NEWS | R Documentation |
Functions chenTest
, Dunnett
, power.dunnett.test
and power.williams.test
were added.
Code in init.c
was re-written based on
Function dscfAllPairsTest
always returned NA
This has been fixed.
Function manyOneUTest
always returned NA
This has been fixed.
An order restriction for factor levels
was implemented in the function jonckheereTest
which allows an un-sorted input.
The Rd-files were updated for all trend-test procedures with a note on how to label the factor levels from zero-dose control to highest dose level.
The function manyOneUTest
was corrected
in order to become workable.
The functionmrrTest to conduct Madhava Rao-Raghunath exact symmetry test was added.
The functions hayterStoneTest
and NPMTest
were extended for
calculating asymptotic p-values with the code
of pHayStonLSA
of the package NSM3.
The Shan-Young-Kang test for testing against
ordered alternatives
was implemented in function shanTest
The function uryWigginsHochbergTest
corrected in order to return the two-tailed p-value.
In the demo algae
the step-down
trend examples were replaced with
the corresponding novel function
The method for class "aov"
was implemented
for the function williamsTest
The function toTidy
was extended for
functions of two-way rank ANOVA.
Several Rd
files were updated and extended.
The functions hayterStoneTest
and hsAllPairsTest
were implemented.
The function toTidy
was implemented
based on a valuable recommendation of Indrajeet Patil.
The method for class "aov"
was implemented
for the functions osrtTest
and MTest
The function stepDownTrendTest
as well as
corresponding print
and summary
methods were
implemented to perform step-down tren test procedures.
the functions hayterStoneTest
, hsAllPairsTest
and NPMTest
were extended for method = "boot"
with which an asymetric permutation test is conducted
and p
-values are returned.
The function chaAllPairsNashimotoTest
enhanced for NPT'-test, where p-values are calculated from the
standard normal distribution and NPY'-test, where the statistic(s)
are compared with ciritical h-values.
The function chackoTest
was extended for
alternative = c("greater","less")
The Rd-files of several functions were revised.
The flignerWolfeTest
were implemented
in the function powerOneWayTest
The functions MTest
and osrtTest
corrected in such a way, that estimated statistics are
compared with critical h-values from an internal look-up
The function chaAllPairsNashimotoTest
was corrected
for the NPM-test. p-values are now calculated from the
standard normal distribution.
A new generic method print.osrt
was coded for all functions that use
critical values for decisions, i.e. osrtTest
, steelTest
, williamsTest
. Other print
methods were removed.
The Fligner-Wolfe test was implemented in function flignerWolfeTest
was corrected for directed hypothesis testing.
S3 method for class‘aov’ was added
for tukeyTest
, gamesHowellTest
, tamhaneT2Test
, dunnettT3Test
, scheffeTest
, dunnettTest
and welchManyOneTTest
Updated concept-tag in Rd files.
The examples in kruskalTest
, adKSampleTest
and bwsKSampleTest
changed for compatibility with
the upcoming ‘stringsAsFactors = FALSE’ default in R (4.0.0).
The names for the ‘method’ were corrected for adAllPairsTest
and bwsAllPairsTest
The example in adKSampleTest
was corrected.
The S3 method for class ‘formula’ was added
for frdAllPairsNemenyiTest
The novel internal function frdRanks
was added
for consistent Friedman-type ranking.
Results of all frd[.]Test
and quadeAllPairsTest
depended on the sequential
order of groups and blocks. This has been fixed.
Thanks to Jakob Richter, email 2019-10-15.
The function frdManyOneExactTest
corrected towards ‘alternative == "two.sided"’ only.
The function hartleyTest
for performing
Hartley's Maximum F-Ratio Test of Homogeneity of Variances
was added.
The demo trout.R was updated.
The function siegelTukeyTest
performing the Siegel-Tukey rank dispersion test
was added.
The function GSTTest
performing the Generalized Siegel-Tukey Test
for rank dispersion was added.
The names of columns and rows of the lower
triangle matrix in any of the functions
, frdManyOne*
were occasionally wrong.
The bug only appeared, if y, group, block
were provided as vectors and the group vector was
sorted. This bug has been fixed.
Example of Rd file of kruskalTest
was modified to show equality of Conover's F and
one-way ANOVA F-Test with ranks.
The function snkTest
for performing
the Student-Newman-Keuls test was added.
The funtion duncanTest
for performing
the Duncan's (new) multiple range test was added.
The funtion welchManyOneTTest
for performing
many-to-one comparisons with Welch's t-test was added.
Likewise, welchManyOneTTest
was added as test
in function powerMCtests
The funtion steelTest
print and summary S3-methods for applying
Steel's Many-to-One Rank Test was added.
The function tamhaneT2Test
was extended
for performing Tamhane's extended T2' test as well. Thanks to
Sirio BolaƱos.
Several Rd files were corrected (e.g. links to other man files, corrected calls to functions in examples section)
The function tamhaneT2Test
was corrected in order
to compute the two-tailed p-value with Sidaks p-adjustment using
m = k(k-1)/2
The function shirleyWilliamsTest
was extended
for alternatives less and greater using a look-up table
for critical Williams-t values including
print and summary methods.
Links in Rd file of bwsManyOneTest were corrected.
The function williamsTest
including print and summary methods were added.
Misspelled author name Terpstra was
corrected in function jonckheereTest
and corresponding Rd file.
Reference in the title of Rd files
for functions mandelhTest
and mandelkTest
were corrected.