* using log directory 'd:/Rcompile/CRANpkg/local/3.5/micEcon.Rcheck' * using R version 3.5.3 (2019-03-11) * using platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32 (64-bit) * using session charset: ISO8859-1 * checking for file 'micEcon/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * this is package 'micEcon' version '0.6-14' * checking package namespace information ... OK * checking package dependencies ... OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking if there is a namespace ... OK * checking for hidden files and directories ... OK * checking for portable file names ... OK * checking whether package 'micEcon' can be installed ... OK * checking installed package size ... OK * checking package directory ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * checking top-level files ... OK * checking for left-over files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK * checking use of S3 registration ... OK * checking dependencies in R code ... OK * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... [11s] OK * checking Rd files ... OK * checking Rd metadata ... OK * checking Rd cross-references ... OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK * checking Rd \usage sections ... OK * checking Rd contents ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK * checking contents of 'data' directory ... OK * checking data for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking data for ASCII and uncompressed saves ... OK * checking examples ... [3s] OK * checking for unstated dependencies in 'tests' ... OK * checking tests ... [22s] OK Running 'cobbDouglasTest.R' [7s] Comparing 'cobbDouglasTest.Rout' to 'cobbDouglasTest.Rout.save' ... OK Running 'logDataSetTest.R' [2s] Comparing 'logDataSetTest.Rout' to 'logDataSetTest.Rout.save' ...53c53 < Mean :11.56 Mean :11.81 Mean :11.16 --- > Mean :11.56 Mean :11.81 NA's :0 Mean :11.16 Running 'quadFunc.R' [5s] Comparing 'quadFunc.Rout' to 'quadFunc.Rout.save' ...2836,2885c2836,2847 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -314.06 -174.28 -78.81 -292.10 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -165.74 -134.63 -129.89 -233.25 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -172.88 -160.28 -99.80 -52.98 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -79.73 -56.50 23.65 57.68 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < 226.45 331.73 683.09 822.33 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -31.74 -8.26 -2.16 -25.35 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -9.91 -6.72 -10.49 -24.29 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -14.79 -9.36 -1.54 5.69 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -11.22 -2.51 -3.29 5.30 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < 18.76 27.82 55.99 48.08 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -115.66 -58.74 1.02 -47.33 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -28.51 -34.77 -49.53 -54.18 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -36.08 -40.37 -16.83 4.27 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -14.42 0.75 4.04 25.42 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < 48.73 85.29 131.93 194.97 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -38.13 -20.85 -8.12 -16.18 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -17.73 -11.26 -15.12 -10.47 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -4.01 -2.50 4.17 4.63 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -2.33 5.28 2.23 4.55 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < 8.84 19.80 45.45 51.75 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -88.82 -60.70 13.25 -22.42 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -0.32 5.96 20.98 12.73 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -0.50 -17.80 -27.99 -8.53 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -21.89 -25.95 -14.06 -11.91 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 31.52 44.27 76.64 95.54 --- > [1] -314.06 -174.28 -78.81 -292.10 -165.74 -134.63 -129.89 -233.25 -172.88 > [10] -160.28 -99.80 -52.98 -79.73 -56.50 23.65 57.68 226.45 331.73 > [19] 683.09 822.33 -31.74 -8.26 -2.16 -25.35 -9.91 -6.72 -10.49 > [28] -24.29 -14.79 -9.36 -1.54 5.69 -11.22 -2.51 -3.29 5.30 > [37] 18.76 27.82 55.99 48.08 -115.66 -58.74 1.02 -47.33 -28.51 > [46] -34.77 -49.53 -54.18 -36.08 -40.37 -16.83 4.27 -14.42 0.75 > [55] 4.04 25.42 48.73 85.29 131.93 194.97 -38.13 -20.85 -8.12 > [64] -16.18 -17.73 -11.26 -15.12 -10.47 -4.01 -2.50 4.17 4.63 > [73] -2.33 5.28 2.23 4.55 8.84 19.80 45.45 51.75 -88.82 > [82] -60.70 13.25 -22.42 -0.32 5.96 20.98 12.73 -0.50 -17.80 > [91] -27.99 -8.53 -21.89 -25.95 -14.06 -11.91 31.52 44.27 76.64 > [100] 95.54 3071,3120c3033,3044 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -244.74 -102.60 -7.53 -223.69 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -93.68 -62.46 -57.60 -163.15 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -100.96 -88.19 -27.52 19.64 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -8.88 13.07 94.67 128.72 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < 299.59 404.65 755.24 893.50 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -21.22 5.96 12.39 -14.75 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < 2.84 6.45 1.92 -13.99 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -2.85 3.57 12.67 20.22 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < 0.55 10.26 8.44 17.92 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < 32.28 40.34 70.72 59.94 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -88.87 -26.27 37.33 -14.76 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < 5.25 -1.69 -18.28 -24.69 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -5.54 -10.26 15.35 37.60 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < 15.16 29.70 31.43 54.08 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < 78.83 116.99 165.23 230.19 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -30.49 -10.15 4.44 -5.12 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -7.05 0.39 -4.31 0.48 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < 7.39 8.97 16.61 17.28 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < 8.67 16.96 13.17 15.97 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < 21.06 33.19 61.44 67.62 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -63.72 -32.62 45.85 5.38 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 28.39 36.18 52.15 42.71 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 28.39 10.05 0.18 20.95 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 5.87 0.58 12.67 14.87 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 62.13 73.97 105.14 124.45 --- > [1] -244.74 -102.60 -7.53 -223.69 -93.68 -62.46 -57.60 -163.15 -100.96 > [10] -88.19 -27.52 19.64 -8.88 13.07 94.67 128.72 299.59 404.65 > [19] 755.24 893.50 -21.22 5.96 12.39 -14.75 2.84 6.45 1.92 > [28] -13.99 -2.85 3.57 12.67 20.22 0.55 10.26 8.44 17.92 > [37] 32.28 40.34 70.72 59.94 -88.87 -26.27 37.33 -14.76 5.25 > [46] -1.69 -18.28 -24.69 -5.54 -10.26 15.35 37.60 15.16 29.70 > [55] 31.43 54.08 78.83 116.99 165.23 230.19 -30.49 -10.15 4.44 > [64] -5.12 -7.05 0.39 -4.31 0.48 7.39 8.97 16.61 17.28 > [73] 8.67 16.96 13.17 15.97 21.06 33.19 61.44 67.62 -63.72 > [82] -32.62 45.85 5.38 28.39 36.18 52.15 42.71 28.39 10.05 > [91] 0.18 20.95 5.87 0.58 12.67 14.87 62.13 73.97 105.14 > [100] 124.45 3307,3356c3231,3242 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -313.95 -174.33 -78.86 -291.97 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -165.73 -134.63 -129.88 -233.16 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -172.84 -160.27 -99.80 -52.96 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -79.73 -56.57 23.55 57.56 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < 226.40 331.64 683.21 822.32 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -31.70 -8.29 -2.21 -25.32 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -9.93 -6.75 -10.50 -24.27 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -14.80 -9.38 -1.58 5.63 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -11.23 -2.54 -3.32 5.26 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < 18.70 27.78 56.01 48.44 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -115.51 -58.71 0.96 -47.31 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -28.51 -34.76 -49.50 -54.13 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -36.06 -40.35 -16.84 4.24 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -14.45 0.69 3.95 25.31 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < 48.62 85.19 131.91 195.25 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -38.06 -20.84 -8.15 -16.18 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -17.73 -11.27 -15.12 -10.49 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -4.04 -2.54 4.12 4.57 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -2.37 5.22 2.18 4.50 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < 8.80 19.78 45.50 52.13 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -88.73 -60.67 13.17 -22.43 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -0.36 5.91 20.91 12.68 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -0.54 -17.81 -28.00 -8.56 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -21.90 -25.96 -14.08 -11.93 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 31.47 44.24 76.68 95.89 --- > [1] -313.95 -174.33 -78.86 -291.97 -165.73 -134.63 -129.88 -233.16 -172.84 > [10] -160.27 -99.80 -52.96 -79.73 -56.57 23.55 57.56 226.40 331.64 > [19] 683.21 822.32 -31.70 -8.29 -2.21 -25.32 -9.93 -6.75 -10.50 > [28] -24.27 -14.80 -9.38 -1.58 5.63 -11.23 -2.54 -3.32 5.26 > [37] 18.70 27.78 56.01 48.44 -115.51 -58.71 0.96 -47.31 -28.51 > [46] -34.76 -49.50 -54.13 -36.06 -40.35 -16.84 4.24 -14.45 0.69 > [55] 3.95 25.31 48.62 85.19 131.91 195.25 -38.06 -20.84 -8.15 > [64] -16.18 -17.73 -11.27 -15.12 -10.49 -4.04 -2.54 4.12 4.57 > [73] -2.37 5.22 2.18 4.50 8.80 19.78 45.50 52.13 -88.73 > [82] -60.67 13.17 -22.43 -0.36 5.91 20.91 12.68 -0.54 -17.81 > [91] -28.00 -8.56 -21.90 -25.96 -14.08 -11.93 31.47 44.24 76.68 > [100] 95.89 3542,3591c3428,3439 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -245.17 -102.17 -7.05 -224.29 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -93.64 -62.32 -57.55 -163.51 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -101.06 -88.12 -27.40 19.60 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -8.67 13.75 95.44 129.66 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < 300.01 405.32 754.57 893.72 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -21.57 5.98 12.49 -14.98 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < 2.84 6.48 1.91 -14.20 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -2.93 3.57 12.78 20.42 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < 0.54 10.36 8.54 18.09 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < 32.52 40.49 70.35 57.41 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -89.67 -26.48 37.61 -14.91 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < 5.25 -1.75 -18.45 -24.86 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -5.57 -10.31 15.44 37.81 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < 15.42 30.21 32.15 54.88 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < 79.62 117.67 165.32 228.26 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -30.95 -10.32 4.47 -5.22 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -7.17 0.37 -4.39 0.48 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < 7.49 9.09 16.82 17.50 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < 8.81 17.19 13.36 16.15 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < 21.17 33.14 60.85 64.86 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -64.23 -32.80 46.28 5.49 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 28.66 36.47 52.53 43.06 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 28.66 10.20 0.24 21.14 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 5.98 0.68 12.88 15.06 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 62.41 74.10 104.89 122.10 --- > [1] -245.17 -102.17 -7.05 -224.29 -93.64 -62.32 -57.55 -163.51 -101.06 > [10] -88.12 -27.40 19.60 -8.67 13.75 95.44 129.66 300.01 405.32 > [19] 754.57 893.72 -21.57 5.98 12.49 -14.98 2.84 6.48 1.91 > [28] -14.20 -2.93 3.57 12.78 20.42 0.54 10.36 8.54 18.09 > [37] 32.52 40.49 70.35 57.41 -89.67 -26.48 37.61 -14.91 5.25 > [46] -1.75 -18.45 -24.86 -5.57 -10.31 15.44 37.81 15.42 30.21 > [55] 32.15 54.88 79.62 117.67 165.32 228.26 -30.95 -10.32 4.47 > [64] -5.22 -7.17 0.37 -4.39 0.48 7.49 9.09 16.82 17.50 > [73] 8.81 17.19 13.36 16.15 21.17 33.14 60.85 64.86 -64.23 > [82] -32.80 46.28 5.49 28.66 36.47 52.53 43.06 28.66 10.20 > [91] 0.24 21.14 5.98 0.68 12.88 15.06 62.41 74.10 104.89 > [100] 122.10 3777,3826c3625,3636 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -304.02 -166.05 -71.64 -283.69 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -172.98 -142.13 -137.37 -241.09 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -180.20 -167.56 -107.50 -45.02 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -75.75 -55.48 25.01 58.20 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < 229.88 333.18 687.35 816.85 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -24.74 -0.44 5.33 -19.08 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -19.13 -15.89 -19.98 -34.26 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -24.26 -18.47 -10.24 12.36 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -5.46 3.28 1.53 10.09 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < 23.10 30.23 58.18 47.84 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -106.76 -48.72 11.47 -37.91 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -34.82 -41.40 -57.08 -63.23 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -45.26 -49.72 -25.44 11.51 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -10.29 3.16 4.36 25.89 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < 49.58 86.17 132.67 195.80 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -32.11 -14.12 -1.10 -9.67 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -27.20 -20.56 -24.78 -20.54 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -14.38 -12.98 -6.08 10.35 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < 2.51 9.95 6.49 9.04 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < 13.68 24.69 50.58 56.22 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -80.69 -51.98 21.90 -16.54 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -10.68 -3.16 12.04 2.98 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -10.65 -27.97 -37.17 -1.79 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -16.09 -21.18 -9.88 -7.82 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 37.23 48.26 77.39 95.80 --- > [1] -304.02 -166.05 -71.64 -283.69 -172.98 -142.13 -137.37 -241.09 -180.20 > [10] -167.56 -107.50 -45.02 -75.75 -55.48 25.01 58.20 229.88 333.18 > [19] 687.35 816.85 -24.74 -0.44 5.33 -19.08 -19.13 -15.89 -19.98 > [28] -34.26 -24.26 -18.47 -10.24 12.36 -5.46 3.28 1.53 10.09 > [37] 23.10 30.23 58.18 47.84 -106.76 -48.72 11.47 -37.91 -34.82 > [46] -41.40 -57.08 -63.23 -45.26 -49.72 -25.44 11.51 -10.29 3.16 > [55] 4.36 25.89 49.58 86.17 132.67 195.80 -32.11 -14.12 -1.10 > [64] -9.67 -27.20 -20.56 -24.78 -20.54 -14.38 -12.98 -6.08 10.35 > [73] 2.51 9.95 6.49 9.04 13.68 24.69 50.58 56.22 -80.69 > [82] -51.98 21.90 -16.54 -10.68 -3.16 12.04 2.98 -10.65 -27.97 > [91] -37.17 -1.79 -16.09 -21.18 -9.88 -7.82 37.23 48.26 77.39 > [100] 95.80 4012,4061c3822,3833 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -234.90 -94.57 -0.59 -215.51 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -101.31 -70.36 -65.48 -171.40 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -108.67 -95.85 -35.62 27.39 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -5.16 13.80 95.76 128.96 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < 302.76 405.82 759.21 887.67 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -14.15 13.88 19.98 -8.42 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -6.50 -2.84 -7.70 -24.10 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -12.45 -5.66 3.86 26.97 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < 6.37 16.11 13.31 22.77 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < 36.68 42.79 72.97 59.71 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -80.22 -16.44 47.62 -5.54 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -1.44 -8.72 -26.24 -34.18 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -15.16 -20.05 6.33 44.63 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < 19.03 31.83 31.45 54.25 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < 79.40 117.59 165.70 230.76 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -24.35 -3.27 11.63 1.54 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -16.57 -8.95 -14.02 -9.63 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -3.03 -1.56 6.32 23.16 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < 13.65 21.77 17.56 20.60 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < 26.05 38.23 66.75 72.26 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -55.60 -23.89 54.54 11.25 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 17.82 26.88 43.04 32.77 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 18.04 -0.33 -9.18 27.69 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 11.66 5.32 16.80 18.92 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 67.84 77.95 105.83 124.65 --- > [1] -234.90 -94.57 -0.59 -215.51 -101.31 -70.36 -65.48 -171.40 -108.67 > [10] -95.85 -35.62 27.39 -5.16 13.80 95.76 128.96 302.76 405.82 > [19] 759.21 887.67 -14.15 13.88 19.98 -8.42 -6.50 -2.84 -7.70 > [28] -24.10 -12.45 -5.66 3.86 26.97 6.37 16.11 13.31 22.77 > [37] 36.68 42.79 72.97 59.71 -80.22 -16.44 47.62 -5.54 -1.44 > [46] -8.72 -26.24 -34.18 -15.16 -20.05 6.33 44.63 19.03 31.83 > [55] 31.45 54.25 79.40 117.59 165.70 230.76 -24.35 -3.27 11.63 > [64] 1.54 -16.57 -8.95 -14.02 -9.63 -3.03 -1.56 6.32 23.16 > [73] 13.65 21.77 17.56 20.60 26.05 38.23 66.75 72.26 -55.60 > [82] -23.89 54.54 11.25 17.82 26.88 43.04 32.77 18.04 -0.33 > [91] -9.18 27.69 11.66 5.32 16.80 18.92 67.84 77.95 105.83 > [100] 124.65 4258,4307c4030,4041 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -292.99 -190.89 -119.63 -298.89 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -196.24 -107.38 -107.06 -198.05 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -144.16 -128.44 -81.98 -50.34 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -101.26 -91.74 -20.11 53.18 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < 219.90 320.34 693.79 841.94 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -61.17 -47.76 -47.84 -64.17 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -56.99 7.62 4.10 -3.54 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < 2.75 7.03 12.66 12.66 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < 0.35 3.73 -2.34 45.47 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < 48.63 42.62 55.70 40.48 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -109.71 -71.75 -29.74 -69.96 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -58.06 -1.27 -16.42 -28.21 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -18.28 -21.78 -3.22 10.53 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -17.29 -14.81 -20.67 39.14 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < 57.01 84.02 119.53 170.95 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -67.63 -58.14 -51.98 -58.26 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -60.00 6.35 2.60 1.47 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < 1.72 1.61 5.55 6.79 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -1.32 0.53 -3.09 43.75 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < 47.53 52.33 65.52 64.66 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -92.36 -73.35 -29.00 -72.46 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -61.75 13.04 23.89 13.20 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 2.49 -8.15 -7.84 4.49 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -9.52 -17.79 -13.98 31.48 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 67.85 67.02 75.41 87.33 --- > [1] -292.99 -190.89 -119.63 -298.89 -196.24 -107.38 -107.06 -198.05 -144.16 > [10] -128.44 -81.98 -50.34 -101.26 -91.74 -20.11 53.18 219.90 320.34 > [19] 693.79 841.94 -61.17 -47.76 -47.84 -64.17 -56.99 7.62 4.10 > [28] -3.54 2.75 7.03 12.66 12.66 0.35 3.73 -2.34 45.47 > [37] 48.63 42.62 55.70 40.48 -109.71 -71.75 -29.74 -69.96 -58.06 > [46] -1.27 -16.42 -28.21 -18.28 -21.78 -3.22 10.53 -17.29 -14.81 > [55] -20.67 39.14 57.01 84.02 119.53 170.95 -67.63 -58.14 -51.98 > [64] -58.26 -60.00 6.35 2.60 1.47 1.72 1.61 5.55 6.79 > [73] -1.32 0.53 -3.09 43.75 47.53 52.33 65.52 64.66 -92.36 > [82] -73.35 -29.00 -72.46 -61.75 13.04 23.89 13.20 2.49 -8.15 > [91] -7.84 4.49 -9.52 -17.79 -13.98 31.48 67.85 67.02 75.41 > [100] 87.33 4498,4547c4232,4243 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -247.97 -139.23 -66.86 -253.93 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -144.03 -56.11 -55.57 -151.05 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -93.84 -77.71 -30.04 2.59 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -49.79 -40.84 33.29 102.96 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < 272.27 373.13 743.92 893.11 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -49.94 -30.72 -29.95 -52.20 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -41.52 22.15 17.57 6.61 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < 15.38 21.09 28.65 29.57 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < 13.15 18.25 11.12 56.37 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < 61.46 55.16 72.29 53.78 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -95.70 -48.54 0.15 -46.04 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -32.02 22.16 4.46 -9.30 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < 2.59 -1.53 20.20 36.00 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < 3.73 6.30 -0.88 56.93 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < 77.09 106.91 145.36 200.17 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -59.14 -44.91 -35.74 -44.23 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -46.47 19.80 14.88 14.34 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < 15.61 15.70 21.16 22.65 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < 12.35 15.50 10.91 54.29 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < 59.20 66.02 83.60 83.05 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -77.02 -53.21 -0.53 -50.44 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -37.75 37.21 49.65 37.43 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 25.05 12.54 12.64 27.23 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 10.87 1.19 5.80 47.31 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 89.37 88.20 96.70 109.69 --- > [1] -247.97 -139.23 -66.86 -253.93 -144.03 -56.11 -55.57 -151.05 -93.84 > [10] -77.71 -30.04 2.59 -49.79 -40.84 33.29 102.96 272.27 373.13 > [19] 743.92 893.11 -49.94 -30.72 -29.95 -52.20 -41.52 22.15 17.57 > [28] 6.61 15.38 21.09 28.65 29.57 13.15 18.25 11.12 56.37 > [37] 61.46 55.16 72.29 53.78 -95.70 -48.54 0.15 -46.04 -32.02 > [46] 22.16 4.46 -9.30 2.59 -1.53 20.20 36.00 3.73 6.30 > [55] -0.88 56.93 77.09 106.91 145.36 200.17 -59.14 -44.91 -35.74 > [64] -44.23 -46.47 19.80 14.88 14.34 15.61 15.70 21.16 22.65 > [73] 12.35 15.50 10.91 54.29 59.20 66.02 83.60 83.05 -77.02 > [82] -53.21 -0.53 -50.44 -37.75 37.21 49.65 37.43 25.05 12.54 > [91] 12.64 27.23 10.87 1.19 5.80 47.31 89.37 88.20 96.70 > [100] 109.69 4736,4785c4432,4443 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -356.86 -171.81 -58.77 -315.65 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -156.46 -120.10 -113.28 -235.00 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -162.92 -150.08 -79.18 -25.26 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -46.37 -19.40 61.69 94.91 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < 246.77 333.75 593.53 680.49 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -67.61 -23.17 -9.79 -51.13 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -21.17 -15.10 -21.22 -47.20 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -29.88 -20.51 -6.87 8.62 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -20.58 -3.68 -1.84 14.57 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < 40.79 62.29 110.62 102.86 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -186.50 -94.64 -6.46 -74.15 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -45.52 -53.80 -73.51 -76.40 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -48.16 -54.27 -20.89 9.52 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -10.67 13.95 21.62 50.65 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < 81.07 127.66 184.31 256.18 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -79.87 -45.83 -20.97 -35.13 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -37.55 -25.00 -31.32 -20.24 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -6.12 -2.76 9.37 9.62 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -0.66 14.67 10.24 13.92 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < 20.88 41.23 86.29 99.22 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -149.88 -103.90 11.65 -31.76 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 2.91 8.66 29.98 20.45 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 2.08 -23.93 -42.72 -13.15 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -30.71 -34.23 -14.54 -11.12 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 48.31 69.92 118.53 143.44 --- > [1] -356.86 -171.81 -58.77 -315.65 -156.46 -120.10 -113.28 -235.00 -162.92 > [10] -150.08 -79.18 -25.26 -46.37 -19.40 61.69 94.91 246.77 333.75 > [19] 593.53 680.49 -67.61 -23.17 -9.79 -51.13 -21.17 -15.10 -21.22 > [28] -47.20 -29.88 -20.51 -6.87 8.62 -20.58 -3.68 -1.84 14.57 > [37] 40.79 62.29 110.62 102.86 -186.50 -94.64 -6.46 -74.15 -45.52 > [46] -53.80 -73.51 -76.40 -48.16 -54.27 -20.89 9.52 -10.67 13.95 > [55] 21.62 50.65 81.07 127.66 184.31 256.18 -79.87 -45.83 -20.97 > [64] -35.13 -37.55 -25.00 -31.32 -20.24 -6.12 -2.76 9.37 9.62 > [73] -0.66 14.67 10.24 13.92 20.88 41.23 86.29 99.22 -149.88 > [82] -103.90 11.65 -31.76 2.91 8.66 29.98 20.45 2.08 -23.93 > [91] -42.72 -13.15 -30.71 -34.23 -14.54 -11.12 48.31 69.92 118.53 > [100] 143.44 4972,5021c4630,4641 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -267.01 -83.65 28.56 -225.62 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -68.03 -32.02 -25.13 -145.50 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < -74.26 -61.72 8.66 62.43 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < 42.55 69.71 150.26 183.38 < General Motors General Motors General Motors General Motors < 334.05 420.79 678.98 766.35 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -59.52 -15.52 -2.20 -43.09 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -13.39 -7.37 -13.40 -39.14 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -22.00 -12.74 0.75 16.17 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < -12.71 4.06 5.99 22.28 < Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler < 48.35 69.89 117.90 110.40 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -145.36 -54.39 32.95 -33.96 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -5.57 -13.73 -33.14 -35.82 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < -7.77 -13.81 19.23 49.41 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < 29.74 54.35 62.16 90.98 < General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric < 121.17 167.45 223.76 295.16 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -73.67 -39.97 -15.33 -29.32 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -31.70 -19.27 -25.50 -14.46 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < -0.42 2.93 14.94 15.17 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < 5.07 20.30 15.94 19.57 < Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse < 26.44 46.63 91.34 104.25 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < -113.44 -67.92 46.68 4.10 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 38.57 44.10 65.23 55.90 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 37.72 11.90 -6.89 22.44 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 5.14 1.78 21.40 24.81 < US Steel US Steel US Steel US Steel < 83.60 105.28 153.92 178.71 --- > [1] -267.01 -83.65 28.56 -225.62 -68.03 -32.02 -25.13 -145.50 -74.26 > [10] -61.72 8.66 62.43 42.55 69.71 150.26 183.38 334.05 420.79 > [19] 678.98 766.35 -59.52 -15.52 -2.20 -43.09 -13.39 -7.37 -13.40 > [28] -39.14 -22.00 -12.74 0.75 16.17 -12.71 4.06 5.99 22.28 > [37] 48.35 69.89 117.90 110.40 -145.36 -54.39 32.95 -33.96 -5.57 > [46] -13.73 -33.14 -35.82 -7.77 -13.81 19.23 49.41 29.74 54.35 > [55] 62.16 90.98 121.17 167.45 223.76 295.16 -73.67 -39.97 -15.33 > [64] -29.32 -31.70 -19.27 -25.50 -14.46 -0.42 2.93 14.94 15.17 > [73] 5.07 20.30 15.94 19.57 26.44 46.63 91.34 104.25 -113.44 > [82] -67.92 46.68 4.10 38.57 44.10 65.23 55.90 37.72 11.90 > [91] -6.89 22.44 5.14 1.78 21.40 24.81 83.60 105.28 153.92 > [100] 178.71 Running 'translog.R' [4s] Comparing 'translog.Rout' to 'translog.Rout.save' ... OK Running 'translogCost.R' [2s] Comparing 'translogCost.Rout' to 'translogCost.Rout.save' ... OK * checking PDF version of manual ... OK * DONE Status: OK