* using log directory 'd:/Rcompile/CRANpkg/local/3.5/dbConnect.Rcheck' * using R version 3.5.3 (2019-03-11) * using platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32 (64-bit) * using session charset: ISO8859-1 * checking for file 'dbConnect/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * checking extension type ... Package * this is package 'dbConnect' version '1.0' * checking package namespace information ... OK * checking package dependencies ... OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking if there is a namespace ... OK * checking for hidden files and directories ... OK * checking for portable file names ... OK * checking whether package 'dbConnect' can be installed ... OK * checking installed package size ... OK * checking package directory ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE Malformed Title field: should not end in a period. * checking top-level files ... OK * checking for left-over files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK * checking use of S3 registration ... OK * checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE 'library' or 'require' calls to packages already attached by Depends: 'RMySQL' 'gWidgets' Please remove these calls from your code. * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... [8s] NOTE DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, cont = win): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in ggroup(vertical = TRUE, horizontal = FALSE, cont = g): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, cont = connectionGroup): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in glabel(text = "Server Host: ", cont = serverGroup): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in gedit(text = "headnode.stat.iastate.edu", editable = T, cont = serverGroup, width = 16): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in glabel(text = "Port: ", cont = serverGroup): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in gedit(text = "3306", editable = T, cont = serverGroup, width = 8): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in glabel(text = "Username: ", cont = userGroup): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in gedit(text = "2009Expo", editable = T, width = 34, cont = userGroup): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in glabel(text = "Password: ", cont = pwdGroup): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in gedit(text = "R R0cks", editable = T, width = 34, cont = pwdGroup): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in glabel(text = "Database: ", cont = dbGroup): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in gedit(text = "data_expo_2009", editable = T, width = 34, cont = dbGroup): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, cont = g): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in gbutton("Connect", cont = buttonGroup, handler = function(h, ...) {: partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in library(RMySQL): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in .dbhistory <<- paste(.dbhistory, "library(RMySQL)", sep = "\n"): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in drv <- dbDriver("MySQL"): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in .dbhistory <<- paste(.dbhistory, "drv <- dbDriver(\"MySQL\")", sep = "\n"): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in con <<- dbConnect(drv, user = svalue(user), password = svalue(pwd), port = as.numeric(svalue(port)), dbname = svalue(dbname), host = svalue(server)): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in .dbhistory <<- paste(.dbhistory, "\ncon <- dbConnect(drv, user = \"", svalue(user), "\", password = \"", svalue(pwd), "\", port = ", as.numeric(svalue(port)), ", dbname = \"", svalue(dbname), "\", host = \"", svalue(server), "\")", sep = ""): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in svalue(okButton) <- "Connected": partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in dispose(win): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in databaseViewer(con): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in }): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect: warning in gbutton("Close", cont = buttonGroup, handler = function(h, ...) {: partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : saveHist: warning in ggroup(hor = F, cont = win): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : saveHist: warning in ggroup(hor = F, cont = win): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : saveHist: warning in ggroup(hor = T, cont = gg): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : saveHist: warning in ggroup(hor = T, cont = gg): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : saveHist: warning in glabel("Save history to file?", cont = g1): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : saveHist: warning in glabel("Save in directory:", cont = g2): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : saveHist: warning in gedit(paste(getwd()), expand = T, cont = g2): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : saveHist: warning in glabel("Save as:", cont = g3): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : saveHist: warning in gedit("dbhistory.R", expand = T, cont = g3): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : saveHist: warning in gbutton("Save", handler = function(h, ...) {: partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : saveHist: warning in cat(dbhist, file = paste(svalue(dirline), "/", svalue(saveline), sep = "")): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : saveHist: warning in dispose(win): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : saveHist: warning in }, cont = g4): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : saveHist: warning in gbutton("Cancel", handler = function(h, ...) {: partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = F, cont = mainWindow, expand = T): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = F, cont = mainWindow, expand = T): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in gnotebook(cont = mainGroup, expand = T): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = F, cont = .db$main$notebook, label = "Data Viewer", expand = T): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = F, cont = .db$main$notebook, label = "Data Viewer", expand = T): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = F, cont = .db$main$notebook, label = "Variable Browser", expand = T): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = F, cont = .db$main$notebook, label = "Variable Browser", expand = T): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = T, cont = .db$main$notebook, label = "Subsample", expand = T): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = T, cont = .db$main$notebook, label = "Subsample", expand = T): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = F, cont = .db$main$notebook, label = "Query", expand = T): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = F, cont = .db$main$notebook, label = "Query", expand = T): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in gnotebook(cont = .db$main$nbList$line$group, expand = T): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = F, cont = .db$main$nbList$line$notebook, label = i, expand = T): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = F, cont = .db$main$nbList$line$notebook, label = i, expand = T): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = T, cont = .db$main$nbList$line$nbList[[i]]$group, expand = F): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = T, cont = .db$main$nbList$line$nbList[[i]]$group, expand = F): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in glabel(tablename, cont = .db$main$nbList$line$nbList[[i]]$infogroup): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in glabel(tablerows, cont = .db$main$nbList$line$nbList[[i]]$infogroup): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in gnotebook(cont = .db$main$nbList$variable$group, expand = T): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = F, cont = .db$main$nbList$variable$notebook, label = i, expand = T): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = F, cont = .db$main$nbList$variable$notebook, label = i, expand = T): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = T, cont = .db$main$nbList$variable$nbList[[i]]$group, expand = F): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = T, cont = .db$main$nbList$variable$nbList[[i]]$group, expand = F): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in glabel(tablename, cont = .db$main$nbList$variable$nbList[[i]]$infogroup): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in glabel(tablerows, cont = .db$main$nbList$variable$nbList[[i]]$infogroup): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in gradio(.db$tables$usable, hor = F): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in gframe("Tables", hor = F, expand = F, cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$group): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in gframe("Tables", hor = F, expand = F, cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$group): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = F, expand = F, cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$group): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = F, expand = F, cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$group): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = F, expand = F, cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$group): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = F, expand = F, cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$group): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = T, expand = F, cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$group): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = T, expand = F, cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$group): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = T, expand = F, cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$groupTop): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = T, expand = F, cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$groupTop): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in gbutton("Add Row", cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$groupBottom): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in gbutton("Remove Row", cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$groupBottom): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in gbutton("Reset to defaults", cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$groupBottom): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = T, cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$groupBottom): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = T, cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$groupBottom): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in glabel("Limit:", cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$top$limitGroup): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in gedit(.db$noLimit, cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$top$limitGroup): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in gbutton("Help", cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$groupBottom): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in gbutton("Execute Query", cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$rows[[1]]$group): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in gcombobox(.db$fields[[.db$tables$usable[1]]], cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$rows[[1]]$group): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in gcombobox(.db$compareOptions, cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$rows[[1]]$group, width = .db$optionComboBoxWidth): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in gedit(.db$initialValue, cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$rows[[1]]$group, expand = T): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : addRowHandler: warning in ggroup(hor = T, expand = T, ): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : addRowHandler: warning in gradio(c("AND", "OR"), hor = T, cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$rows[[i]]$group): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : addRowHandler: warning in gradio(c("AND", "OR"), hor = T, cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$rows[[i]]$group): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : addRowHandler: warning in gcombobox(.db$fields[[currentTable]], cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$rows[[i]]$group): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : addRowHandler: warning in gcombobox(.db$compareOptions, cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$rows[[i]]$group, width = .db$optionComboBoxWidth): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : addRowHandler: warning in gedit(.db$initialValue, cont = .db$main$nbList$subsample$right$rows[[i]]$group, expand = T): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : helpDialog: warning in ggroup(cont = window, hor = F): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : helpDialog: warning in ggroup(cont = window, hor = F): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : helpDialog: warning in ggroup(hor = F, expand = T, cont = group): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : helpDialog: warning in ggroup(hor = F, expand = T, cont = group): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : helpDialog: warning in gtext(strwrap(message, wrap), cont = top.group, expand = T, editable = F): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : helpDialog: warning in ggroup(hor = T, expand = F, cont = group): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : helpDialog: warning in ggroup(hor = T, expand = F, cont = group): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : helpDialog: warning in gbutton("ok", expand = T, handler = function(h, ...) {: partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : helpDialog: warning in dispose(window): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : helpDialog: warning in }, cont = bottom.group): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = T, cont = .db$main$nbList$query$group): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = T, cont = .db$main$nbList$query$group): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = T, cont = .db$main$nbList$query$queryLine$group): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = T, cont = .db$main$nbList$query$queryLine$group): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in gbutton("Run following query:", cont = .db$main$nbList$query$queryLine$leftGroup, ): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in gedit(starttext, cont = .db$main$nbList$query$queryLine$group, expand = T): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = T, cont = .db$main$nbList$query$tabLine$group): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = T, cont = .db$main$nbList$query$tabLine$group): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in glabel("Tab Name: ", cont = .db$main$nbList$query$tabLine$leftGroup): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in gedit("Tab", cont = .db$main$nbList$query$tabLine$group, expand = T): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = T, cont = .db$main$nbList$query$saveLine$group): partial argument match of 'hor' to 'horizontal' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in ggroup(hor = T, cont = .db$main$nbList$query$saveLine$group): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in gcheckbox("Save in R? ", cont = .db$main$nbList$query$saveLine$leftGroup, ): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: warning in gnotebook(cont = .db$main$nbList$query$group, expand = T): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : queryHandler: warning in gtable(as.data.frame(output), cont = .db$main$nbList$query$notebook, label = tabname): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container' DatabaseConnect : dlgConnect : : no visible global function definition for 'dbDriver' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer: no visible global function definition for 'dbGetQuery' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : lineHandler: no visible global function definition for 'dbGetQuery' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : variableHandler: no visible global function definition for 'dbGetQuery' DatabaseConnect : databaseViewer : queryHandler: no visible global function definition for 'dbGetQuery' Undefined global functions or variables: dbDriver dbGetQuery * checking Rd files ... OK * checking Rd metadata ... OK * checking Rd cross-references ... OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK * checking Rd \usage sections ... OK * checking Rd contents ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK * checking examples ... NONE * checking PDF version of manual ... OK * DONE Status: 3 NOTEs