RSiena 1.3.0
Changes in RSiena:
RSiena 1.2.34
Changes in RSiena:
New functions:
- New effects: avInSim (thanks to Steffen Triebel), totInSim, avInSimPopAlt, totInSimPopAlt, constant, avAttHigher, avAttLower, totAttHigher, totAttLower.
- Changed effects: endowment and creation types for avInSim (brought in line with these types for avSim).
Improvements of functionality:
- funnelPlot adapted to lists of sienaFit objects containing missing estimates or standard errors.
- plot.sienaGOF: new parameter “position”.
- Small improvements (length of effect names) in meta.table and siena.table.
Bug corrections
- Restore backward compatibility with respect to checks of x$gmm.
- In test functions: correct names reported for tested effects by using ans\(requestedEffects instead of ans\)effects.
Code improvements
- Improved coding of SimilarityEffect, using new parts of NetworkDependentBehaviorEffect.
- Changed unsigned actors to int in Continuousvariable and EpochSimulation;
int …EffectCounts to unsigned in BehaviorVariable, to avoid warnings in C++ compilation.
- Changed name of similarity(int i, int j) to actor_similarity in order to avoid confusion with similarity(double v1, double v2).
- Took out of NAMESPACE a few imported functions from graphics, stats, utils that were not used.
- Correction of footer of CovariateDistance2EgoAltSimNetworkFunction.h.
RSiena 1.2.33
Changes in RSiena:
- Adjusted
, cleanup
and Makevars
files for just C++ checks.
- Pandoc dropped as a system requirement.
RSiena 1.2.32
Changes in RSiena:
- New effects: homXTransRecTrip, toU.
- This implied creation of a new effect class dyadANetNetObjective.
- sqrt versions for parameter 2 for the effects to, toBack, toRecip, from, fromMutual.
- Effects to, toU, toBack, toRecip, MixedInXW are dyadic.
- Reinstated effect MixedInXW, also with sqrt version for parameter 2.
- Dropped effect to.2 (identical to “to”) and MixedInWX (identical to “toBack”).
Improvements of functionality:
- effectsDocumentation now also includes gmm effects (at the bottom).
- Improved fromObjectToLaTeX in meta.table and siena.table.
- Display of deviations from targets changed to after subtraction of targets.
- Stop if no parameters are estimated and simOnly is FALSE (initializeFRAN).
Reduction of functionality:
- Vignette basicRSiena.Rmd dropped (available at website).
- Extended description of GMoM in the manual.
- Description of toBack and toRecip in manual.
- Changed keyword for some help pages.
Corrections / safeguards
- Correction in phase3.2 of a bug that sometimes led to an error message if simOnly.
- oneModeNet in effects.r: some further cases where the comparison of types with ‘behavior’ is replaced by comparison with c(‘behavior’, ‘continuous’).
- Extra check in phase1.2.
- Temporarily drop the final part of test16, in view of an irreproducible error.
More neat code:
- Dropped MixedOutStarFunction, MixedInStarFunction, MixedTwoPathFunction, (their functionality replaced by MixedTwoStepFunction).
- Dropped MixedTwoStepFunction from effects (its place is in effects, and that’s were it is).
RSiena 1.2-31
Changes in RSiena:
- Generalized method of Moments implemented (Viviana Amati): see docs_RSiena_GMoM.tex; new function includeGMoMStatistics, extended functionality of siena07.
- Require R >= 3.5.0.
- xtable added to “Imports” (used to be in “Suggests”).
- dyadicCov made to accept also changing dyadic covariates.
- Used ‘verbose’ condition in sienaGOF also for last console output.
- new arguments plotAboveThreshold and verbose for funnelPlot.
RSiena 1.2.30
Changes in RSiena:
- Resolved issue with continuous dependent behavior variables (Nynke Niezink).
RSiena 1.2-29
Changes in RSiena:
- New effects (due to Christoph Stadtfeld): transtrip.FR, transtrip.FE, transtrip.EE, WWX.EE, WWX.FR, WXX.FE, WXX.ER, XWX.ER, XWX.FE, to.2, toBack, toRecip.
- New effect transtripX.
- New functions meta.table and funnelPlot.
- For effect from.w.ind, option parameter=-1 added.
- The to effect is an ego effect.
- New parameter ‘tested’ in sienaGOF.
- For siena.table, some of the effectNames changed to nice strings, so that LaTeX can run without errors if type=‘tex’.
- The object produced by siena08 now has IWLS estimates more easily accessible, as object\(muhat and object\)se.muhat.
- Error message in sienaTimeTest for sienaFit objects produced with lessMem=TRUE.
- More extensive error message for error in named vectors in algorithm object (checkNames in initializeFRAN).
- For sienaDataCreate: more extensive error message, and class(…) replaced by class(…)[1].
- multiplication factor added to print.sienaAlgorithm if maxlike.
- In sienaAlgorithmCreate: requirements for mult corrected in help page.
- In sienaAlgorithmCreate, use the definitions for projname=NULL also if any environment variable _R_CHECK* is set.
RSiena 1.2-28
Changes in RSiena:
- Adapted filter “disjoint” so that it operates correctly also when the network is symmetric. Consequence: constraint that two networks are disjoint operates correctly also when one of the networks is symmetric and the other is not.
- Adapted filter “higher” so that it operates correctly also when the other network is symmetric. Consequence: constraint that one network is at least as high as another network operates correctly also when the higher networks is symmetric and the other is not.
- In “CheckConstraints”, used in “sienaDataCreate”, the requirement was dropped that the two networks have the same symmetry property; and for “higher” it is required that if the lower network is symmetric, the higher network is also symmetric.
- In “sienaDataConstraint”, if type is “disjoint” or “atLeastOne”, the constraint is also implemented for the pair (net2, net1).
- Vignette basicRSiena added (was earlier available as a script); thanks to James Hollway.
RSiena 1.2-26
Changes in RSiena:
- Changed requirement for tcltk to “Suggests”, and further modified / cleaned up DESCRIPTION.
- In siena07: if (!requireNamespace(“tcltk”)) set batch to TRUE.
- In NAMESPACE drop tcltk
- In sienaAlgorithmCreate, use the definitions for projname=NULL also if any environment variable _R_CHECK* is set.