vers 0.2 * Relative contributions to the chi-square added; * Contributions to the chi-square previously reported in ver_0.1 are now called absolute contribution; * Bibliographical reference added for the abovementioned contributions; * Significance level of the reported standardized and adjusted standardized residuals can be corrected using the Sidak’s alpha adjustment method; * G-square test added; * Symmetric Goodman-Kruskal’s lambda and Goodman-Kruskal’s tau added; * Cohen’s k (with 95% CI) added; * Odds ratio (with p value and 95% CI) added (for 2x2 tables); * Effect size for Cramer’s V and Cramer’s V bias-corrected added to the table of the test’s results; returned for tables with up to 5 degrees of freedom according to Cohen 1988; * Degrees of freedom added to the output table reporting the test’s result; * The distribution of the permuted chi-square statistic can be optionally plotted; * Fix in the calculation of the cells contribution (in percent) to the chi-square; * Output tables formatted using the ‘gt’ package instead of ‘formattable’; * Option added to customize the font size of the output tables; * Improvements to the content and layout of the help documentation.
vers 0.1 first release to CRAN