In the following we will demonstrate an idealized workflow based on a subset of the CHIRPS dataset that is delivered together with this package. You can follow along the code snippets below to reproduce the results. Please note, that to reduce the time it takes to process this vignette, we will not download any resources from the internet. In a real use case, thus processing time might substantially increase because resources have to be downloaded and real portfolios might be larger than the one created in this example.
This vignette assumes that you have already followed the steps in Installation and have familiarized yourself with the terminology used in the package. If you are unfamiliar with the terminology used here, please head over to the Terminology article to learn about the most important concepts.
The idealized workflow for using {mapme.biodiversity}
consists of the following steps:
First, we will load the {mapme.biodiversity}
and the
package for handling spatial vector data. For tabular
data handling and the creation of a plot, we will also load the
and {ggplot2}
packages. Then, we will
read an package internal GeoPackage which includes the geometry of a
protected area in the Dominican Republic from the WDPA database.
<- system.file("extdata", "sierra_de_neiba_478140.gpkg", package = "mapme.biodiversity")
aoi_path <- read_sf(aoi_path))
(aoi #> Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 4 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: -71.80933 ymin: 18.57668 xmax: -71.33201 ymax: 18.69931
#> Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
#> # A tibble: 1 × 5
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <MULTIPOLYGON [°]>
#> 1 478140 Sierra de Neiba National Park DOM (((-71.76134 18.66333, -71.76067 1…
The sf-object contains a single object of geometry type
. The {mapme.biodiversity}
package, however, only supports geometries of type POLYGON
thus we need to cast the geometry before we advance. The resulting sf
object also contains some metadata, that will be retained throughout the
complete workflow. Because some of the casted geometries represent
artifacts of the digitization process, in this example we will subset to
only the largest polygon.
<- st_cast(aoi, to = "POLYGON")[1, ])
(aoi #> Warning in st_cast.sf(aoi, to = "POLYGON"): repeating attributes for all sub-
#> geometries for which they may not be constant
#> Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 4 fields
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: -71.80933 ymin: 18.57668 xmax: -71.33201 ymax: 18.69931
#> Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
#> # A tibble: 1 × 5
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <POLYGON [°]>
#> 1 478140 Sierra de Neiba National Park DOM ((-71.76134 18.66333, -71.76067 18…
In the following, we will simulate a portfolio consisting of several
polygons (assets, in the jargon of this package). To this end, we create
smaller polygons within the original extent of the main polygon. This
way, we can showcase the behavior of the
package for portfolios that contain
multiple assets. We will only select single assets with geometry type
that lie within the original boundary of the
protected area.
<- st_make_grid(
aoi_gridded x = st_bbox(aoi),
n = c(10, 10),
square = FALSE
) st_intersection(aoi) %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
mutate(geom_type = st_geometry_type(x)) %>%
filter(geom_type == "POLYGON") %>%
select(-geom_type, geom = x) %>%
<- names(st_drop_geometry(aoi))
metanames <- st_drop_geometry(aoi) aoi_gridded[metanames]
Now, we are ready to initiate a portfolio object containing multiple
assets. We use the init_portfolio()
function and set some
attributes that are important for the subsequent processing. The
function will add a unique identifier column called ‘assetid’ that is
used to uniquely identify each asset in the portfolio.
# copying package internal resource to tempdir
<- file.path(tempdir(), "mapme.biodiversity")
outdir dir.create(outdir)
<- system.file("res", package = "mapme.biodiversity")
resource_dir file.copy(resource_dir, outdir, recursive = TRUE)
#> [1] TRUE
<- init_portfolio(
sample_portfolio x = aoi_gridded,
years = 2010,
outdir = file.path(outdir, "res"),
tmpdir = outdir,
add_resources = FALSE,
cores = 1,
verbose = TRUE
The first argument, x
, is the sf-object that we want to
turn into a portfolio. The argument years
allows us to
restrict our analysis to certain years only. Certain resources with a
temporal dimension are only processed for the portfolio’s temporal
extent. All resource and indicator functions will inform the user if the
portfolio’s temporal extents do not intersect. The outdir
and tmpdir
arguments point towards directories on the local
file system of your machine. If these directories do not exist, the
package attempts to create them. The outdir
cannot be equal
to the tmpdir
argument. All downloaded resources will be
written to their respective directories within outdir
. We
will set the {terra}
’s package temporal directory to
directory within tmpdir
and also any intermediate files
during the calculation of an indicator will be written there. Thus,
please ensure that you have write access to these directories and that
there is sufficient free disk space to support the analysis of your
In case your share a common outdir
across different
portfolios, with the add_resources
arguments controls the
behavior of the portfolio initialization. If set to TRUE
the function will automatically search for all available resources and
add these as attributes to the portfolio, without further checking if
these resources actually match its spatio-temporal extent. Only use this
if you are sure that for your current portfolio, all resources have been
previously downloaded. If set to FALSE
, no pre-existing
resources will be added to the portfolio. Once you request a specific
portfolio for your resources, only those files will be downloaded that
are missing in outdir
. This behavior is beneficial if you
share the outdir
between different projects to ensure that
only matching resources are returned.
The argument cores
specifies the number of CPU cores
available to the indicator routines for parallel processing. Parallel
processing is deactivated on Windows by default. If you use another
operating system you may set to a value greater 1 if you wish to
activate parallel processing.
Finally, the verbose
logical controls whether or not the
package will print informative messages during the calculations. Note,
that even if set to FALSE
, the package will inform users
about any potential error in specifying of arguments in the form of
warnings and errors.
You can check which indicators are available via the
function. For this, we inspect the
names of the returned object:
#> [1] "accessibility" "biome" "chirpsprec"
#> [4] "drought_indicator" "elevation" "emissions"
#> [7] "gmw" "landcover" "popcount"
#> [10] "soilproperties" "teow" "treecover"
#> [13] "treeloss" "tri" "wcprec"
#> [16] "wctmax" "wctmin"
Say, we are interested in the precipitation indicator based on the CHIRPS dataset. We can learn more about this indicator and its required resources by using either of the commands below or, if you are viewing the online version, head over to the chirpsprec documentation.
By inspecting the help page we learned that this indicator requires
the chirps
resource and it accepts three arguments, namely
the scales_spi
, spi_prev_years
arguments. scales_spi
determines the
time-scale for the calculation of the Standardized-Precipitation-Index
(SPI), while spi_prev_years
indicates how many previous
years are included in the fitting process. The engine
argument controls how zonal statistics for each asset in the portfolio
is extracted.
With that information at hand, we can start to retrieve the required
resource. We can learn about all available resources using the
#> [1] "chirps" "ecoregions" "esalandcover" "greenhouse"
#> [5] "lossyear" "mangrove" "maxtemperature" "mintemperature"
#> [9] "nasagrace" "precipitation" "soilgrids" "srtmdem"
#> [13] "traveltime" "treecover2000" "worldpop"
For the purpose of this vignette, we are going to download the
resource. We can get more detailed information about
a given resource, by using either of the commands below to open up the
help page. If you are viewing the online version of this documentation,
you can simply head over to the chirps
resource documentation.
We can now make the chirps
resource available for our
portfolio. We will use a common interface that is used for all
resources, called get_resources()
. We have to specify our
portfolio object and the names of the resource(s) we wish to download.
Additional arguments for the specific resource can be specified. The
output of the function is the portfolio object with its attributes
appended for the new resource, thus we simply can overwrite the
<- get_resources(x = sample_portfolio, resources = "chirps")
sample_portfolio #> Starting process to download resource 'chirps'........
#> Skipping existing files in output directory.
In case you want to download more than one resource, you can use the same interface and the resources will be made available sequentially. Required arguments for a resource are simply added as usual:
<- get_resources(
sample_portfolio x = sample_portfolio,
resources = c("chirps", "treecover2000"),
vers_treecover = "GFC-2020-v1.8"
The next step consists of calculating specific indicators. Note, that
each indicator requires one or more resources that were made available
via the get_resources()
function explained above. Here, we
are going to calculate the chirpsprec
indicator which is
based on the chirps
resource. Since the resource has been
made available in the previous step, we can continue requesting the
calculation of our desired indicator. Note, the below command would
issue an error in case a required resource has not been made available
via get_resources()
<- calc_indicators(sample_portfolio,
sample_portfolio indicators = "chirpsprec",
scales_spi = 3,
spi_prev_years = 8,
engine = "extract"
The function call will inform us that we have not specified the two required arguments but that the default values have been inserted. If you get such a message for other indicators and you do not know what they mean, head over to the indicator help-page to learn about the available arguments.
Now let’s take a look at the results. We will select only some of the metadata and the output indicator column to get a clearer picture of what has happened.
<- sample_portfolio %>% select(assetid, WDPAID, chirpsprec))
(sample_portfolio #> Simple feature collection with 20 features and 3 fields
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: -71.80933 ymin: 18.57668 xmax: -71.33201 ymax: 18.69931
#> Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
#> # A tibble: 20 × 4
#> assetid WDPAID chirpsprec geom
#> <int> <dbl> <list> <POLYGON [°]>
#> 1 1 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.78546 18.658, -71.78546 18.67313, -71…
#> 2 2 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.80292 18.68321, -71.78546 18.67313, -…
#> 3 3 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.76134 18.66333, -71.76067 18.66267, -…
#> 4 4 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.7616 18.69374, -71.7616 18.68691, -71…
#> 5 5 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.73417 18.64352, -71.71386 18.63179, -…
#> 6 6 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.66801 18.63288, -71.69 18.64557, -71.…
#> 7 7 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.71386 18.68865, -71.71386 18.68691, -…
#> 8 8 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.65801 18.68222, -71.66613 18.68691, -…
#> 9 9 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.66613 18.63079, -71.66613 18.62665, -…
#> 10 10 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.63562 18.67697, -71.64227 18.67313, -…
#> 11 11 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.59453 18.66749, -71.59453 18.64815, -…
#> 12 12 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.52294 18.61972, -71.52294 18.63179, -…
#> 13 13 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.54943 18.67465, -71.5468 18.67313, -7…
#> 14 14 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.49535 18.64342, -71.49907 18.64557, -…
#> 15 15 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.46559 18.63735, -71.4752 18.63179, -7…
#> 16 16 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.43534 18.63634, -71.43264 18.63478, -…
#> 17 17 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.42747 18.62066, -71.42747 18.60424, -…
#> 18 18 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.35587 18.582, -71.35587 18.59046, -71…
#> 19 19 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.37974 18.61442, -71.37974 18.60424, -…
#> 20 20 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.34017 18.59953, -71.35587 18.59046, -…
We obtained a new listed column in our sf object that is called like the requested indicator. For each asset in our portfolio, this column contains a tibble with 12 rows and 4 columns. Let’s have a closer look at these objects.
sample_portfolio#> [[1]]
#> # A tibble: 12 × 4
#> dates absolute anomaly spi_3
#> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 2010-01-01 22 8.43 -0.256
#> 2 2010-02-01 26 0.700 1.02
#> 3 2010-03-01 45 -9 0.605
#> 4 2010-04-01 165 41.6 0.412
#> 5 2010-05-01 200 -20.7 0.108
#> 6 2010-06-01 227 110 0.815
#> 7 2010-07-01 159 75.8 NA
#> 8 2010-08-01 100 -18.5 1.60
#> 9 2010-09-01 111 -65.3 -0.0640
#> 10 2010-10-01 105 -53.4 -1.05
#> 11 2010-11-01 130 32.9 -0.309
#> 12 2010-12-01 8 -2.1 0.287
For each asset, the result is a tibble in long format for 12 months
in the year 2010. The precipitation indicator with the default setting
delivered the absolute rainfall sum as well as the rainfall anomaly
compared to the 1981-2010 climate normal period (make sure to read the
detailed indicator documentation via ?chirpsprec
). Let’s
quickly visualize the results for a single asset:
If you wish to conduct your statistical analysis in R, you can use
functionality to unnest one or multiple columns.
Especially for large portfolios, it is usually a good idea to keep the
geometry information in a separated variable to keep the size of the
data object relatively small.
<- select(sample_portfolio, assetid)
geometries %>%
sample_portfolio st_drop_geometry() %>%
::unnest(chirpsprec) %>%
tidyrfilter(assetid == 3)
#> # A tibble: 12 × 6
#> assetid WDPAID dates absolute anomaly spi_3
#> <int> <dbl> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 3 478140 2010-01-01 13 4.93 -0.407
#> 2 3 478140 2010-02-01 16 1.93 1.15
#> 3 3 478140 2010-03-01 27 -7.53 0.682
#> 4 3 478140 2010-04-01 129 32.2 0.523
#> 5 3 478140 2010-05-01 159 -10.3 0.169
#> 6 3 478140 2010-06-01 170 78 0.842
#> 7 3 478140 2010-07-01 139 64.6 NA
#> 8 3 478140 2010-08-01 98 -3.67 1.78
#> 9 3 478140 2010-09-01 100 -38.6 0.376
#> 10 3 478140 2010-10-01 104 -35.6 -0.762
#> 11 3 478140 2010-11-01 101 26.8 -0.0646
#> 12 3 478140 2010-12-01 7 -1.03 0.337
You can use the write_portfolio()
function to save a
processed portfolio object to disk as a GeoPackage. This allows sharing
your data with others who might not be using R, but any other geospatial
software. Simply point towards a non-existing file on your local disk to
write the portfolio. The function will create an individual table for
all processed indicators. Via the read_portfolio()
function, a portfolio which has been written to disk in such a way can
be read back into R. However, users should note that the portfolio-wide
arguments that were set during the portfolio initialization are
not reconstructed (e.g. the temporal extent,
and tmpdir
, etc.). Thus if you wish to
continue to use {mapme.biodiversity}
functionality on such
a portfolio object, make sure to re-run init_portfolio()
<- tempfile(fileext = ".gpkg")
tmp_output write_portfolio(
x = sample_portfolio,
dsn = tmp_output
)#> Writing layer `metadata' to data source
#> `/tmp/Rtmp5UCsE9/file5f6a9970f02.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
#> Writing 20 features with 2 fields and geometry type Polygon.
#> Updating layer `chirpsprec' to data source `/tmp/Rtmp5UCsE9/file5f6a9970f02.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
#> Writing 240 features with 5 fields without geometries.
<- read_portfolio(tmp_output))
(portfolio_from_disk #> Simple feature collection with 20 features and 3 fields
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: -71.80933 ymin: 18.57668 xmax: -71.33201 ymax: 18.69931
#> Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
#> # A tibble: 20 × 4
#> assetid WDPAID chirpsprec geom
#> <int> <dbl> <list> <POLYGON [°]>
#> 1 1 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.78546 18.658, -71.78546 18.67313, -71…
#> 2 2 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.80292 18.68321, -71.78546 18.67313, -…
#> 3 3 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.76134 18.66333, -71.76067 18.66267, -…
#> 4 4 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.7616 18.69374, -71.7616 18.68691, -71…
#> 5 5 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.73417 18.64352, -71.71386 18.63179, -…
#> 6 6 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.66801 18.63288, -71.69 18.64557, -71.…
#> 7 7 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.71386 18.68865, -71.71386 18.68691, -…
#> 8 8 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.65801 18.68222, -71.66613 18.68691, -…
#> 9 9 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.66613 18.63079, -71.66613 18.62665, -…
#> 10 10 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.63562 18.67697, -71.64227 18.67313, -…
#> 11 11 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.59453 18.66749, -71.59453 18.64815, -…
#> 12 12 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.52294 18.61972, -71.52294 18.63179, -…
#> 13 13 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.54943 18.67465, -71.5468 18.67313, -7…
#> 14 14 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.49535 18.64342, -71.49907 18.64557, -…
#> 15 15 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.46559 18.63735, -71.4752 18.63179, -7…
#> 16 16 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.43534 18.63634, -71.43264 18.63478, -…
#> 17 17 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.42747 18.62066, -71.42747 18.60424, -…
#> 18 18 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.35587 18.582, -71.35587 18.59046, -71…
#> 19 19 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.37974 18.61442, -71.37974 18.60424, -…
#> 20 20 478140 <tibble [12 × 4]> ((-71.34017 18.59953, -71.35587 18.59046, -…