package inpdfr v0.1.11
- no more RESULTS directory
package inpdfr v0.1.10
- fixed URLs
- fixed dir RESULTS in examples
- fixed invalid printing width in examples
package inpdfr v0.1.9
- used VCorpus instead of Corpus
- readLines instead of readChar
- NOT fixed running examples in ‘doCA’ (Running examples failed)
package inpdfr v0.1.8
- fix calling if() with a vector of length 2 or more
package inpdfr v0.1.7
- fix calling if() with a vector of length 2 or more
package inpdfr v0.1.6 (bug-fix release)
- fix WARN “working directory change”
- GUI using RGtk2 no longer part of the package
package inpdfr v0.1.5
- fix bug in doMetacomMetacom(wordF = wordOccuDF)
package inpdfr v0.1.4
- identifyStructure function included in the package
package inpdfr v0.1.3
- renamed arguments for R package metacom, following new release
package inpdfr v0.1.2
- DESCRIPTION file allows package parallel (>= 3.1.3) to pass “r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64” test from “CRAN Package Check Results”
- R.devices package used to export output files
- code syntax improvements
- examples improvements
package inpdfr v0.1.1
- URL fixed to download GTK+ in man/loadGUI.Rd
- NOTE “Strong dependencies not in mainstream repositories: Rstem” fixed. Word stem is now performed with the SnowballC package.
- missing @export roxygen field added for function getwordOccuDF
- missing @export roxygen field added for function getAllAnalysis
package inpdfr v0.1.0