Module, bmrm, bnbc, bnclassify, bnem, brms, BSgenome, bulkAnalyseR, bumphunter, calmate, Canek, CARBayesST, CATALYST, causalOT, ccdf, celda, CelliD, cellmigRation, cellWise, CEMiTool, ChAMP, Chicago, ChIPpeakAnno, chromswitch, CIPerm, cliqueMS, clusterExperiment, clustifyr, cmapR, cna, cnaOpt, CNVScope, coin, cointmonitoR, cointReg, cola, compcodeR, ComplexHeatmap, condiments, conformalbayes, conquer, consensus, consensusOV, CopywriteR, corrcoverage, cosinor2, CpGFilter, crlmm, crossmeta, csdR, cSEM, cvCovEst, cytomapper, cytoMEM, CytoTree, DAMOCLES, DCEtool, DCLEAR, dearseq, decompr, deconvR, DelayedMatrixStats, DeMixT, DepCens, DepecheR, DepInfeR, DGCA, DHS.rates, diffloop, diffUTR, Dino, DiscoRhythm, DMCFB, dmrseq, DMtest, Doscheda, doseR, dplR, DSS, DSWE, dwp, easier, ecospat, eGST, EMDomics, EMMAgeo, ENmix, EnrichedHeatmap, EpiDISH, epimutacions, eseis, EstimationTools, estudy2, evaluomeR, EventPointer, ExceedanceTools, expss, FADA, fairsubset, familial, fastshap, fastverse, FateID, FEAST, fergm, fipp, fishpond, flowCore, flowGraph, flowWorkspace, footBayes, FRASER, funcharts, funtooNorm, GAPGOM, gcapc, GenEst, geneticae, GeneTonic, genomation, geocmeans, geva, ggdmc, GJRM, glmGamPoi, GLMMadaptive, GNET2, GPGame, GRaNIE, graper, GUIDEseq, GUniFrac, Gviz, gwasurvivr, GWENA, HACSim, haldensify, Harman, HDSpatialScan, hermes, hipathia, Hmsc, ICBioMark, IMIFA, ImpactEffectsize, incidental, InDisc, iPath, JMbayes2, jointseg, kgschart, kissDE, kpmt, ldsep, LFDREmpiricalBayes, liger, liminal, loo, LS2Wstat, lspartition, ltmle, Luminescence, M3Drop, maic, matrixTests, mbsts, mcmcsae, MEAL, MEDseq, memes, metabCombiner, MetabolicSurv, metagene, metagenomeSeq, metamicrobiomeR, MetaNeighbor, methrix, MethylAid, mgcViz, miclust, microbiomeExplorer, MicrobiomeStat, microsamplingDesign, migest, MIGSA, miloR, MiMIR, MinimumDistance, miRecSurv, mixOmics, mnem, moanin, MoEClust, monocle, MOSim, motifbreakR, mrfDepth, msImpute, muscat, mvpd, NanoStringDiff, nearBynding, nempi, NetLogoR, netZooR, nnSVG, NormalyzerDE, nparMD, obfuscatoR, occupancy, omicplotR, omicsPrint, omicsViewer, omicwas, OptimalDesign, Ostats, OUTRIDER, pandaR, pARI, PathoStat, PDATK, pecora, PepsNMR, phosphonormalizer, Pigengene, PINSPlus, pipeComp, PlackettLuce, pmp, posterior, PrecisionTrialDrawer, ProteoMM, PSCBS, QDNAseq, RaceID, rADA, RadioGx, ramr, RandomForestsGLS, randomGLM, randomizationInference, RBesT, RCarb, recommenderlab, reconsi, rhierbaps, RiboDiPA, RJcluster, RNAmodR, RNAseqQC, robustlm, Rogue, RolDE, rsvddpd, RTCC, rtrend, samr, scDataviz, scDHA, SCFA, scISR, scmap, scone, scp, scPCA, sctransform, seagull, sechm, seeds, sensobol, seqArchR, Seurat, SGP, SIAMCAT, singleCellTK, singscore, sizeMat, SkeweDF, slasso, slingshot, sparseMatrixStats, spathial, spatzie, splatter, SPOTlight, spqn, SRTsim, stabiliser, stability, stapler, staRdom, statar, stm, subtee, summarytools, sumR, susieR, sva, target, TCA, tenXplore, TopDom, topGO, tradeSeq, TraRe, TRESS, UPG, VanillaICE, VaSP, weakARMA, WGCNA, Wrench, yarn
Reverse suggests: bigPint, ChemoSpec2D, cifti, COINr, conclus, DeepBlueR, detrendr, epivizrData, FDb.FANTOM4.promoters.hg19, gap, limorhyde, LSAmitR, metavizr, MethReg, methylumi, MPAgenomics, msqrob2, MultiBD, muscData, nandb, pcaMethods, ProteoDisco, QFeatures, regsem, RHRT, scHOT, scITD, sigminer, Single.mTEC.Transcriptomes, sparrow, stat.extend, tidybulk, TOAST, tximport, utilities, zinbwave
Reverse enhances: robustbase


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