Visualising FFTrees

You can visualize an FFTrees object x in one of two ways: First, you can visualize cue accuracies with plot(x, what = 'cues'). Second, you can visualize individual trees and performance statistics with plot(x).

Example: titanic

The titanic dataset contains survival statistics of passengers on the Titanic. For each passenger, we know what passenger class (s)he was, his/her age, his/her sex, and whether or not (s)he survived.

Here is how the first few rows of the dataframe look:

##   class   age  sex survived
## 1 first adult male     TRUE
## 2 first adult male     TRUE
## 3 first adult male     TRUE
## 4 first adult male     TRUE
## 5 first adult male     TRUE
## 6 first adult male     TRUE

Our goal is to build FFTrees that predict whether or not a passenger will survive based on these cues.

First, let’s create an FFTrees object called titanic.fft from the titanic dataset.

# Create fast-and-frugal trees from the titanic data

titanic.fft <- FFTrees(formula = survived ~.,
                       data = titanic,
                       main = "Titanic", 
                       decision.labels = c("Died", "Survived"))       

Visualising cue accuracies

You can visualize individual cue accuracies (specifically their sensitivities and specificities) by including the what = 'cues' argument within the plot() function. Let’s apply the function to the titanic.fft object to see how accurate each of the cues were on their own in predicting survival:

     what = 'cues')

Wow. None of the cues did very well on their own. Good performing cues should be in the top left hand of the graph (i.e.; low false alarm rate and high hit rate). It looks like the best cue was sex, followed by class. age was a pretty terrible cue.

Plotting a tree

To plot the tree from an FFTrees object, use plot(). Let’s plot one of the trees:


This plot contains a lot of information, here are the main elements:

Additional arguments

You can specify additional arguments to the plot() command that will change what is displayed

# Show the best training titanic fast-and-frugal tree without statistics
     stats = FALSE)

     show.icons = FALSE,     # Turn off icons
     show.iconguide = FALSE, # Turn off icon guide
     show.header = FALSE     # Turn off header

For example, let’s repeat the previous analysis, but now we’ll create separate training and test datasets by including the train.p = .5 argument. This will split the dataset into a 50% training set, and a 50% testing set (note: you could also define an explicit test data set with the data.test argument)

set.seed(100) # For replicability of the training/test split
titanic.pred.fft <- FFTrees(formula = survived ~.,
                            data = titanic,
                            main = "Titanic", 
                            decision.labels = c("Died", "Survived"),
                            train.p = .5)

Here is the best training tree applied to the training data:

     tree = 1)

The best training tree (tree #1) had a high specificity of 92%, but a low hit rate of just 48%. However, as we can see in the ROC table, LR didn’t perform much better, and CART did even worse than tree #3.

Now let’s apply the same tree to the test dataset:

     tree = 1,
     data = "test")

Let’s visualise tree #2, the most liberal tree with the highest sensitivity:

     tree = 2,
     data = "test")