This document is based on the NetLogo Dictionary. It lists all the entries in the NetLogo Dictionary (i.e., NetLogo primitives) and informs the best replacements to use in R. Are suggested as replacements, functions from the NetLogoR
package, as well as functions from the R software and of other packages (indicated below). To find how to use these functions, please refers to their documentation by using help("nameFunction")
When no NetLogoR
function was built to translate a NetLogo primitive and that, to our knowledge, no R function (or from other packages) could easily recreate the primitive, we indicated “not implemented”. The NetLogo primitives not implemented should not prevent the users from building individual-based models involving patches and turtles.
For the inverse dictionary (i.e., to find the NetLogo equivalents of the NetLogoR
functions) please look at the NetLogoR
documentation as the links to NetLogo Dictionary entries for the equivalent primitives are provided in the “See Also” section of each NetLogoR
e: exp()
pi: pi.
false: FALSE
true: TRUE
black: "black"
gray: "gray"
or "grey"
white: "white"
red: "red"
orange: "orange"
brown: "brown"
yellow: "yellow"
green: "green"
lime: "limegreen"
turquoise: "turquoise"
cyan: "cyan"
sky: "skyblue"
blue: "blue"
violet: "violet"
magenta: "magenta"
pink: "pink"
See for more colors.
abs: abs()
acos: acos()
, returns value in radians. Use deg()
from CircStats
to convert the result in degrees.
all?: NLall()
from NetLogoR
and: &
any?: NLany()
from NetLogoR
approximate-hsb: hsv()
approximate-rgb: rgb()
arithmetic operators: +
, *
, -
, /
, ^,
, >
, =
or ==
(depends if it is for setting or testing), !=
, <=
, >=
asin: asin()
, returns value in radians. Use deg()
from CircStats
to convert the result in degrees.
ask: not implemented. The agents running a NetLogoR
function is one of the function arguments that need to be provided.
ask-concurrent: not implemented. When multiple agents are provided in a NetLogoR
function, they all execute the function at the same time. To execute a function similarly as ask-concurrent, the function needs to be provided with one agent at the time.
at-points: turtlesAt()
from NetLogoR
or patchAt()
from NetLogoR
atan: atan2()
, returns value in radians. Use deg()
from CircStats
to convert the result in degrees.
autoplot?: not implemented.
auto-plot-off: not implemented.
auto-plot-on: not implemented.
back (bk): bk()
from NetLogoR
base-colors: see help(rainbow)
for different ways of creating colors.
beep: beep()
from beepr.
behaviorspace-experiment-name: BehaviorSpace not implemented.
behaviorspace-run-number: BehaviorSpace not implemented.
both-ends: links not implemented.
breed: use of()
from NetLogoR
to access turtles’ breeds.
but-first (butfirst, bf): nameList[-1]
for lists; substring(nameString, 2)
for strings.
but-last (but-last, bl): head(nameList, -1)
or nameList[-length(nameList)]
for lists; substr(nameString, 1, nchar(nameString) - 1)
for strings.
can-move?: canMove()
in NetLogoR
carefully: try()
ceiling: ceiling()
clear-all (ca): not implemented. See the NetLogoR
dictionary entries for clear-globals, clear-ticks, clear-turtles, clear-patches, clear-drawing, clear-all-plots, and clear-output.
closes all external plot windows opened and clears the plot window of RStudio.
clear-drawing (cd): not implemented.
clear-globals: rm()
removes the specified objects (which can be of any class) from the R environment, these objects do not longer exist afterwards. To reset objects to 0 instead, reassign the objects (e.g., nameObject <- 0
clear-links: links not implemented.
clear-output: cat("\014")
clears the R console.
clear-patches (cp): clearPatches()
from NetLogoR
closes the external plot window opened or clears the plot window of RStudio, depending on which one was active. clearPlot()
from quickPlot
acts differently on the external plot window as it clears it but does not close it.
clear-ticks: tick counter not implemented. If a global variable is used to store the time (e.g., time <- 0
; time <- time + 1
), see NetLogoR
dictionary entry for clear-globals.
clear-turtles (ct): see NetLogoR
dictionary entry for clear-globals. If reassigning, turtles <- noTurtles()
can be used to kill all the turtles in the agentset and replace it by an empty turtle agentset.
color: use of()
from NetLogoR
to access turtles’ colors.
cos: cos()
takes an input value in radians. Use rad()
from CircStats
to convert the input from degrees to radians.
count: NLcount()
from NetLogoR
create-ordered-turtles (cro): createOTurtles()
from NetLogoR
. The created turtles must be assigned to an object before they can run some functions.
create-ordered<breeds>: createOTurtles()
from NetLogoR
. The created turtles must be assigned to an object before they can run some functions.
create-<breed>-to: links not implemented.
create-<breeds>-to: links not implemented.
create-<breed>-from: links not implemented.
create-<breeds>-from: links not implemented.
create-<breed>-with: links not implemented.
create-<breeds>-with: links not implemented.
create-link-to: links not implemented.
create-links-to: links not implemented.
create-link-from: links not implemented.
create-links-from: links not implemented.
create-link-with: links not implemented.
create-links-with: links not implemented.
create-turtles (crt): createTurtles()
from NetLogoR
. The created turtles must be assigned to an object before they can run some functions.
create-<breeds>: createTurtles()
from NetLogoR
. The created turtles must be assigned to an object before they can run some functions.
create-temporary-plot-pen: not implemented.
date-and-time: Sys.time()
die: die()
from NetLogoR
diffuse: diffuse()
from NetLogoR
diffuse4: diffuse()
from NetLogoR
directed-link-breed: links not implemented.
display: not implemented.
distance: NLdist()
from NetLogoR
distancexy: NLdist()
from NetLogoR
downhill: downhill()
from NetLogoR
downhill4: downhill()
from NetLogoR
dx: dx()
from NetLogoR
dy: dy()
from NetLogoR
empty?: length(nameList) == 0
for lists and vectors; nchar(nameString) == 0
or length(nameString) == 0
for strings, depending if nameString = ""
or nameString = character(0)
end: not implemented.
end1: links not implemented.
end2: links not implemented.
error: stop("errorMessage")
error-message: not implemented.
every: not implemented.
exp: exp()
export-view: not implemented.
export-interface: not implemented.
export-output: not implemented.
export-plot: jpeg()
, png()
, bmp()
, tiff()
of pdf()
export-all-plots: jpeg()
, png()
, bmp()
, tiff()
of pdf()
export-world: save()
can save any created R objects (worlds, turtles, patches, globals, etc.).
extensions: similar as using R packages. Load packages with library()
, then all the functions from the loaded package are available.
extract-hsb: col2hsv()
from IDPmisc.
extract-rgb: col2rgb()
face: face()
from NetLogoR
facexy: face()
from NetLogoR
file-at-end?: not implemented.
file-close: not implemented.
file-close-all: not implemented.
file-delete: file.remove()
file-exists?: file.exists()
file-flush: not implemented.
file-open: read.table()
, read.csv
, load()
, raster()
, etc., depends on the file format.
file-print: not implemented.
file-read: not implemented.
file-read-characters: not implemented.
file-read-line: not implemented.
file-show: not implemented.
file-type: not implemented.
file-write: not implemented.
filter: Filter()
first: nameList[[1]]
for lists; substr(nameString, 1, 1)
for strings.
floor: floor()
follow: not implemented.
follow-me: not implemented.
foreach: for(i in 1:length(nameList)) {task(nameList[[i]])}
, lapply()
or sapply()
for single list or mapply()
for multiple lists. Functions are the same when used with vectors, except for the for-loop : for(i in 1:length(nameVector)) {task(nameVector[i])}
forward (fd): fd()
from NetLogoR
fput: c(newElement, nameList)
for lists and vectors.
hatch: hatch()
from NetLogoR
. The new hatched turtles cannot directly run functions. The turtles agentset containing the parent turtles and the new hatched turtles needs to be assigned to an object, then the new hatched turtles must be identified within that agentset to run some functions.
hatch-<breeds>: hatch()
from NetLogoR
. The new hatched turtles cannot directly run functions. The turtles agentset containing the parent turtles and the new hatched turtles needs to be assigned to an object, then the new hatched turtles must be identified within that agentset to run some functions.
heading: use of()
from NetLogoR
to access turtles’ headings.
hidden?: not implemented.
hide-link: links not implemented.
hide-turtle (ht): not implemented.
histogram: hist()
. Use unlist()
to transform a list into a vector prior using hist()
. Only numeric values can be passed on to hist()
(e.g., strings cannot be used).
home: home()
from NetLogoR
hsb: col2rgb(hsv())
hubnet-broadcast: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-broadcast-clear-output: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-broadcast-message: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-clear-override: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-clear-overrides: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-clients-list: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-enter-message?: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-exit-message?: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-fetch-message: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-kick-client: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-kick-all-clients: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-message: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-message-source: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-message-tag: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-message-waiting?: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-reset: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-reset-perspective: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-send: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-send-clear-output: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-send-follow: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-send-message: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-send-override: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-send-watch: HubNet not implemented.
hubnet-set-client-interface: HubNet not implemented.
if: if(){}
ifelse: ifelse()
or if(){} else {}
ifelse-value: ifelse()
or if(){} else {}
import-drawing: not implemented.
import-pcolors: not implemented.
import-pcolors-rgb: not implemented.
import-world: not implemented.
in-cone: inCone()
from NetLogoR
in-<breed>-neighbor?: links not implemented.
in-link-neighbor?: links not implemented.
in-<breed>-neighbors: links not implemented.
in-link-neighbors: links not implemented.
in-<breed>-from: links not implemented.
in-link-from: links not implemented.
__includes: not implemented.
in-radius: inRadius()
from NetLogoR
inspect: inspect()
from NetLogoR
to inspect turtles; or of()
from NetLogoR
to obtain variables values for patches or turtles.
int: trunc()
is-agent?: isNLclass()
from NetLogoR
is-agentset?: isNLclass()
from NetLogoR
is-boolean?: is.logical()
is-command-task?: not implemented.
is-directed-link?: links not implemented.
is-link?: links not implemented.
is-link-set?: links not implemented.
is-list?: is.list()
is-number?: is.numeric()
is-patch?: isNLclass()
from NetLogoR
is-patch-set?: isNLclass()
from NetLogoR
is-reporter-task?: not implemented.
is-string?: is.character()
is-turtle?: isNLclass()
from NetLogoR
is-turtle-set?: isNLclass()
in NetLogoR
is-undirected-link?: links not implemented.
item: nameList[[index]]
for lists; substr(nameString, index, index)
for strings; nameVector[index]
for vectors. Indices begin from 1, not 0 like in NetLogo.
fd(..., out = FALSE)
or bk(..., out = FALSE)
from NetLogoR
.label: text()
to add labels on plot.
label-color: text()
to add labels on plot.
last: nameList[[length(nameList)]]
or tail(nameList, n = 1)
for lists; substring(nameString, nchar(nameString))
for strings; nameVector[length(nameVector)]
or tail(nameVector, n = 1)
for vectors.
layout-circle: layoutCircle()
from NetLogoR
layout-radial: links not implemented.
layout-spring: links not implemented.
layout-tutte: links not implemented.
left (lt): left()
from NetLogoR
length: length()
for lists and vectors; nchar()
for strings.
let: not implemented.
link: links not implemented.
link-heading: links not implemented.
link-length: links not implemented.
link-set: links not implemented.
link-shapes: links not implemented.
links: links not implemented.
links-own: links not implemented.
list: list()
ln: log()
log: log2()
, log10()
or log(..., base)
loop: repeat{}
lput: c(nameList, newElement)
for lists and vectors.
map: for(i in 1:length(nameList)) {task(nameList[[i]])}
, lapply()
for single list or mapply()
for multiple lists. Functions are the same when used with vectors, except for the for-loop : for(i in 1:length(nameVector)) {task(nameVector[i])}
max: max()
. Use unlist()
to transform a list into a vector prior using max()
max-n-of: maxNof()
from NetLogoR
max-one-of: maxOneOf()
from NetLogoR
max-pxcor: maxPxcor()
from NetLogoR
max-pycor: maxPycor()
from NetLogoR
mean: mean()
. Use unlist()
to transform a list into a vector prior using mean()
median: median()
. Use unlist()
to transform a list into a vector prior using median()
member?: pExist()
or tExist()
, both from NetLogoR
to test patches or turtles existence in an agentset. element %in% nameList
for lists and vectors; grepl()
for strings.
min: min()
. Use unlist()
to transform a list into a vector prior using min()
min-n-of: minNof()
from NetLogoR
min-one-of: minOneOf()
from NetLogoR
min-pxcor: minPxcor()
from NetLogoR
min-pycor: minPycor()
from NetLogoR
mod: %%
modes: mlv()
from modeest.
mouse-down?: not implemented.
mouse-inside?: not implemented.
mouse-xcor: not implemented.
mouse-ycor:not implemented.
move-to: moveTo()
from NetLogoR
movie-cancel: see package animation.
movie-close: see package animation.
movie-grab-view: see package animation.
movie-grab-interface: see package animation.
movie-set-frame-rate: see package animation.
movie-start: see package animation.
movie-status: see package animation.
my-<breeds>: links not implemented.
my-links: links not implemented.
my-in-<breeds>: links not implemented.
my-in-links: links not implemented.
my-out-<breeds>: links not implemented.
my-out-links: links not implemented.
myself: not implemented.
n-of: nOf()
from NetLogoR
n-values: rep()
or (for i in 1:n){}
neighbors: neighbors()
from NetLogoR
neighbors4: neighbors()
from NetLogoR
<breed>-neighbors: links not implemented.
link-neighbors: links not implemented.
<breed>-neighbor?: links not implemented.
link-neighbor?: links not implemented.
netlogo-applet?: not implemented.
netlogo-version: R.Version()
netlogo-web?: not implemented.
new-seed: rm(.Random.seed)
removes the old seed and automatically select a random new one.
no-display: not implemented.
nobody: not implemented.
no-links: links not implemented.
no-patches: noPatches()
from NetLogoR
not: !
no-turtles: noTurtles()
from NetLogoR
of: of()
from NetLogoR
. world[pxcor, pycor]
can also be used to report the value(s) of a single patch.
one-of: oneOf()
from NetLogoR
to select agent in an agentset; sample()
for lists and vectors.
or: |
other: other()
from NetLogoR
other-end: links not implemented.
out-<breed>-neighbor?: links not implemented.
out-link-neighbor?: links not implemented.
out-<breed>-neighbors: links not implemented.
out-link-neighbors: links not implemented.
out-<breed>-to: links not implemented.
out-link-to: links not implemented.
output-print: not implemented.
output-show: not implemented.
output-type: not implemented.
output-write: not implemented.
patch: patch()
from NetLogoR
patch-ahead: patchAhead()
from NetLogoR
patch-at: patchAt()
from NetLogoR
patch-at-heading-and-distance: patchDistDir()
from NetLogoR
patch-here: patchHere()
from NetLogoR
patch-left-and-ahead: patchLeft()
from NetLogoR
patch-right-and-ahead: patchRight()
from NetLogoR
patch-set: patchSet()
from NetLogoR
patch-size: not implemented.
patches: patches()
from NetLogoR
patches-own: a new world must be created with createWorld()
to create a new patch variable. This new world can then be stacked with others using stackWorlds()
to create a single object with the different patch values.
pcolor: not implemented.
pen-down (pd): SpatialLines objects from sp should be derived from the turtles object to plot their trajectories, by using their current and previous coordiantes.
pen-erase (pe): not implemented.
pen-up (pu): not implemented.
pen-mode: not implemented.
pen-size: plot(..., lwd = x)
plabel: text()
to add labels on plot.
plabel-color: text()
to add labels on plot.
plot: plot()
or Plot()
from quickPlot
plot-name: dev.cur()
returns the name and number of the active device/window where to plot. plot(..., main = x)
gives a title to the plot.
plot-pen-exists?: not implemented.
plot-pen-down: SpatialLines objects from sp should be derived from the turtles object to plot their trajectories, by using their current and previous coordiantes.
plot-pen-up: not implemented.
plot-pen-reset: not implemented.
plotxy: not implemented.
plot-x-min: not implemented.
plot-x-max: not implemented.
plot-y-min: not implemented.
plot-y-max: not implemented.
position: match()
for lists and vectors; regexpr()[1]
or StrPos()
from DescTools for strings.
precision: round()
print: print()
pxcor: use patch()
from NetLogoR
to access patches’ coordinates at any [x, y] locations.
pycor: use patch()
from NetLogoR
to access patches’ coordinates at any [x, y] locations.
random: sample()
random-float: runif()
random-exponential: rexp()
random-gamma: rgamma()
random-normal: rnorm()
random-poisson: rpois()
random-pxcor: randomPxcor()
from NetLogoR
random-pycor: randomPycor()
from NetLogoR
random-seed: set.seed()
random-xcor: randomXcor()
from NetLogoR
. Use randomXYcor()
from NetLogoR
to generate random xcor and ycor at the same time.
random-ycor: randomYcor(
) from NetLogoR
. Use randomXYcor()
from NetLogoR
to generate random xcor and ycor at the same time.
read-from-string: get()
reduce: Reduce()
remainder: %/%
remove: nameList[nameList != element]
for list and vectors; gsub(element, "", nameString)
for strings.
remove-duplicate: unique()
for lists and vectors.
remove-item: nameList[-index]
for list and vectors; gsub(substr(nameString, index, index), "", nameString)
for strings.
repeat: for(i in 1:n){task}
replace-item: nameList[[index]] <- value
for lists; gsub(substr(nameString, index, index), characters, nameString)
for strings; nameVector[index] <- value
for vectors.
report: return()
reset-perspective (rp): not implemented.
reset-ticks: not implemented.
reset-timer: not implemented.
resize-world: create a new world with createWorld()
and assign it to the object name of the previous world to overwrite it. Patches values from the previous world are then lost. To kill all the turtles, see the NetLogoR
Dictionary entry for clear-turtles.
reverse: rev()
for lists and vectors; paste(rev(unlist(strsplit(nameString, split=""))), collapse=""))
for strings.
rgb: rgb2hsv()
ride: not implemented.
ride-me: not implemented.
right (rt): right()
from NetLogoR
round: round()
run: not implemented.
runresult: not implemented.
scale-color: gray.colors
or grey.colors
, rainbow()
or see RColorBrewer
self: not implemented.
; (semicolon): #
sentence (se): c()
set: NLset()
from NetLogoR
set-current-directory: setwd()
set-current-plot: dev.set()
set-current-plot-pen: not implemented.
set-default-shape: not implemented.
set-histogram-num-bars: hist(..., breaks = x)
__set-line-thickness: not implemented.
set-patch-size: not implemented.
set-plot-pen-color: plot(..., col = x)
or Plot(..., cols = x)
from quickPlot
set-plot-pen-interval: not implemented.
set-plot-pen-mode: not implemented.
setup-plots: not implemented.
set-plot-x-range: plot(..., xlim = c(x, x))
set-plot-y-range: plot(..., ylim = c(x, x))
setxy: setXY()
from NetLogoR
shade-of?: not implemented.
shape: plot(..., pch = x)
shapes: not implemented.
show: not implemented
show-turtle (st): not implemented.
show-link: links not implemented.
shuffle: sample()
sin: sin()
takes an input value in radians. Use rad()
from CircStats
to convert the input from degrees to radians.
sort: sort()
. Use unlist()
to transform a list into a vector prior using sort()
sort-by: sort(..., decreasing = x)
. Use unlist()
to transform a list into a vector prior using sort()
sort-on: sortOn()
from NetLogoR
from NetLogoR
. The new sprouted turtles cannot directly run functions. The turtles agentset containing the parent turtles and the new sprouted turtles needs to be assigned to an object, then the new sprouted turtles must be identified within the agentset to run some functions.
sprout-<breeds>: sprout()
from NetLogoR
. The new sprouted turtles cannot directly run functions. The turtles agentset containing the parent turtles and the new sprouted turtles needs to be assigned to an object, then the new sprouted turtles must be identified within the agentset to run some functions.
sqrt: sqrt()
stamp: points()
or Plot(..., addTo = x)
from quickPlot
stamp-erase: not implemented.
standard-deviation: sd()
. Use unlist()
to transform a list into a vector prior using sd()
startup: not implemented.
stop: stop()
stop-inspecting: not implemented.
stop-inspecting-dead-agents: not implemented.
subject: not implemented.
sublist: nameList[index1:index2]
for lists and vectors. Indices begin from 1, not 0 like in NetLogo.
substring: substr(nameString, index1, index2)
. Indices begin from 1, not 0 like in NetLogo.
subtract-headings: subHeadings()
from NetLogoR
sum: sum()
. Use unlist()
to transform a list into a vector prior using sum()
tan: tan()
takes an input value in radians. Use rad()
from CircStats
to convert the input from degrees to radians.
task: not implemented.
thickness: links not implemented.
tick: not implemented.
tick-advance: not implemented.
ticks: not implemented.
tie: links not implemented.
tie-mode: links not implemented.
timer: not implemented.
to: function(){}
to-report: function(){}
towards: towards()
from NetLogoR
towardsxy: towards()
from NetLogoR
turtle: turtle()
from NetLogoR
turtle-set: turtleSet()
from NetLogoR
turtles: not implemented. Calling the name of the turtles agentset reports all the turtles in it.
turtles-at: turtlesAt()
from NetLogoR
<breeds>-at: turtlesAt()
from NetLogoR
turtles-here: turtlesOn()
from NetLogoR
<breeds>-here: turtlesOn()
from NetLogoR
turtles-on: turtlesOn()
from NetLogoR
<breeds>-on: turtlesOn()
from NetLogoR
turtles-own: turtlesOwn()
from NetLogoR
<breeds>-own: turtlesOwn()
from NetLogoR
type: print(paste())
undirected-link-breed: links not implemented.
untie: links not implemented.
update-plots: not implemented.
uphill: uphill()
from NetLogoR
uphill4: uphill()
from NetLogoR
user-directory: not implemented.
user-file: not implemented.
user-new-file: not implemented.
user-input: not implemented.
user-message: not implemented.
user-one-of: not implemented.
user-yes-or-no?: not implemented.
. Use unlist()
to transform a list into a vector prior using var()
.wait: not implemented.
watch: not implemented.
watch-me: not implemented.
while: while(){}
who: use of()
from NetLogoR
to access turtles’ who numbers.
with: NLwith()
from NetLogoR
<breed>-with: links not implemented.
link-with: links not implemented.
with-max: withMax()
from NetLogoR
with-min: withMin()
from NetLogoR
with-local-randomness: save the current seed and RNG with oldSeed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
and oldRNGkind <- RNGkind()
, and reassign it later with"RNGkind", as.list(oldRNGkind))
and assign(".Random.seed", oldSeed, envir = .GlobalEnv)
without-interruption: not implemented.
word: paste()
world-width: worldWidth()
in NetLogoR
world-height: worldHeight()
in NetLogoR
wrap-color: not implemented.
write: print(paste())
xcor: use of()
from NetLogoR
to access turtles’ xcor coordinates.
xor: xor()
from NetLogoR
to access turtles’ ycor coordinates.