httpuv: HTTP and WebSocket Server Library

Provides low-level socket and protocol support for handling HTTP and WebSocket requests directly from within R. It is primarily intended as a building block for other packages, rather than making it particularly easy to create complete web applications using httpuv alone. httpuv is built on top of the libuv and http-parser C libraries, both of which were developed by Joyent, Inc. (See LICENSE file for libuv and http-parser license information.)

Version: 1.6.5
Depends: R (≥ 2.15.1)
Imports: Rcpp (≥ 1.0.7), utils, R6, promises, later (≥ 0.8.0)
LinkingTo: Rcpp, later
Suggests: testthat, callr, curl, websocket
Published: 2022-01-05
Author: Joe Cheng [aut], Winston Chang [aut, cre], RStudio, PBC [cph], Hector Corrada Bravo [ctb], Jeroen Ooms [ctb], Andrzej Krzemienski [cph] (optional.hpp)
Maintainer: Winston Chang <winston at>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 | file LICENSE [expanded from: GPL (≥ 2) | file LICENSE]
Copyright: RStudio, PBC; Joyent, Inc.; Nginx Inc.; Igor Sysoev; Niels Provos; Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.; Alexander Chemeris; Berkeley Software Design; Google Inc.; Sony Mobile Communications AB; Alexander Peslyak; Free Software Foundation, Inc.; X Consortium; Ben Noordhuis; StrongLoop, Inc.; Saúl Ibarra Corretgé; Bert Belder; Fedor Indutny; libuv project; Refael Ackermann; Kenneth MacKay; Emergya; Diego Pettenò; xine project, The Regents of the University of California, Dariusz Dwornikowski
NeedsCompilation: yes
SystemRequirements: GNU make, C++11, zlib
Materials: README NEWS
In views: ModelDeployment, WebTechnologies
CRAN checks: httpuv results


Reference manual: httpuv.pdf


Package source: httpuv_1.6.5.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): httpuv_1.6.5.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): httpuv_1.6.5.tgz, r-release (x86_64): httpuv_1.6.5.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): httpuv_1.6.5.tgz
Old sources: httpuv archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: BrowserViz, Rfacebook, Rlinkedin, webdeveloper, webglobe
Reverse imports: ambiorix, bea.R, beakr, biobtreeR, blogdown, boxr, BrownDog, bs4Dash, elementR, emuR, epitweetr, epivizrServer, fiery, ganalytics, igvR, IsoplotRgui, JBrowseR, jrc, MetaIntegrator, mlflow, opencpu, pagedown, phantasus, plumber, plumbertableau, RCyjs, rfigshare, routr, rStrava, servr, shiny, shinyloadtest, shinytest, sleepwalk, spectrino, spotGUI, switchrGist, tfdeploy, VOSONDash, vosonSML, workflowr
Reverse suggests: AzureAuth, AzureRMR, curl, gargle, googleVis, httr, httr2, rchie, rlc, rorcid, rsconnect, rtweet, sship, tricolore, Ularcirc, vetiver, vkR, webfakes, webshot, webshot2, websocket, webutils


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