clinfun 1.1.0 (02/22/2022)
- Added added admissible two stage design function
- Added added futilbdry function for sequential futility stopping
clinfun (development version)
- Added a
file to track changes to the package.
- deposited development version on GitHub
- created {pkgdown} website
- added 1:r sample allocation in gsdesign functions
- Fixed the warnings messages from deltaAUC.f
clinfun 1.0.15 (04/13/2018)
- Added new function deltaAUC to test for difference in the area under the ROC curves from nested binary regression models.
- power.ladesign does exact null if number of combinations is small
- Added to help of fedesign, ph2simon and ph2single functions
clinfun 1.0.14 (04/25/2017)
- added init.c to register native routines
clinfun 1.0.13 (11/29/2016)
- permlogrank bug fix - strata option gave an error. Names of elements in survfit.object changed. (strata instead of ntimes.strata and n a vector).
clinfun 1.0.12 (08/03/2016)
- added aucVardiTest to compare growth curves
clinfun 1.0.11 (08/11/2015)
- check for misssing values in jonckheere.test
clinfun 1.0.10 (05/18/2015)
- bug fix for pselect; nlen > 3 should have been nlen > 2
clinfun 1.0.9 (02/24/2015)
- use requireNamespace to remove NOTES on functions using survival pkg
clinfun 1.0.8 (02/19/2015)
- fix name swap in the result of mdrr in v1.0.7
clinfun 1.0.7 (02/19/2015)
- new function mdrr added to calculate minimum detectable difference in response rates for given average response rate and class proportion
clinfun 1.0.6 (06/10/2014)
- On rare occasions jonckheere.test gave a p-value bigger than 1. Sometimes 2min(iPVAL, dPVAL, 1) can be larger than 1. Replace with 2min(iPVAL, dPVAL, 0.5) (Thanks to Drs. Shterev and Owzar of Duke).
clinfun 1.0.5 (04/16/2013)
clinfun 1.0.4 (01/22/2013)
- Added the option to calculate continuity corrected sample size in the function gsdesign.binomial.
clinfun 1.0.3 (10/15/2012)
- Fixed two-sided p-value > 1 bug when statistic is exactly its mean.
- Fixed Rd file to address LaTeX warnings.
clinfun 1.0.2 (09/25/2012)
- integer overflow in djonck for the Jonckheere-Terpstra statistic. replace with pdf calculation using Mark van de Wiel convolution.
- Create seperate help for functions permlogrank and jonckheere.test
clinfun 1.0.1 (08/14/2012)
- Fix integer overflow because of n0n1 == 0 in roc.curve and nnnd == 0 in roc.area.test
- In coxphQuantile eliminate times for which survival probability is 0 or 1 from quantile computation.
clinfun 1.0.0 (03/13/2012)
clinfun number changed to 1.0.0 in preparation for R 2.15.
- toxbdry now does the entire Pocock to O’Brien-Fleming range of boundaries. Added references for the method.
- Fixed linebreak in the help for coxphERR.
clinfun 0.9.9 (01/18/2012)
- Added coxphERR to calculate Heller’s explained relative risk.
- Fixed NaN bug in toxbdry when priority=“alt” is used.
clinfun 0.9.8 (09/13/2011)
- fixed bug in print.gsdesign for binomial case (p1,p2 instead of pC,pE)
- ROC functions now check that there are at least one each of status=0,1
clinfun 0.9.7 (04/27/2011)
- fixed fortran code to address gfortran-4.6 warnings
- added ktau a faster implementation of cor(x, y, method=“k”). not in NAMESPACE. Should be called using clinfun:::ktau
clinfun 0.9.7 (04/25/2011)
- bug fix: roc.area.test integer overflow for large nn*nd.
- use sort function to speed up roc curve and area estimation.
clinfun 0.9.6 (03/24/2011)
- bug fix: roc.area.test gave NaN as the statistic and p-value when the markers are identical. Changed it to 0.
clinfun 0.9.5 (03/09/2011)
- bug fix: gsdesign funtions not returning the sample size / # events.
clinfun 0.9.4 (02/24/2011)
- twostage.inference for umvue, p-value and CI for 2 stage design.
clinfun 0.9.3 (12/06/2010)
- ph2simon was testing whether dim is null for feasible solution. Replaced with nrow == 0 since it is now possible to have 0 rows.
clinfun 0.9.2 (11/05/2010)
- Added functions to compute and plot the empirical ROC curve.
clinfun 0.9.1 (11/03/2010)
- Added functions for the area and permutation tests to compare ROC.
- Checks that min.diff is greater than 0 in pselect.
clinfun 0.9.0 (11/01/2010)
- Added a non-binding futility boundary to gsdesign
clinfun 0.8.10 (04/16/2010)
- variable names for returned data.frame in coxphQuantile
- examples in coxphQuantile & coxphCPE use status==2
clinfun 0.8.9 (04/09/2010)
- check R# clinfun so that coxphCPE works for any # clinfun (see 0.8.9)
clinfun 0.8.8 (04/07/2010)
- Change coxphCPE to reflect the fact that model.matrix.coxph doesn’t have an intercept term.
clinfun 0.8.8 (02/25/2010)
- Added the function or2pcase
clinfun 0.8.7 (11/20/2009)
- Fixed the 0/0 bug in the revised pselect
clinfun 0.8.6 (11/17/2009)
- Changed Venkat’s affiliation to MSKCC.
- Fixed pselect to calculate the selection probability correctly when only one treatment exceeds the min.resp threshold.
clinfun 0.8.5 (07/10/2009)
- Changed the Jonckheere-Terpstra statistic such that large value is indicative of increasing group locations and small for decreasing. Function warns that p-value is based on approximation for tied data.
clinfun 0.8.4 (12/02/2008)
- Added functionality to pselect. It can do unequal sample size for the case of two treatments. min.diff can be specified as a rate instead of number of responses. Output element names changed to be more descriptive.
clinfun 0.8.3 (11/18/2008 & 09/18/2008)
- Fixed the bug CPS.ssize. call inside used fixed alpha, power & r.
- Fixed the bug in the approximate one-sided p-value of Jonckheere test. wrong tail was used.
clinfun 0.8.2 (06/20/2008)
- toxbdry allows the error threshold to prioritize when the sample size is too small to have both satisfied.
clinfun 0.8.1 (06/17/2008)
- Fixed gsdesign to allow for fixed sample designs. Help file fixed.
clinfun 0.8.0 (05/23/2008)
- New # clinfun with one new function