R Markdown with the Docco Classic Style
This is an example of Markdown vignettes using the Docco style.
To use the Docco style for Markdown vignettes in an R package, you need to
- add
*.Rmd files under the vignettes directory
- add
Suggests: knitr and VignetteBuilder: knitr to the DESCRIPTION file
- specify the vignette engine
\VignetteEngine{knitr::docco_classic} in the Rmd files (inside HTML comments)
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After building and installing the package, you can view vignettes via | browseVignettes(package = 'Your_Package')
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Below are some code chunks as examples. | cat('_hello_ **markdown**!', '\n')
hello markdown!
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Normally you do not need any chunk options. | 1+1
## [1] 2
## [1] 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
## [1] 2.36677 0.01204 0.26160 0.04578 0.03464
strsplit('hello, markdown vignettes', '')
## [[1]]
## [1] "h" "e" "l" "l" "o" "," " " "m" "a" "r" "k" "d" "o" "w" "n" " " "v" "i" "g"
## [20] "n" "e" "t" "t" "e" "s"
Feel free to draw beautiful plots and write math \(P(X>x)=\alpha/2\).
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| n=300; set.seed(123)
plot(rnorm(n), rnorm(n), pch=21, cex=5*runif(n), col='white', bg='gray')
How does it work
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The markdown package (>= v0.6.2) supports custom HTML templates, and the docco engine in knitr uses a custom template to compile Markdown to HTML: | head(knitr::rocco, 5)
## 1 function (input, ...)
## 2 {
## 3 out = knit2html(input, ..., stylesheet = system.file("misc",
## 4 "docco-classic.css", package = "knitr"), template = system.file("misc",
## 5 "docco-classic.html", package = "knitr"))
That is it.
You probably have noticed that you can adjust the widths of the two columns
using your cursor. What is more, press T on your keyboard, and see what
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