NEWS | R Documentation |
vcgGeodist: fixed bug in C++ code leading to segfaults using clang
NEW: vcgIsotropicRemeshing: remesh to obtain uniform edge lengths
NEW: vcgGeodist vcgGeodistPath: get geodesic paths on meshes
NEW: vcgVertxNeighbours: find neighbourhood of vertices
NEW: vcgFaceNormals: compute per face normals of a mesh
made example code with suggested packages optional
vcgQEdecim: set default optiplace=FALSE as this can lead to unwanted distortions in some cases.
vcgClean: when iterate=T, also check removed faces.
vcgPlyWrite: fixed mesh export for legacy rgl coloring
Rintersect.cpp: check for valid pointer and increased search radius to 2*bbox
vcgBox: added default argument mesh=vcgSphere()
vcgArea: added option pertriangle to get per face area
vcglib: fixed potential buffer overflow in src/vcglib/wrap/io_trimesh/export_stl.h
vcgClostKD now sets all distances > 1e12 to NaN
vcgOffWrite/vcgObjWrite: fixed typo in documentation
updated vcglib to version 1.0.1
added meshInfo, nfaces and nverts to obtain mesh information
vcgStlWrite and vcgPlyWrite: avoid doubled file extension if filename already contains extension
NEW: vcgObjWrite, vcgOffWrite and vcgWrlWrite, allowing export of meshes into OBJ, OFF and WRL format
vcgImport: now supports OFF file format
updated vcglib to revision 5760 and adapted patches and vcgQEdecim
added meshInfo, nfaces and nverts to obtain mesh information
added vcgBallPivoting: ball pivoting surface reconstruction
added vcgKmeans a fast kmeans clustering for 2D and 3D point clouds
added vcgClostOnKDtreeFromBarycenters, vcgCreateKDtree, vcgCreateKDtreeFromBarycenters, vcgSearchKDtree to allow reusing KD-trees
added vcgSubdivide to refine an existing mesh by subidviding faces
added vcgMetro to compare differences between two meshes using different types of subsampling (thanks to F. Girinion)
added vcgArea to calculate the surface area of a mesh
added option keep to vcgIsolated and allowed options diameter/facenum to be used with split=T
updated vcglib to revision 5735
added Rvcg::IOMesh::mesh3d2Rvcg<T>, allowing easier conversion from mesh3d to vcglib meshtypes
added checkFaceOrientation to check whether a the outer layer of a surface mesh points outward
vcgClost: in case distances are beyond threshold, distance values are to NaN and a warning is issued
refactored and simplified C++ code
changed SUPPORT_OPENMP to _OPENMP in C++ code to comply with CRAN rules.
fixed clang build for OS X and Fedora
fixed build for solaris
updated vcglib source code to Revision: 5542
added functions to create basic meshes (spheres, polyhedrons)
enabled OpenMP support to run closest point search in parallel (vcgKDtree and vcgClostKD)
added options IJK2RAS and direction in vcgIsosurface
added new option writeNormals in vcgPlyWrite
added option facenormals in vcgClost* functions
added functions to check if the normals of a mesh are oriented outward
added additional low-level options in vcgKDtree
fixed useless check in vcgUpdateNormals
added BugReport page in DESCRIPITON
updated vcglib source code to Revision: 5521
added option to vcgIsosurface
added option iterate in vcgClean
removed wrong error call in vcgKDtree
silenced all output in vcgQEdecim if silent=T
updated vcglib source code to Revision: 5496
added support for xyz files
improved handling of texture files
fixed Rkdtree.cpp where a flying snippet could provoke assertion errors
fixed issues if target of a vcgKdtree query is a mesh
disabled cleaning for pointclouds in RallRead.cpp
fixed texture import in vcgImport
fixed missing <#include time.h> in upstream code preventing windows build
added support for reading face and vertex quality from ply files in vcgImport
added option split in vcgIsolated to split a mesh by connected components and return them as a list
vcgClean now allows to fix uncoherently oriented faces
added option tol to specify a search radius in vcgClost
added example and docu to vcgUniformRemesh
new function vcgUniformRemesh to remesh based on a voxelized space faces for the closest one with a correct normal orientation.
added option weightnorm in vcgClostKD to enable/disable calculation of a weighted normal at the closest point
fixes and optimizations in Rkdtree.cpp
added option angdev in vcgClost/Rkdtree to find the closest point with an appropriate normal, if none is found, distance is set to 1e5
added method Laplacian (surface preserving) in vcgSmooth
added vcgStlWrite to export mesh3d objects to STL format.
added option threshold in vcgIsosurface
vcgIsosurface no longer binarizes the array values