arulesCBA 1.2.4 (2022-05-30)
- LUCS_KDD algorithms work now in Java headless mode.
- Function rules() is now defunct. rules are now extracted using
$rules. Reason: arules has now a rules function.
- Improved package tests.
- NAMESPACE is now managed by roxygen.
- Improved man pages.
- new helper function classes.
- CBA_ruleset now requires a default class.
arulesCBA 1.2.3 (2022-05-27)
- LUCS_KDD jars come now preinstalled which fixes compilation
- Fixed RCAR for 0 rule case.
arulesCBA 1.2.1 (2021-11-20)
- mineCARs now uses by default minimum LHS-support (via parameter
originalSupport = FALSE).
- the CBA_ruleset function is now used consistently as the constructor
for CBA objects.
- added transactionCoverage.
- added uncoveredClassExamples.
- added uncoveredMajorityClass.
- added transactions2DF to convert transactions to a data.frame.
- RCAR is now faster (does not run glmnet again for the chosen lambda)
and returns the whole regularization path.
- prepareTransactions now automatically add a negative class item if
- moved the experimental algorithms wCBA and bCBA to Work.
- R/Weka-based classifiers have now a default class.
arulesCBA 1.2.0 (2020-04-19)
- Version 1.2.0 has a major interface cleanup. This might require some
change in existing code.
- The classifiers now use as the default a min. confidence of .5 and
maxlen of 5 (max. rule length).
- CBA now includes a default rule in the rule base.
- added prepareTransactions to discretize and convert a data.frame
into transactions.
- added response to convert class items to class labels
- added majorityClass.
- added FOIL.
- added RIPPER C4.5, and PART (via RWeka).
- added PRM, CPAR and CMAR (via LUCS-KDD Software Library).
- added datasets Mushroom and Lymphography.
arulesCBA 1.1.6 (2020-01-05)
arulesCBA 1.1.5 (2019-11-05)
- added RCAR (by Tyler Giallanza).
- The interface for CBA() was updated.
- CBA now complains if no rules are found.
- CBA has now also M1 pruning.
- mineCARs now uses … to construct the parameters for apriori().
arulesCBA 1.1.4 (2018-12-04)
- discretizeDF.supervised method mdlp now produces a better error
message if it fails.
- cleaned up the predict code to improve speed.
- mineCARs has now a balanced support option.
- convenience function classFrequency added.
arulesCBA 1.1.3-1
- added new function discretizeDF.supervised for supervised
- added new convenience function mineCARs to mine class association
- the formula interface now parsed the right hand side to restrict the
used predictors.