italy: The Italian Survey on Household and Wealth, 2008 and 2010

Provides two record linkage data sets on the Italian Survey on Household and Wealth, 2008 and 2010, a sample survey conducted by the Bank of Italy every two years. The 2010 survey covered 13,702 individuals, while the 2008 survey covered 13,734 individuals. The following categorical variables are included in this data set: year of birth, working status, employment status, branch of activity, town size, geographical area of birth, sex, whether or not Italian national, and highest educational level obtained. Unique identifiers are available to assess the accuracy of one’s method. Please see Steorts (2015) <doi:10.1214/15-BA965SI> to find more details about the data set.

Version: 0.1.0
Depends: R (≥ 3.3.1)
Published: 2017-08-05
Author: Rebecca Steorts [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Rebecca Steorts <beka at>
License: CC0
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: README
CRAN checks: italy results


Reference manual: italy.pdf


Package source: italy_0.1.0.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): italy_0.1.0.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): italy_0.1.0.tgz, r-release (x86_64): italy_0.1.0.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): italy_0.1.0.tgz


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