# See all available color palettes
#> [1] "pal_all" "pal_16" "pal_seq" "pal_basic"
#> [5] "pal_hot" "pal_green" "pal_wet" "pal_div_wet"
#> [9] "pal_div_RdBl" "pal_div_BlRd" "pal_div_GnBr" "pal_div_BrGn"
#> [13] "pal_div_BluRd" "pal_div_RdBlu" "pal_sankey" "pal_spectral"
#> [17] "pal_scarcityCat"
# Load a color palette
<- jgcricol()$pal_basic # To load values only
mypal1 <- jgcricol("pal_basic") # To see an example piechart and values mypal2
is a comprehensive color palette which applies to most JGCRI and GCAM outputs. These can be used for line and bar charts. The following code shows how you can use the same pal_all
for various bar charts in ggplot2.
# Set your palette
= jgcricol()$pal_all
# Example categories for data to plot
# Can replace these with any other GCAM technologies or classes as done in the subsequent figures.
= c("a oil","a oil CCS","b natural gas","b natural gas CCS","c coal","c coal CCS",
techs "d biomass","d biomass CCS","e nuclear","f hydro","g wind","h solar","i geothermal",
"j traditional biomass","energy reduction")
# Create data
<- data.frame(label=rep(techs,each=4), x=rep(c(1:4),length(techs)), value=runif(4*length(techs))) %>%
data mutate(label=as.factor(label))
# Plot
print(ggplot(data, aes(x=x,y=value, fill=label)) +
geom_bar(position="stack", stat="identity", col="black",lwd=0.5) +
scale_fill_manual(values=mypal[names(mypal) %in% techs]) +
theme_bw() +
xlab(NULL) +
ylab(NULL) +
ggtitle("Primary Energy"))
Users can add a color to any jgcricolor palette which may be missing by adding a color from the available R colors or any HEX color and assigning it a name. For example if a user wants to add two new colors for animal energy
with the HEX color "#FFF700"
and for human energy
with the color lawngreen
they can do so as follows.
<- jgcricol()$pal_basic # To load silently
mypal1 names(mypal1) <- mypal1
= c(mypal1,"animal energy"="#FFF700", "human energy"="lawngreen")
mypal2 <- par()
oldpar par(mfrow=c(1,2))
par(mai = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
pie(rep(1,length(mypal2)),label=names(mypal1),col=mypal1, main="Pal 1 w/ Missing Colors") # Plot as pie chart
pie(rep(1,length(mypal2)),label=names(mypal2),col=mypal2, main="Pal 2 w/ Added Colors") # Plot as pie chart
Users can create their own ramped palettes of any length n
using the RcolorBrewer
package and choosing an R palette from the R color palette cheatsheet.
= colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, 'Pastel1'));
getcol =getcol(9);