* using log directory 'd:/Rcompile/CRANpkg/local/4.0/mlr3proba.Rcheck' * using R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) * using platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32 (64-bit) * using session charset: ISO8859-1 * checking for file 'mlr3proba/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * this is package 'mlr3proba' version '0.4.4' * package encoding: UTF-8 * checking package namespace information ... OK * checking package dependencies ... OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking if there is a namespace ... OK * checking for hidden files and directories ... OK * checking for portable file names ... OK * checking whether package 'mlr3proba' can be installed ... OK * checking installed package size ... OK * checking package directory ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * checking top-level files ... OK * checking for left-over files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * loading checks for arch 'i386' ** checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK ** checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK ** checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK ** checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK ** checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK ** checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK ** checking use of S3 registration ... OK * loading checks for arch 'x64' ** checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK ** checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK ** checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK ** checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK ** checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK ** checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK ** checking use of S3 registration ... OK * checking dependencies in R code ... OK * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... [51s] OK * checking Rd files ... OK * checking Rd metadata ... OK * checking Rd cross-references ... OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK * checking Rd \usage sections ... OK * checking Rd contents ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK * checking contents of 'data' directory ... OK * checking data for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking data for ASCII and uncompressed saves ... OK * checking line endings in C/C++/Fortran sources/headers ... OK * checking pragmas in C/C++ headers and code ... OK * checking compiled code ... OK * checking examples ... ** running examples for arch 'i386' ... [13s] OK ** running examples for arch 'x64' ... [14s] OK * checking for unstated dependencies in 'tests' ... OK * checking tests ... ** running tests for arch 'i386' ... [101s] ERROR Running 'testthat.R' [101s] Running the tests in 'tests/testthat.R' failed. Complete output: > if (requireNamespace("testthat", quietly = TRUE)) { + library("testthat") + library("checkmate") # for more expect_*() functions + library("mlr3proba") + test_check("mlr3proba") + } Loading required package: mlr3 [ FAIL 23 | WARN 17 | SKIP 2 | PASS 1725 ] == Skipped tests =============================================================== * On CRAN (2) == Failed tests ================================================================ -- Failure (test_PredictionSurv.R:12:3): Internally constructed Prediction ----- Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(p) at test_PredictionSurv.R:12:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Error (test_PredictionSurv.R:23:3): c --------------------------------------- Error in `.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(self = self, private = private, super = super, x = x)`: 'x' is not a 'VectorDistribution' Backtrace: x 1. +-base::do.call(c, preds) at test_PredictionSurv.R:23:2 2. +-base ``(``, ``) 3. \-mlr3:::c.Prediction(``, ``) 4. +-mlr3::as_prediction(pdata, check = FALSE) 5. \-mlr3proba:::as_prediction.PredictionDataSurv(pdata, check = FALSE) 6. +-mlr3misc::invoke(PredictionSurv$new, check = check, .args = x) 7. | \-base::eval.parent(expr, n = 1L) 8. | \-base::eval(expr, p) 9. | \-base::eval(expr, p) 10. \-PredictionSurv$new(...) 11. \-mlr3proba initialize(...) 12. \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__initialize(...) 13. \-private$.simplify_distr(distr) 14. \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(...) -- Failure (test_PredictionSurv.R:52:3): data.frame roundtrip ------------------ Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(p2) at test_PredictionSurv.R:52:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Failure (test_PredictionSurv.R:64:3): as_prediction_surv -------------------- Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(as_prediction_surv(as.data.table(p))) at test_PredictionSurv.R:64:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Failure (test_PredictionSurv.R:70:3): filtering ----------------------------- Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(p) at test_PredictionSurv.R:70:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Failure (test_mlr_measures.R:43:3): unintegrated_prob_losses ---------------- `prediction$score(msr)` produced warnings. -- Failure (test_pipelines.R:11:3): crankcompositor ---------------------------- Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(p) at test_pipelines.R:11:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Failure (test_pipelines.R:22:3): distrcompositor ---------------------------- Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(p) at test_pipelines.R:22:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Failure (test_pipelines.R:68:3): survtoregr 1 ------------------------------- Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(p) at test_pipelines.R:68:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Failure (test_pipelines.R:104:3): survtoregr 3 ------------------------------ Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(p) at test_pipelines.R:104:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Failure (test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:12:3): PipeOpCrankCompositor - estimate -- Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(p) at test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:12:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Failure (test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:20:3): no params --------------------- Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(p) at test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:20:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Error (test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:26:3): response ------------------------ Error in `.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(self = self, private = private, super = super, x = x)`: 'x' is not a 'VectorDistribution' This happened PipeOp compose_crank's $predict() Backtrace: x 1. +-po$predict(list(lrn("surv.kaplan")$train(task)$predict(task))) at test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:26:2 2. | \-mlr3pipelines:::.__PipeOp__predict(...) 3. | +-base::withCallingHandlers(...) 4. | \-private$.predict(input) 5. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PipeOpCrankCompositor__.predict(...) 6. | \-PredictionSurv$new(...) 7. | \-mlr3proba initialize(...) 8. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__initialize(...) 9. | \-private$.simplify_distr(distr) 10. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(...) 11. | \-base::stop("'x' is not a 'VectorDistribution'") 12. \-base::.handleSimpleError(...) 13. \-mlr3pipelines h(simpleError(msg, call)) -- Error (test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:49:3): overwrite crank ----------------- Error in `.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(self = self, private = private, super = super, x = x)`: 'x' is not a 'VectorDistribution' This happened PipeOp compose_crank's $predict() Backtrace: x 1. +-pl$train(task)$predict(task) at test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:49:2 2. | \-mlr3:::.__Learner__predict(...) 3. | \-mlr3:::learner_predict(self, task, row_ids) 4. | \-mlr3misc::encapsulate(...) 5. | +-mlr3misc::invoke(...) 6. | | \-base::eval.parent(expr, n = 1L) 7. | | \-base::eval(expr, p) 8. | | \-base::eval(expr, p) 9. | \-mlr3 .f(task = ``, learner = ``) 10. | \-get_private(learner)$.predict(task) 11. | \-mlr3pipelines:::.__GraphLearner__.predict(...) 12. | \-self$graph$predict(task) 13. | \-mlr3pipelines:::.__Graph__predict(...) 14. | \-mlr3pipelines:::graph_reduce(self, input, "predict", single_input) 15. | \-op[[fun]](input) 16. | \-mlr3pipelines:::.__PipeOp__predict(...) 17. | +-base::withCallingHandlers(...) 18. | \-private$.predict(input) 19. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PipeOpCrankCompositor__.predict(...) 20. | \-PredictionSurv$new(...) 21. | \-mlr3proba initialize(...) 22. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__initialize(...) 23. | \-private$.simplify_distr(distr) 24. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(...) 25. | \-base::stop("'x' is not a 'VectorDistribution'") 26. \-base::.handleSimpleError(...) 27. \-mlr3pipelines h(simpleError(msg, call)) -- Error (test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:57:3): overwrite response -------------- Error in `.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(self = self, private = private, super = super, x = x)`: 'x' is not a 'VectorDistribution' Backtrace: x 1. \-PredictionSurv$new(...) at test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:57:2 2. \-mlr3proba initialize(...) 3. \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__initialize(...) 4. \-private$.simplify_distr(distr) 5. \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(...) -- Error (test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:76:3): neg crank ----------------------- Error in `.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(self = self, private = private, super = super, x = x)`: 'x' is not a 'VectorDistribution' This happened PipeOp compose_crank's $predict() Backtrace: x 1. +-pl$train(task)$predict(task) at test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:76:2 2. | \-mlr3:::.__Learner__predict(...) 3. | \-mlr3:::learner_predict(self, task, row_ids) 4. | \-mlr3misc::encapsulate(...) 5. | +-mlr3misc::invoke(...) 6. | | \-base::eval.parent(expr, n = 1L) 7. | | \-base::eval(expr, p) 8. | | \-base::eval(expr, p) 9. | \-mlr3 .f(task = ``, learner = ``) 10. | \-get_private(learner)$.predict(task) 11. | \-mlr3pipelines:::.__GraphLearner__.predict(...) 12. | \-self$graph$predict(task) 13. | \-mlr3pipelines:::.__Graph__predict(...) 14. | \-mlr3pipelines:::graph_reduce(self, input, "predict", single_input) 15. | \-op[[fun]](input) 16. | \-mlr3pipelines:::.__PipeOp__predict(...) 17. | +-base::withCallingHandlers(...) 18. | \-private$.predict(input) 19. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PipeOpCrankCompositor__.predict(...) 20. | \-PredictionSurv$new(...) 21. | \-mlr3proba initialize(...) 22. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__initialize(...) 23. | \-private$.simplify_distr(distr) 24. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(...) 25. | \-base::stop("'x' is not a 'VectorDistribution'") 26. \-base::.handleSimpleError(...) 27. \-mlr3pipelines h(simpleError(msg, call)) -- Failure (test_pipeop_distrcompositor.R:19:3): PipeOpDistrCompositor - overwrite = TRUE -- Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(p) at test_pipeop_distrcompositor.R:19:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Failure (test_pipeop_distrcompositor.R:24:3): PipeOpDistrCompositor - overwrite = TRUE -- Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(gr$train(task)$predict(task)) at test_pipeop_distrcompositor.R:24:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Error (test_pipeop_survavg.R:19:3): equal weights --------------------------- Error in `p$distr$cdf`: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors Backtrace: x 1. \-testthat::expect_equal(...) at test_pipeop_survavg.R:19:2 2. \-testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), label, arg = "object") 3. \-rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) -- Error (test_pipeop_survavg.R:33:3): unequal weights ------------------------- Error in `p$distr$cdf`: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors Backtrace: x 1. \-testthat::expect_equal(...) at test_pipeop_survavg.R:33:2 2. \-testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), label, arg = "object") 3. \-rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) -- Error (test_pipeop_survavg.R:47:3): response -------------------------------- Error in `.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(self = self, private = private, super = super, x = x)`: 'x' is not a 'VectorDistribution' This happened PipeOp compose_crank's $predict() Backtrace: x 1. +-mlr3pipelines::ppl("crankcompositor", lrn("surv.kaplan"), response = TRUE, ... at test_pipeop_survavg.R:47:2 2. | \-mlr3:::.__Learner__predict(...) 3. | \-mlr3:::learner_predict(self, task, row_ids) 4. | \-mlr3misc::encapsulate(...) 5. | +-mlr3misc::invoke(...) 6. | | \-base::eval.parent(expr, n = 1L) 7. | | \-base::eval(expr, p) 8. | | \-base::eval(expr, p) 9. | \-mlr3 .f(task = ``, learner = ``) 10. | \-get_private(learner)$.predict(task) 11. | \-mlr3pipelines:::.__GraphLearner__.predict(...) 12. | \-self$graph$predict(task) 13. | \-mlr3pipelines:::.__Graph__predict(...) 14. | \-mlr3pipelines:::graph_reduce(self, input, "predict", single_input) 15. | \-op[[fun]](input) 16. | \-mlr3pipelines:::.__PipeOp__predict(...) 17. | +-base::withCallingHandlers(...) 18. | \-private$.predict(input) 19. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PipeOpCrankCompositor__.predict(...) 20. | \-PredictionSurv$new(...) 21. | \-mlr3proba initialize(...) 22. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__initialize(...) 23. | \-private$.simplify_distr(distr) 24. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(...) 25. | \-base::stop("'x' is not a 'VectorDistribution'") 26. \-base::.handleSimpleError(...) 27. \-mlr3pipelines h(simpleError(msg, call)) -- Error (test_pipeop_survavg.R:65:3): surv_averager --------------------------- Error in `p$distr$cdf`: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors Backtrace: x 1. \-testthat::expect_equal(p$distr$cdf(1:3), p2$distr$cdf(1:3)) at test_pipeop_survavg.R:65:2 2. \-testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), label, arg = "object") 3. \-rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) -- Error (test_resample.R:9:3): resample-step ---------------------------------- Error in `.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(self = self, private = private, super = super, x = x)`: 'x' is not a 'VectorDistribution' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_resample_result(rr) at test_resample.R:9:2 2. +-global expect_prediction(rr$prediction()) 3. | \-checkmate::expect_r6(...) 4. | \-checkmate::checkR6(...) 5. \-rr$prediction() 6. \-mlr3:::.__ResampleResult__prediction(...) 7. \-private$.data$prediction(private$.view, predict_sets) 8. \-mlr3:::.__ResultData__prediction(...) 9. +-base::do.call(c, self$predictions(view = view, predict_sets = predict_sets)) 10. +-base ``(``, ``, ``) 11. \-mlr3:::c.Prediction(``, ``, ``) 12. +-mlr3::as_prediction(pdata, check = FALSE) 13. \-mlr3proba:::as_prediction.PredictionDataSurv(pdata, check = FALSE) 14. +-mlr3misc::invoke(PredictionSurv$new, check = check, .args = x) 15. | \-base::eval.parent(expr, n = 1L) 16. | \-base::eval(expr, p) 17. | \-base::eval(expr, p) 18. \-PredictionSurv$new(...) 19. \-mlr3proba initialize(...) 20. \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__initialize(...) 21. \-private$.simplify_distr(distr) 22. \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(...) [ FAIL 23 | WARN 17 | SKIP 2 | PASS 1725 ] Error: Test failures Execution halted ** running tests for arch 'x64' ... [108s] ERROR Running 'testthat.R' [107s] Running the tests in 'tests/testthat.R' failed. Complete output: > if (requireNamespace("testthat", quietly = TRUE)) { + library("testthat") + library("checkmate") # for more expect_*() functions + library("mlr3proba") + test_check("mlr3proba") + } Loading required package: mlr3 [ FAIL 23 | WARN 17 | SKIP 2 | PASS 1725 ] == Skipped tests =============================================================== * On CRAN (2) == Failed tests ================================================================ -- Failure (test_PredictionSurv.R:12:3): Internally constructed Prediction ----- Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(p) at test_PredictionSurv.R:12:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Error (test_PredictionSurv.R:23:3): c --------------------------------------- Error in `.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(self = self, private = private, super = super, x = x)`: 'x' is not a 'VectorDistribution' Backtrace: x 1. +-base::do.call(c, preds) at test_PredictionSurv.R:23:2 2. +-base ``(``, ``) 3. \-mlr3:::c.Prediction(``, ``) 4. +-mlr3::as_prediction(pdata, check = FALSE) 5. \-mlr3proba:::as_prediction.PredictionDataSurv(pdata, check = FALSE) 6. +-mlr3misc::invoke(PredictionSurv$new, check = check, .args = x) 7. | \-base::eval.parent(expr, n = 1L) 8. | \-base::eval(expr, p) 9. | \-base::eval(expr, p) 10. \-PredictionSurv$new(...) 11. \-mlr3proba initialize(...) 12. \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__initialize(...) 13. \-private$.simplify_distr(distr) 14. \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(...) -- Failure (test_PredictionSurv.R:52:3): data.frame roundtrip ------------------ Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(p2) at test_PredictionSurv.R:52:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Failure (test_PredictionSurv.R:64:3): as_prediction_surv -------------------- Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(as_prediction_surv(as.data.table(p))) at test_PredictionSurv.R:64:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Failure (test_PredictionSurv.R:70:3): filtering ----------------------------- Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(p) at test_PredictionSurv.R:70:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Failure (test_mlr_measures.R:43:3): unintegrated_prob_losses ---------------- `prediction$score(msr)` produced warnings. -- Failure (test_pipelines.R:11:3): crankcompositor ---------------------------- Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(p) at test_pipelines.R:11:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Failure (test_pipelines.R:22:3): distrcompositor ---------------------------- Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(p) at test_pipelines.R:22:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Failure (test_pipelines.R:68:3): survtoregr 1 ------------------------------- Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(p) at test_pipelines.R:68:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Failure (test_pipelines.R:104:3): survtoregr 3 ------------------------------ Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(p) at test_pipelines.R:104:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Failure (test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:12:3): PipeOpCrankCompositor - estimate -- Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(p) at test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:12:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Failure (test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:20:3): no params --------------------- Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(p) at test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:20:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Error (test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:26:3): response ------------------------ Error in `.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(self = self, private = private, super = super, x = x)`: 'x' is not a 'VectorDistribution' This happened PipeOp compose_crank's $predict() Backtrace: x 1. +-po$predict(list(lrn("surv.kaplan")$train(task)$predict(task))) at test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:26:2 2. | \-mlr3pipelines:::.__PipeOp__predict(...) 3. | +-base::withCallingHandlers(...) 4. | \-private$.predict(input) 5. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PipeOpCrankCompositor__.predict(...) 6. | \-PredictionSurv$new(...) 7. | \-mlr3proba initialize(...) 8. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__initialize(...) 9. | \-private$.simplify_distr(distr) 10. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(...) 11. | \-base::stop("'x' is not a 'VectorDistribution'") 12. \-base::.handleSimpleError(...) 13. \-mlr3pipelines h(simpleError(msg, call)) -- Error (test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:49:3): overwrite crank ----------------- Error in `.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(self = self, private = private, super = super, x = x)`: 'x' is not a 'VectorDistribution' This happened PipeOp compose_crank's $predict() Backtrace: x 1. +-pl$train(task)$predict(task) at test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:49:2 2. | \-mlr3:::.__Learner__predict(...) 3. | \-mlr3:::learner_predict(self, task, row_ids) 4. | \-mlr3misc::encapsulate(...) 5. | +-mlr3misc::invoke(...) 6. | | \-base::eval.parent(expr, n = 1L) 7. | | \-base::eval(expr, p) 8. | | \-base::eval(expr, p) 9. | \-mlr3 .f(task = ``, learner = ``) 10. | \-get_private(learner)$.predict(task) 11. | \-mlr3pipelines:::.__GraphLearner__.predict(...) 12. | \-self$graph$predict(task) 13. | \-mlr3pipelines:::.__Graph__predict(...) 14. | \-mlr3pipelines:::graph_reduce(self, input, "predict", single_input) 15. | \-op[[fun]](input) 16. | \-mlr3pipelines:::.__PipeOp__predict(...) 17. | +-base::withCallingHandlers(...) 18. | \-private$.predict(input) 19. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PipeOpCrankCompositor__.predict(...) 20. | \-PredictionSurv$new(...) 21. | \-mlr3proba initialize(...) 22. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__initialize(...) 23. | \-private$.simplify_distr(distr) 24. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(...) 25. | \-base::stop("'x' is not a 'VectorDistribution'") 26. \-base::.handleSimpleError(...) 27. \-mlr3pipelines h(simpleError(msg, call)) -- Error (test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:57:3): overwrite response -------------- Error in `.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(self = self, private = private, super = super, x = x)`: 'x' is not a 'VectorDistribution' Backtrace: x 1. \-PredictionSurv$new(...) at test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:57:2 2. \-mlr3proba initialize(...) 3. \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__initialize(...) 4. \-private$.simplify_distr(distr) 5. \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(...) -- Error (test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:76:3): neg crank ----------------------- Error in `.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(self = self, private = private, super = super, x = x)`: 'x' is not a 'VectorDistribution' This happened PipeOp compose_crank's $predict() Backtrace: x 1. +-pl$train(task)$predict(task) at test_pipeop_crankcompositor.R:76:2 2. | \-mlr3:::.__Learner__predict(...) 3. | \-mlr3:::learner_predict(self, task, row_ids) 4. | \-mlr3misc::encapsulate(...) 5. | +-mlr3misc::invoke(...) 6. | | \-base::eval.parent(expr, n = 1L) 7. | | \-base::eval(expr, p) 8. | | \-base::eval(expr, p) 9. | \-mlr3 .f(task = ``, learner = ``) 10. | \-get_private(learner)$.predict(task) 11. | \-mlr3pipelines:::.__GraphLearner__.predict(...) 12. | \-self$graph$predict(task) 13. | \-mlr3pipelines:::.__Graph__predict(...) 14. | \-mlr3pipelines:::graph_reduce(self, input, "predict", single_input) 15. | \-op[[fun]](input) 16. | \-mlr3pipelines:::.__PipeOp__predict(...) 17. | +-base::withCallingHandlers(...) 18. | \-private$.predict(input) 19. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PipeOpCrankCompositor__.predict(...) 20. | \-PredictionSurv$new(...) 21. | \-mlr3proba initialize(...) 22. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__initialize(...) 23. | \-private$.simplify_distr(distr) 24. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(...) 25. | \-base::stop("'x' is not a 'VectorDistribution'") 26. \-base::.handleSimpleError(...) 27. \-mlr3pipelines h(simpleError(msg, call)) -- Failure (test_pipeop_distrcompositor.R:19:3): PipeOpDistrCompositor - overwrite = TRUE -- Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(p) at test_pipeop_distrcompositor.R:19:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Failure (test_pipeop_distrcompositor.R:24:3): PipeOpDistrCompositor - overwrite = TRUE -- Check on p$distr is not TRUE `actual` is a character vector ('Must inherit from class \'VectorDistribution\', but has classes \'Matdist\',\'SDistribution\',\'Distribution\',\'R6\'') `expected` is a logical vector (TRUE) Must inherit from class 'VectorDistribution', but has classes 'Matdist','SDistribution','Distribution','R6' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_prediction_surv(gr$train(task)$predict(task)) at test_pipeop_distrcompositor.R:24:2 2. \-checkmate::expect_class(p$distr, "VectorDistribution") 3. \-checkmate::makeExpectation(x, res, info, label) 4. \-testthat::expect_true(...) -- Error (test_pipeop_survavg.R:19:3): equal weights --------------------------- Error in `p$distr$cdf`: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors Backtrace: x 1. \-testthat::expect_equal(...) at test_pipeop_survavg.R:19:2 2. \-testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), label, arg = "object") 3. \-rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) -- Error (test_pipeop_survavg.R:33:3): unequal weights ------------------------- Error in `p$distr$cdf`: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors Backtrace: x 1. \-testthat::expect_equal(...) at test_pipeop_survavg.R:33:2 2. \-testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), label, arg = "object") 3. \-rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) -- Error (test_pipeop_survavg.R:47:3): response -------------------------------- Error in `.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(self = self, private = private, super = super, x = x)`: 'x' is not a 'VectorDistribution' This happened PipeOp compose_crank's $predict() Backtrace: x 1. +-mlr3pipelines::ppl("crankcompositor", lrn("surv.kaplan"), response = TRUE, ... at test_pipeop_survavg.R:47:2 2. | \-mlr3:::.__Learner__predict(...) 3. | \-mlr3:::learner_predict(self, task, row_ids) 4. | \-mlr3misc::encapsulate(...) 5. | +-mlr3misc::invoke(...) 6. | | \-base::eval.parent(expr, n = 1L) 7. | | \-base::eval(expr, p) 8. | | \-base::eval(expr, p) 9. | \-mlr3 .f(task = ``, learner = ``) 10. | \-get_private(learner)$.predict(task) 11. | \-mlr3pipelines:::.__GraphLearner__.predict(...) 12. | \-self$graph$predict(task) 13. | \-mlr3pipelines:::.__Graph__predict(...) 14. | \-mlr3pipelines:::graph_reduce(self, input, "predict", single_input) 15. | \-op[[fun]](input) 16. | \-mlr3pipelines:::.__PipeOp__predict(...) 17. | +-base::withCallingHandlers(...) 18. | \-private$.predict(input) 19. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PipeOpCrankCompositor__.predict(...) 20. | \-PredictionSurv$new(...) 21. | \-mlr3proba initialize(...) 22. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__initialize(...) 23. | \-private$.simplify_distr(distr) 24. | \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(...) 25. | \-base::stop("'x' is not a 'VectorDistribution'") 26. \-base::.handleSimpleError(...) 27. \-mlr3pipelines h(simpleError(msg, call)) -- Error (test_pipeop_survavg.R:65:3): surv_averager --------------------------- Error in `p$distr$cdf`: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors Backtrace: x 1. \-testthat::expect_equal(p$distr$cdf(1:3), p2$distr$cdf(1:3)) at test_pipeop_survavg.R:65:2 2. \-testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), label, arg = "object") 3. \-rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) -- Error (test_resample.R:9:3): resample-step ---------------------------------- Error in `.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(self = self, private = private, super = super, x = x)`: 'x' is not a 'VectorDistribution' Backtrace: x 1. \-global expect_resample_result(rr) at test_resample.R:9:2 2. +-global expect_prediction(rr$prediction()) 3. | \-checkmate::expect_r6(...) 4. | \-checkmate::checkR6(...) 5. \-rr$prediction() 6. \-mlr3:::.__ResampleResult__prediction(...) 7. \-private$.data$prediction(private$.view, predict_sets) 8. \-mlr3:::.__ResultData__prediction(...) 9. +-base::do.call(c, self$predictions(view = view, predict_sets = predict_sets)) 10. +-base ``(``, ``, ``) 11. \-mlr3:::c.Prediction(``, ``, ``) 12. +-mlr3::as_prediction(pdata, check = FALSE) 13. \-mlr3proba:::as_prediction.PredictionDataSurv(pdata, check = FALSE) 14. +-mlr3misc::invoke(PredictionSurv$new, check = check, .args = x) 15. | \-base::eval.parent(expr, n = 1L) 16. | \-base::eval(expr, p) 17. | \-base::eval(expr, p) 18. \-PredictionSurv$new(...) 19. \-mlr3proba initialize(...) 20. \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__initialize(...) 21. \-private$.simplify_distr(distr) 22. \-mlr3proba:::.__PredictionSurv__.simplify_distr(...) [ FAIL 23 | WARN 17 | SKIP 2 | PASS 1725 ] Error: Test failures Execution halted * checking PDF version of manual ... OK * DONE Status: 2 ERRORs