with M*D17A3HGF
and add M*D17A2HGF
(#237)Edit documentation related to the change of maintainer (see https://docs.ropensci.org/MODIStsp/articles/lorenzo).
Add the argument parallel
to function MODIStsp()
and MODSIStsp_process()
to allow running the processing in single core modality.
Fix Travis tests
Bug fix (#222)
This submission should fix errors on Debian CRAN builds, due to improper trigger of an internal function leading to writing in the user’s lib folder.
Fixes a bug leading to crash when using scale_val = TRUE and change_no_data = FALSE
Fixes a bug leading to the GUI crashing rather than giving info messages in case not all input parameters are specified
Implements redirection to MODIS products web pages when pressing the corresponding button
Modifies slightly the Shiny GUI
Replace the old gWidgets-based GUI with a new one based on Shiny;
Enhances support for CLI usage. Now all parameters can be passed to the MODIStsp
function. If also a opts_file is passed, values specified explicitly in the call override those in the options file;
Fixes problems in retrieval of corners for MODIS products in 4008 projection (fixes #204);
Fixes problems/improves support for datasets with multiple NoData values. Now, all NoData values are kept to original values if NoData change is set to FALSE. Also, Scale/Offset are no longer wrongly applied also to NoData values when scaleval = TRUE;
switch to use of GDAL3/PROJ6 WKTs for projection representation, using sf::gdal_utils to perform gdalwarp/gdaltranslate instead of gdalUtils on external GDAL.
switch to sf for all internal work on vector data.
Remove sp, rgdal, rgeos, pacman, gdalUtils dependencies
Adds support for products MCD19A1 and MCD19A2 products
Fixes a bug causing crashes on MOD14A1 product
Adds support for product MCD12Q2 and removes support for no longer available version 5 of some products.
Updates web links to MODIS products description pages
Fixed an issue causing incorrect application of scale/offset values on GDAL versions > 2.3 (introduced by change of behaviour of gdal_buildvrt - https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/3221#comment:5) - see https://github.com/ropensci/MODIStsp/issues/163
Added support for the following products: MOD21A1D.006 MOD21A1N.006 MOD21A2.006/
Fixed a bug leading to not properly reassigning NoData values when processing full tiles and using change_nodata = TRUE
Fixed inconsistencies in definition of characteristics of products MOD/MYD13C2/C1 and MOD/MYD13A3 (erroneous layers in xml)
Fixed a bug leading to help messages in the select layers portion of the GUI to not render
Updated MOD44B specifications to allow download of v006 version
Maintenance release to solve CRAN build errors on debian, due to the test_resetindexes test. The test is now skipped on CRAN. Additionally, the MODIStsp_addindex function was modified to require explicit permission by the user to write on the MODIStsp_previous.json file
Maintenance release to solve CRAN build errors on debian, due to the test_addindex test. The test is now skipped on CRAN. Additionally, the MODIStsp_addindex function was modified to require explicit permission by the user to write on the MODIStsp_previous.json file
Fixed bug leading to errors in processing extent when switching products with different Native projection (4008 vs sinusoidal), the projection string was not properly updated. 77f5693e9
Fixed warnings on check for uniqueness in http addresses
Due to improvements and changes in the GUI (see below), MODIStsp
.json options files saved with older versions are no longer supported. Users will be informed of this if trying to use an obsolete json file.
Removed support for FTP download due to switch-off of NASA servers.
Removed all v005 and earlier products, due to discontinuation of their distribution by NASA servers
Added support for the following products:
MCD64A1; MCD12C1; MCD18A1; MCD18A2; MCD12Q1; MOD44B; MOD44W; MCD12C1; MCD12Q1; MOD12A2; MOD12A3
Improvements in GUI. It is now possible to set the processing extent interactively using the “Select on Map” button. This opens a browser window allowing to select and extent.
Use of httr::RETRY
to improve behavior while navigating the servers to retrieve available files and while downloading hdf file (when use_aria == FALSE), thus removing dependency to RCurl.
to remove all custom indexes from a MODIStsp json options file and MODIStsp_reset_options
to reset MODIStsp options to default.Fixed bug affecting extent selection when working with non-tiled (MCD) products https://github.com/ropensci/MODIStsp/issues/122
Fixed bugs affecting the “Seasonal” time series download
This was mostly a maintenance release - fixing a bug in 1.3.3 submission related to a missing import in NAMESPACE
Improved organization of Virtual Raster files and RData files in the “Time_Series” output subfolder. Now virtual files and RData files are organized by sensor and layer to facilitate access.
v1.3.3 was released on 10/08/2017
Improved speed in computation of spectral indexes, quality indicators and in computation of scaled variables by using raster::calc()
and raster::overlay
(commits 0f5d76d, 0f5d76d, e462721)
Added functionality for unit testing using testthat
and codecov integration. (commit 0c00fc6 and others)
Added “testing mode” to allow users to test proper functioning. Now, running MODIStsp(test = X)
(with X in (0,6)) runs the processing using default processing parameters (commit 0c00fc6 and others)
Fixed a bug preventing the “last” choice (or that present in the json file) from correctly showing in the GUI upon launch/restore of a saved json file (commit 633c2dd)
Fixed a bug affecting MODIS layers coded as Unsigned Integer - 32 bit (Thanks to Rob Critchlow for signaling this). The bug was due to improper handling of UInt32 data in gdalbuildvrt
, causing sometimes an incorrect translation from HDF to output formats (#72).
M*D09A1 - 500m Reflectance Band Quality (V005 and V006); M*DO9CMG - Coarse Resolution QA (V005 and V006); M*D09CMG - Coarse Resolution Number Mapping (V006); M*D09GA - 500m Reflectance Band Quality (V005 and V006); M*DOCGA - Band quality for MODIS bands 8-15 (V006); M*D11C3 - Days with clear-sky conditions and validated LSTs; Nights with clear-sky conditions and validated LSTs (V005 and V006); MCD43A2 - BRDF_Albedo_Band_Quality (V005 and V006).
Fixed a bug affecting creation of time series files (RData and virtual rasters) on all MCD products (#77)
Fixed a bug a error on creation of “burn_date” layers for MCD45A1 product (#77)
Fixed bugs on specifying spatial extent files on non-interactive execution (#75)
MODIStsp was recently accepted on CRAN. From now on, you can install it simply using
You’ll however still be able to install the development
version from github, containing the last improvements and bug fixing using:
install_github("ropensci/MODIStsp", ref = "master")
v1.3.2 was released on 22/03/2017
MODIS hdf datasets are always stored as integer values, with scales factor and/or offsets to apply in order to convert to the indicated measure units reported in the products’ documentation.
Starting from v1.3.2:
Some product names and output layer names were modified to reduce the length of output file names, homogenize the names of the outputs and correct some errors. For compatibility with already created output files (versions up to 1.3.1), the old “XML” file specifying output files format is still available in inst/ExtData/MODIStsp_ProdOpts_old_v1.3.1.xml
. To use the old file naming conventions, users have to:
and rename MODIStsp_ProdOpts_old_v1.3.1.xml
to MODIStsp_ProdOpts.xml
from the Previous
folder within your_R-library_path/MODIStsp/Previous
Timeouts of httr/ftp requests were increased to prevent problems on download on slow connections
v1.3.1 was released on 13/02/2017
Added functionality for processing of Snow Cover datasets: MOD10A1, MOD10A2, MOD10C1, MOD10C2, MOD10CM (Issue #55) on devel
Added functionality for downloading “partial” years (Issue #54) on devel
Added functionality for computing vegetation indexes on MCD43A4 (v5-v6), MCD43B4 (v5), MCD43C4 (v5-v6) (Issue #59) on master/devel
Added functionality for accelerating download using aria2c (Issue #55) on devel
Fixed bug on download with aria, throwing an error on partial download on http download with aria (6fbc875)
Fixed bug on M*D15A2 processing (Issue #60) on devel/master
Fixed bug on MCD12Q1 processing (Issue #58) on devel/master
Fixed bug on MOD13C2 processing (Issue #52) on devel/master
Fixed bug on insertion of custom projection (Issue #57) on devel/master
Fixed bug on selection of custom index (Issue #53) on devel/master
v1.3.0 was released on 11/05/2016
Added functionality for downloading and preprocessing MODIS collection 006 datasets. For products with both 005 and 006 collections, the user can select the version using a new droplist in the GUI.
Added functionality for off-line processing. This allows both to i) reprocessing already downloaded data (for example, to create time series for an additional layer) without the need to connect to NASA servers, and ii) process HDF files downloaded outside MODIStsp (e.g., directly from NASA ftp) and stored on the user’s PC, without the need of an active internet connection.
Improved the way in which options are saved. Much more readable. JSON files are now used instead than .RData. User options are no longer saved alongside products characteristics. This will allow to re-use an “old” options file even if changes are made on the XML file describing the products.
Improved the GUI interface for specifying additional Spectral Indexes. Hints are now showed to the user, and multiple indexes can be added in the same session.
General improvements in the GUI interface. Products are now grouped by categories, to allow easier identification and selection.
Improvements in the README file and vignettes, providing more instructions on package use.
Improved functionality for checking for “complete” download, by comparing the size of the downloaded files with that of files on the server.
Added “configure” file for Linux installation.
Temporary files necessary for processing (e.g., vrt files) are now created (and destroyed) within the “R” temporary folder.
Miscellaneous bug-fixing
v1.2.1 was released on 11/05/2016
Modified format of “R” output time series from rts objects to RasterStack objects with temporal information added in the “z” attribute via setZ()
Major changes/improvements in MODIStsp_extract function:
with “z” attribute instead than rasterstackts
Removed possibility to use “complex” resampling methods when reprojecting (e.g., bilinear, cubic, etc.) to avoid incorrect resampling on categorical variables and “contamination” of good pixels data.
v1.2.0 was released on 29/07/2015
First stable release of advanced implementation of MODIStsp ! We know it should be 1.0.0, but that’s it !