To use JuliaCall
package for julia engine in R Markdown document, just set the language of the code chunk to be julia
## This is a julia language chunk.
## In julia, the command without ending semicolon will trigger the display
## so is JuliaCall package.
## The julia display will follow immediately after the corresponding command
## just as the R code in R Markdown.
= sqrt(2);
a = sqrt(2) a
## 1.4142135623730951
is an easy to use and powerful julia package for plotting, see for more detail. Before the first time using Plots.jl
, you first need to install the package like:
import Pkg; Pkg.add("Plots")
After installation of the package, you can use it like this:
using Plots
## Plots.GRBackend()
50,5),w=3) plot(Plots.fakedata(
You can also get access to julia variables in R code chunk quite easily using JuliaCall
, for example:
## This is a R language chunk.
## In the previous julia chunk, we define variable a,
## we can use functions in JuliaCall to get access to it.
## [1] 1.414214