The chk_
functions (and their vld_
equivalents) can be divided into the following families. For reasons of space, the x_name = NULL
argument is not shown.
Function | Code |
chk_true(x) |
is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1L && !anyNA(x) && x |
chk_false(x) |
is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1L && !anyNA(x) && !x |
chk_flag(x) |
is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1L && !anyNA(x) |
chk_lgl(x) |
is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1L |
Function | Code |
chk_scalar(x) |
length(x) == 1L |
chk_number(x) |
is.numeric(x) && length(x) == 1L && !anyNA(x) |
chk_whole_number(x) |
vld_number(x) && (is.integer(x) || vld_true(all.equal(x, trunc(x)))) |
chk_string(x) |
is.character(x) && length(x) == 1L && !anyNA(x) |
chk_date(x) |
inherits(x, "Date") && length(x) == 1L && !anyNA(x) |
chk_datetime(x) |
inherits(x, "POSIXct") && length(x) == 1L && !anyNA(x) |
chk_tz(x) |
is.character(x) && length(x) == 1L && !anyNA(x) && x %in% OlsonNames() |
Function | Code |
chk_range(x, range = c(0, 1)) |
all(x[!] >= range[1] & x[!] <= range[2]) |
chk_lt(x, value = 0) |
all(x[!] < value) |
chk_lte(x, value = 0) |
all(x[!] <= value) |
chk_gt(x, value = 0) |
all(x[!] > value) |
chk_gte(x, value = 0) |
all(x[!] >= value) |
Function | Code |
chk_identical(x, y) |
identical(x, y) |
chk_equal(x, y, tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) |
vld_true(all.equal(x, y, tolerance)) |
chk_equivalent(x, y, tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) |
vld_true(all.equal(x, y, tolerance, check.attributes = FALSE)) |
Function | Code |
chk_all(x, chk_fun, ...) |
all(vapply(x, chk_fun, TRUE, ...)) |
chk_all_identical(x) |
length(x) < 2L || all(vapply(x, vld_identical, TRUE, y = x[[1]])) |
chk_all_equal(x, tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) |
length(x) < 2L || all(vapply(x, vld_equal, TRUE, y = x[[1]], tolerance = tolerance)) |
chk_all_equivalent(x, tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) |
length(x) < 2L || all(vapply(x, vld_equivalent, TRUE, y = x[[1]], tolerance = tolerance)) |
Function | Code |
chk_setequal(x, values) |
setequal(x, values) |
chk_subset(x, values) |
all(x %in% values) |
chk_superset(x, values) |
all(values %in% x) |
chk_join(x, y, by) |
identical(nrow(x), nrow(merge(x, unique(y[if (is.null(names(by))) by else names(by)]), by = by))) |
Function | Code |
chk_atomic(x) |
is.atomic(x) |
chk_function(x, formals = NULL) |
is.function(x) && (is.null(formals) || length(formals(x)) == formals) |
chk_numeric(x) |
is.numeric(x) |
chk_s3_class(x, class) |
!isS4(x) && inherits(x, class) |
chk_s4_class(x, class) |
isS4(x) && methods::is(x, class) |
chk_vector(x) |
is.vector(x) |
chk_whole_numeric(x) |
is.integer(x) || (is.double(x) && vld_true(all.equal(x, as.integer(x)))) |
chk_array(x) |
is.array(x) |
chk_matrix(x) |
is.matrix(x) |
chk_data(x) |
inherits(x, "data.frame") |
Function | Code |
chk_environment(x) |
is.environment(x) |
chk_list(x) |
is.list(x) |
chk_logical(x) |
is.logical(x) |
chk_double(x) |
is.double(x) |
chk_integer(x) |
is.integer(x) |
chk_character(x) |
is.character(x) |
Function | Code |
chk_null(x) |
is.null(x) |
chk_not_null(x) |
!is.null(x) |
Function | Code |
chk_used(...) |
length(list(...)) != 0L |
chk_unused(...) |
length(list(...)) == 0L |
Function | Code |
chk_file(x) |
vld_string(x) && file.exists(x) && !dir.exists(x) |
chk_ext(x, ext) |
vld_string(x) && vld_subset(tools::file_ext(x), ext) |
chk_dir(x) |
vld_string(x) && dir.exists(x) |
Function | Code |
chk_match(x, regexp = ".+") |
all(grepl(regexp, x[!])) |
chk_named(x) |
!is.null(names(x)) |
chk_not_empty(x) |
length(x) != 0L |
chk_not_any_na(x) |
!anyNA(x) |
chk_unique(x, incomparables = FALSE) |
!anyDuplicated(x, incomparables = incomparables) |
chk_sorted(x) |
is.unsorted(x) |
check_data(x, values = NULL, exclusive = FALSE, order = FALSE, nrow = numeric(0), key = character(0))
check_dim(x, dim = length, values = numeric(0), dim_name = NULL)
check_key(x, key = character(0), na_distinct = FALSE)
check_names(x, names = character(0), exclusive = FALSE, order = FALSE)
check_values(x, values)