* using log directory 'd:/Rcompile/CRANpkg/local/3.5/statgenGWAS.Rcheck' * using R version 3.5.3 (2019-03-11) * using platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32 (64-bit) * using session charset: ISO8859-1 * checking for file 'statgenGWAS/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * checking extension type ... Package * this is package 'statgenGWAS' version '1.0.4' * package encoding: UTF-8 * checking package namespace information ... OK * checking package dependencies ... OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking if there is a namespace ... OK * checking for hidden files and directories ... OK * checking for portable file names ... OK * checking whether package 'statgenGWAS' can be installed ... OK * checking installed package size ... NOTE installed size is 6.0Mb sub-directories of 1Mb or more: data 3.0Mb libs 2.1Mb * checking package directory ... OK * checking 'build' directory ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * checking top-level files ... OK * checking for left-over files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * loading checks for arch 'i386' ** checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK ** checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK ** checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK ** checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK ** checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK ** checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK ** checking use of S3 registration ... OK * loading checks for arch 'x64' ** checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK ** checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK ** checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK ** checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK ** checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK ** checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK ** checking use of S3 registration ... OK * checking dependencies in R code ... OK * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... [12s] OK * checking Rd files ... OK * checking Rd metadata ... OK * checking Rd cross-references ... OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK * checking Rd \usage sections ... OK * checking Rd contents ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK * checking contents of 'data' directory ... OK * checking data for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking data for ASCII and uncompressed saves ... OK * checking R/sysdata.rda ... OK * checking line endings in shell scripts ... OK * checking line endings in C/C++/Fortran sources/headers ... OK * checking line endings in Makefiles ... OK * checking compilation flags in Makevars ... OK * checking for GNU extensions in Makefiles ... OK * checking for portable use of $(BLAS_LIBS) and $(LAPACK_LIBS) ... OK * checking pragmas in C/C++ headers and code ... OK * checking compiled code ... OK * checking installed files from 'inst/doc' ... OK * checking files in 'vignettes' ... OK * checking examples ... ** running examples for arch 'i386' ... [5s] OK ** running examples for arch 'x64' ... [4s] OK * checking for unstated dependencies in 'tests' ... OK * checking tests ... ** running tests for arch 'i386' ... [17s] ERROR Running 'tinytest.R' [15s] Running the tests in 'tests/tinytest.R' failed. Complete output: > > if ( requireNamespace("tinytest", quietly=TRUE) ){ + tinytest::test_package("statgenGWAS") + } Running test_GWAS.R................... 0 tests Running test_GWAS.R................... 0 tests Running test_GWAS.R................... 0 tests Running test_GWAS.R................... 0 tests Running test_GWAS.R................... 1 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 2 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 2 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 3 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 4 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 5 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 6 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 7 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 8 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 9 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 10 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 11 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 11 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 12 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 13 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 14 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 15 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 15 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 16 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 17 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 0 tests Running test_STG.R.................... 0 tests Running test_STG.R.................... 0 tests Running test_STG.R.................... 0 tests Running test_STG.R.................... 0 tests Running test_STG.R.................... 0 tests Running test_STG.R.................... 0 tests Running test_STG.R.................... 0 tests Running test_STG.R.................... 1 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 2 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 3 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 4 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 5 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 6 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 7 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 8 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 9 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 10 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 11 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 12 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 13 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 14 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 15 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 16 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 17 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 18 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 19 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 20 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 21 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 22 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 22 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 22 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 22 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 22 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 22 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 23 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 24 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 25 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 26 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 27 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 28 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 29 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 30 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 31 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 32 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 33 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 34 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 35 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 36 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 37 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 38 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 39 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 40 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 41 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 42 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 43 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 44 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 45 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 46 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 47 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 0 tests Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 0 tests Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 0 tests Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 1 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 2 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 3 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 3 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 4 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 5 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 6 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 7 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 8 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 9 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 10 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 11 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 12 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 13 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 14 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 14 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 15 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 16 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 17 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 18 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 18 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 19 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 20 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 20 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 20 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 21 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 22 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 23 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 24 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 25 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 26 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 27 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 28 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 29 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 30 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 31 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 0 tests Running test_STGoptions.R............. 1 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 1 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 1 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 2 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 3 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 4 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 5 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 6 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 6 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 6 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 7 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 8 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 9 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 10 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 11 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 11 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 12 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 13 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 14 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 14 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 15 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 16 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 16 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 17 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 18 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 0 tests Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 1 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 2 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 3 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 3 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 3 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 4 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 5 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 6 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 7 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 8 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 9 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 10 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 11 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 12 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 13 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 14 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 15 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 16 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 17 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 18 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 19 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 20 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 21 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 22 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 23 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 24 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 25 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 26 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 27 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 28 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 29 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 30 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 30 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 31 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 31 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 32 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 33 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 34 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 35 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 36 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 37 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 38 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 39 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 40 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 41 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 42 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 43 tests OK Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 0 tests Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 0 tests Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 0 tests Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 0 tests Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 0 tests Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 0 tests Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 0 tests Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 0 tests Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 0 tests Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 1 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 2 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 3 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 4 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 5 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 6 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 7 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 8 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 9 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 10 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 11 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 12 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 13 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 14 tests 2 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 14 tests 2 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 15 tests 2 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 16 tests 2 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 17 tests 3 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 18 tests 3 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 19 tests 3 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 19 tests 3 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 19 tests 3 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 20 tests 3 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 21 tests 3 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 22 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 23 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 24 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 25 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 26 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 27 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 28 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 29 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 30 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 31 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 32 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 33 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 34 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 34 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 34 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 35 tests 5 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 35 tests 5 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 35 tests 5 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 36 tests 5 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 36 tests 5 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 37 tests 5 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 38 tests 5 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 39 tests 5 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 40 tests 5 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 41 tests 5 fails Running test_gData.R.................. 0 tests Running test_gData.R.................. 0 tests Running test_gData.R.................. 0 tests Running test_gData.R.................. 0 tests Running test_gData.R.................. 0 tests Running test_gData.R.................. 0 tests Running test_gData.R.................. 0 tests Running test_gData.R.................. 0 tests Running test_gData.R.................. 1 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 2 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 3 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 4 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 4 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 4 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 5 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 6 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 6 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 6 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 7 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 8 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 9 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 9 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 10 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 11 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 12 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 13 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 14 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 15 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 16 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 16 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 17 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 17 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 17 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 18 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 19 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 19 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 19 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 20 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 21 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 22 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 23 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 23 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 24 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 25 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 25 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 25 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 26 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 27 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 28 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 29 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 30 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 30 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 30 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 31 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 32 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 33 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 34 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 35 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 36 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 37 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 38 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 39 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 40 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 41 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 42 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 43 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 43 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 43 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 44 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 45 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 46 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 47 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 47 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 48 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 49 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 50 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 51 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 51 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 51 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 52 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 53 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 54 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 55 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 56 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 57 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 58 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 59 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 60 tests OK Running test_kinship.R................ 0 tests Running test_kinship.R................ 1 tests OK Running test_kinship.R................ 2 tests OK Running test_kinship.R................ 3 tests OK Running test_kinship.R................ 4 tests OK Running test_kinship.R................ 5 tests OK Running test_kinship.R................ 6 tests OK Running test_kinship.R................ 7 tests OK Running test_kinship.R................ 8 tests OK Running test_kinship.R................ 9 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 0 tests Running test_plots.R.................. 0 tests Running test_plots.R.................. 1 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 2 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 3 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 4 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 4 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 4 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 5 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 5 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 6 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 7 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 8 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 8 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 9 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 9 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 10 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 11 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 11 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 12 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 12 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 13 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 14 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 14 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 15 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 15 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 16 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 17 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 18 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 19 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 19 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 20 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 21 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 21 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 22 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 23 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 24 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 24 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 24 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 25 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 25 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 25 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 26 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 27 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 28 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 28 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 28 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 29 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 30 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 31 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 32 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 33 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 34 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 35 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 36 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 37 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 37 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 37 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 38 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 38 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 39 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 40 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 41 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 41 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 42 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 43 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 43 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 44 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 45 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 45 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 46 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 47 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 47 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 48 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 49 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 49 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 50 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 50 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 51 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 51 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 52 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 52 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 52 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 0 tests Running test_utils.R.................. 0 tests Running test_utils.R.................. 0 tests Running test_utils.R.................. 0 tests Running test_utils.R.................. 1 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 2 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 3 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 3 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 4 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 5 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 6 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 6 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 7 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 7 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 8 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 8 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 9 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 9 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 10 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 10 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 11 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 11 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 11 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 11 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 12 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 13 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 13 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 14 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 15 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 16 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 16 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 16 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 16 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 17 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 18 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 19 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 19 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 20 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 21 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 22 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 23 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 23 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 24 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 25 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 26 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 27 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 27 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 28 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 29 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 30 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 31 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 31 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 32 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 33 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 33 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 33 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 34 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 35 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 36 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 36 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 37 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 38 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 38 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 39 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 40 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 40 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 41 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 42 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 43 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 43 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 44 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 45 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 45 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 46 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 47 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 48 tests OK Error: ----- FAILED[data]: test_codeMarkers.R<26--27> call| expect_equivalent(codeMarkers(gData = gData, impute = FALSE)$markers, call| matrix(c(0, NA, 0, 0, NA, 1, 1, 2, 0), nrow = 3)) diff| 'is.NA' value mismatch: 2 in current 2 in target ----- FAILED[data]: test_codeMarkers.R<70--72> call| expect_equivalent(codeMarkers(gData = gData, removeDuplicates = FALSE, call| impute = TRUE, imputeType = "random")$markers, matrix(c(0, call| 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0), nrow = 3)) diff| Mean absolute difference: 1 ----- FAILED[data]: test_codeMarkers.R<112--114> call| expect_equivalent(codeMarkers(gData = gData, MAF = 0.2, keep = "SNP1", call| impute = FALSE)$markers, matrix(c(0, NA, 0, 0, NA, 1, 1, call| 2, 0), nrow = 3)) diff| 'is.NA' value mismatch: 2 in current 2 in target ----- FAILED[data]: test_codeMarkers.R<134--136> call| expect_equivalent(codeMarkers(gData = gData, refAll = "A", impute = FALSE)$markers, call| matrix(c(2, NA, 2, 2, NA, 1, 1, 2, 0), nrow = 3)) d In addition: Warning messages: 1: `expand_scale()` is deprecated; use `expansion()` instead. 2: `expand_scale()` is deprecated; use `expansion()` instead. 3: `expand_scale()` is deprecated; use `expansion()` instead. 4: `expand_scale()` is deprecated; use `expansion()` instead. 5: `expand_scale()` is deprecated; use `expansion()` instead. 6: `expand_scale()` is deprecated; use `expansion()` instead. 7: `expand_scale()` is deprecated; use `expansion()` instead. 8: `expand_scale()` is deprecated; use `expansion()` instead. 9: `expand_scale()` is deprecated; use `expansion()` instead. Execution halted ** running tests for arch 'x64' ... [18s] ERROR Running 'tinytest.R' [17s] Running the tests in 'tests/tinytest.R' failed. Complete output: > > if ( requireNamespace("tinytest", quietly=TRUE) ){ + tinytest::test_package("statgenGWAS") + } Running test_GWAS.R................... 0 tests Running test_GWAS.R................... 0 tests Running test_GWAS.R................... 0 tests Running test_GWAS.R................... 0 tests Running test_GWAS.R................... 1 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 2 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 2 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 3 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 4 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 5 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 6 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 7 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 8 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 9 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 10 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 11 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 11 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 12 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 13 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 14 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 15 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 15 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 16 tests OK Running test_GWAS.R................... 17 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 0 tests Running test_STG.R.................... 0 tests Running test_STG.R.................... 0 tests Running test_STG.R.................... 0 tests Running test_STG.R.................... 0 tests Running test_STG.R.................... 0 tests Running test_STG.R.................... 0 tests Running test_STG.R.................... 0 tests Running test_STG.R.................... 1 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 2 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 3 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 4 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 5 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 6 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 7 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 8 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 9 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 10 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 11 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 12 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 13 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 14 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 15 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 16 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 17 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 18 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 19 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 20 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 21 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 22 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 22 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 22 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 22 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 22 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 22 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 23 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 24 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 25 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 26 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 27 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 28 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 29 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 30 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 31 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 32 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 33 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 34 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 35 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 36 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 37 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 38 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 39 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 40 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 41 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 42 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 43 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 44 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 45 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 46 tests OK Running test_STG.R.................... 47 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 0 tests Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 0 tests Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 0 tests Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 1 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 2 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 3 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 3 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 4 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 5 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 6 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 7 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 8 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 9 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 10 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 11 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 12 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 13 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 14 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 14 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 15 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 16 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 17 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 18 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 18 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 19 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 20 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 20 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 20 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 21 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 22 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 23 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 24 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 25 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 26 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 27 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 28 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 29 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 30 tests OK Running test_STGHelper.R.............. 31 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 0 tests Running test_STGoptions.R............. 1 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 1 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 1 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 2 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 3 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 4 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 5 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 6 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 6 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 6 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 7 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 8 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 9 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 10 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 11 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 11 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 12 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 13 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 14 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 14 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 15 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 16 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 16 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 17 tests OK Running test_STGoptions.R............. 18 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 0 tests Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 1 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 2 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 3 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 3 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 3 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 4 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 5 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 6 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 7 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 8 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 9 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 10 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 11 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 12 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 13 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 14 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 15 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 16 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 17 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 18 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 19 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 20 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 21 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 22 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 23 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 24 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 25 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 26 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 27 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 28 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 29 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 30 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 30 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 31 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 31 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 32 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 33 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 34 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 35 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 36 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 37 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 38 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 39 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 40 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 41 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 42 tests OK Running test_chkFuncs.R............... 43 tests OK Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 0 tests Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 0 tests Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 0 tests Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 0 tests Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 0 tests Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 0 tests Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 0 tests Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 0 tests Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 0 tests Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 1 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 2 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 3 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 4 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 5 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 6 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 7 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 8 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 9 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 10 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 11 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 12 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 13 tests 1 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 14 tests 2 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 14 tests 2 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 15 tests 2 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 16 tests 2 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 17 tests 3 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 18 tests 3 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 19 tests 3 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 19 tests 3 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 19 tests 3 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 20 tests 3 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 21 tests 3 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 22 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 23 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 24 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 25 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 26 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 27 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 28 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 29 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 30 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 31 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 32 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 33 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 34 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 34 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 34 tests 4 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 35 tests 5 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 35 tests 5 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 35 tests 5 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 36 tests 5 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 36 tests 5 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 37 tests 5 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 38 tests 5 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 39 tests 5 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 40 tests 5 fails Running test_codeMarkers.R............ 41 tests 5 fails Running test_gData.R.................. 0 tests Running test_gData.R.................. 0 tests Running test_gData.R.................. 0 tests Running test_gData.R.................. 0 tests Running test_gData.R.................. 0 tests Running test_gData.R.................. 0 tests Running test_gData.R.................. 0 tests Running test_gData.R.................. 0 tests Running test_gData.R.................. 1 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 2 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 3 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 4 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 4 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 4 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 5 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 6 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 6 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 6 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 7 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 8 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 9 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 9 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 10 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 11 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 12 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 13 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 14 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 15 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 16 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 16 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 17 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 17 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 17 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 18 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 19 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 19 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 19 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 20 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 21 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 22 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 23 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 23 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 24 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 25 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 25 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 25 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 26 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 27 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 28 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 29 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 30 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 30 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 30 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 31 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 32 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 33 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 34 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 35 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 36 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 37 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 38 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 39 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 40 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 41 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 42 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 43 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 43 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 43 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 44 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 45 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 46 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 47 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 47 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 48 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 49 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 50 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 51 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 51 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 51 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 52 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 53 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 54 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 55 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 56 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 57 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 58 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 59 tests OK Running test_gData.R.................. 60 tests OK Running test_kinship.R................ 0 tests Running test_kinship.R................ 1 tests OK Running test_kinship.R................ 2 tests OK Running test_kinship.R................ 3 tests OK Running test_kinship.R................ 4 tests OK Running test_kinship.R................ 5 tests OK Running test_kinship.R................ 6 tests OK Running test_kinship.R................ 7 tests OK Running test_kinship.R................ 8 tests OK Running test_kinship.R................ 9 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 0 tests Running test_plots.R.................. 0 tests Running test_plots.R.................. 1 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 2 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 3 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 4 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 4 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 4 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 5 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 5 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 6 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 7 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 8 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 8 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 9 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 9 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 10 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 11 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 11 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 12 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 12 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 13 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 14 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 14 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 15 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 15 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 16 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 17 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 18 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 19 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 19 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 20 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 21 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 21 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 22 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 23 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 24 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 24 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 24 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 25 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 25 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 25 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 26 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 27 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 28 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 28 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 28 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 29 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 30 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 31 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 32 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 33 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 34 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 35 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 36 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 37 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 37 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 37 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 38 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 38 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 39 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 40 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 41 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 41 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 42 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 43 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 43 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 44 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 45 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 45 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 46 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 47 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 47 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 48 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 49 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 49 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 50 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 50 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 51 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 51 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 52 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 52 tests OK Running test_plots.R.................. 52 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 0 tests Running test_utils.R.................. 0 tests Running test_utils.R.................. 0 tests Running test_utils.R.................. 0 tests Running test_utils.R.................. 1 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 2 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 3 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 3 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 4 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 5 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 6 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 6 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 7 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 7 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 8 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 8 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 9 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 9 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 10 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 10 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 11 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 11 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 11 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 11 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 12 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 13 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 13 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 14 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 15 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 16 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 16 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 16 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 16 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 17 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 18 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 19 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 19 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 20 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 21 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 22 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 23 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 23 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 24 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 25 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 26 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 27 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 27 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 28 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 29 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 30 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 31 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 31 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 32 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 33 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 33 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 33 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 34 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 35 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 36 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 36 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 37 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 38 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 38 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 39 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 40 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 40 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 41 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 42 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 43 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 43 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 44 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 45 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 45 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 46 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 47 tests OK Running test_utils.R.................. 48 tests OK Error: ----- FAILED[data]: test_codeMarkers.R<26--27> call| expect_equivalent(codeMarkers(gData = gData, impute = FALSE)$markers, call| matrix(c(0, NA, 0, 0, NA, 1, 1, 2, 0), nrow = 3)) diff| 'is.NA' value mismatch: 2 in current 2 in target ----- FAILED[data]: test_codeMarkers.R<70--72> call| expect_equivalent(codeMarkers(gData = gData, removeDuplicates = FALSE, call| impute = TRUE, imputeType = "random")$markers, matrix(c(0, call| 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0), nrow = 3)) diff| Mean absolute difference: 1 ----- FAILED[data]: test_codeMarkers.R<112--114> call| expect_equivalent(codeMarkers(gData = gData, MAF = 0.2, keep = "SNP1", call| impute = FALSE)$markers, matrix(c(0, NA, 0, 0, NA, 1, 1, call| 2, 0), nrow = 3)) diff| 'is.NA' value mismatch: 2 in current 2 in target ----- FAILED[data]: test_codeMarkers.R<134--136> call| expect_equivalent(codeMarkers(gData = gData, refAll = "A", impute = FALSE)$markers, call| matrix(c(2, NA, 2, 2, NA, 1, 1, 2, 0), nrow = 3)) d In addition: Warning messages: 1: `expand_scale()` is deprecated; use `expansion()` instead. 2: `expand_scale()` is deprecated; use `expansion()` instead. 3: `expand_scale()` is deprecated; use `expansion()` instead. 4: `expand_scale()` is deprecated; use `expansion()` instead. 5: `expand_scale()` is deprecated; use `expansion()` instead. 6: `expand_scale()` is deprecated; use `expansion()` instead. 7: `expand_scale()` is deprecated; use `expansion()` instead. 8: `expand_scale()` is deprecated; use `expansion()` instead. 9: `expand_scale()` is deprecated; use `expansion()` instead. Execution halted * checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK * checking package vignettes in 'inst/doc' ... OK * checking re-building of vignette outputs ... [112s] OK * checking PDF version of manual ... OK * DONE Status: 2 ERRORs, 1 NOTE